[petsc-users] petsc4py csr sparse matrix different number of local rows at each processor

Cetinbas, Cankur Firat ccetinbas at anl.gov
Wed Dec 6 10:40:44 CST 2017


Is there a way to set different number of local rows for each processor when using createAIJ with csr option with petsc4py? In petsc documentation it is clearly shown ( set int m) but I couldn't figure it out with petsc4py.

I tried the following  but it did not work (ploc is the local number of rows, ptot is the total number of rows and it is square sparse matrix)

pA = PETSc.Mat().createAIJ(size=(ploc, ptot, ptot, ptot), csr=(indptr.astype(dtype='int32'), indices.astype(dtype='int32'), data))

For petsc4py the createAIJ inputs are as follows:
def petsc.Mat.Mat.createAIJ<https://sourcecodebrowser.com/petsc4py/0.7.5/classpetsc_1_1_mat_1_1_mat.html#a341230aed3f44e60da185aaf83572399>




bsize = None,

nz = None,

d_nz = None,

o_nz = None,

csr = None,

comm = None



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