[petsc-users] specifying vertex coordinates using DMPlexCreateFromCellListParallel

Barletta, Ivano ibarletta at inogs.it
Thu Apr 13 10:56:07 CDT 2017

I'm interested in this topic as well


2017-04-11 16:21 GMT+02:00 Hassan Raiesi <Hassan.Raiesi at aero.bombardier.com>

> Hello,
> I’m trying to use DMPlexCreateFromCellListParallel to create a DM from an
> already partitioned mesh,
> It requires an array of numVertices*spaceDim numbers, but how should one
> order the coordinates of the vertices?
> we only pass the global vertex numbers using ‘const int cells[]’ to define
> the cell-connectivity, so passing the vertex coordinates in local ordering
> wouldn’t make sense?
> If it needs to be in global ordering, should I sort the global index of
> the node numbers owned by each rank (as they wont be continuous).
> Thank you
> Hassan Raiesi,
> Bombardier Aerospace
> www.bombardier.com
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