[petsc-users] question

Gideon Simpson gideon.simpson at gmail.com
Mon Oct 24 15:13:54 CDT 2016

I just mean that if I were working a Newton iteration by hand, i.e.,

x_{n+1} = x_n - J^{-1} F(x_n),

I’d be able to count the number of Newton iterations.  I’m trying to see how that count would relate to the numbers reported by snes_view.  I’m guessing that -snes_monitor is giving a more consistent count of this?


> On Oct 24, 2016, at 4:11 PM, Jed Brown <jed at jedbrown.org> wrote:
> Gideon Simpson <gideon.simpson at gmail.com> writes:
>> Ok, so if I’m doing the default Newton Line Search, how would I interpret the 5 and the 20, vis a vis what I would be doing with pencil and paper?
> I don't know what you're doing with pencil and paper.  It's just
> counting the number of residual evaluations and solver iterations
> (Jacobian and preconditioner application).  Use -snes_monitor
> -snes_linesearch_monitor -ksp_monitor for the details.

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