[petsc-users] solving system with 2x2 block size
Manav Bhatia
bhatiamanav at gmail.com
Tue Nov 15 17:16:35 CST 2016
I tried the options "-mat_type baij” and that seemed to change the type of matrix to BAIJ.
I am now experimenting with various preconditioners (ILU, ASM, etc.), and things seem to be working fine so far.
KSP Object:(fluid_complex_) 4 MPI processes
type: gmres
GMRES: restart=30, using Classical (unmodified) Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization with no iterative refinement
GMRES: happy breakdown tolerance 1e-30
maximum iterations=10000, initial guess is zero
tolerances: relative=1e-10, absolute=1e-50, divergence=10000.
left preconditioning
using PRECONDITIONED norm type for convergence test
PC Object:(fluid_complex_) 4 MPI processes
type: asm
Additive Schwarz: total subdomain blocks = 4, amount of overlap = 1
Additive Schwarz: restriction/interpolation type - RESTRICT
Local solve is same for all blocks, in the following KSP and PC objects:
KSP Object: (fluid_complex_sub_) 1 MPI processes
type: gmres
GMRES: restart=30, using Classical (unmodified) Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization with no iterative refinement
GMRES: happy breakdown tolerance 1e-30
maximum iterations=10000, initial guess is zero
tolerances: relative=1e-05, absolute=1e-50, divergence=10000.
left preconditioning
using PRECONDITIONED norm type for convergence test
PC Object: (fluid_complex_sub_) 1 MPI processes
type: ilu
ILU: out-of-place factorization
3 levels of fill
tolerance for zero pivot 2.22045e-14
matrix ordering: natural
factor fill ratio given 1., needed 2.32913
Factored matrix follows:
Mat Object: 1 MPI processes
type: seqbaij
rows=294752, cols=294752, bs=2
package used to perform factorization: petsc
total: nonzeros=49050496, allocated nonzeros=49050496
total number of mallocs used during MatSetValues calls =0
block size is 2
linear system matrix = precond matrix:
Mat Object: (fluid_complex_) 1 MPI processes
type: seqbaij
rows=294752, cols=294752, bs=2
total: nonzeros=21059584, allocated nonzeros=21059584
total number of mallocs used during MatSetValues calls =0
block size is 2
linear system matrix = precond matrix:
Mat Object: (fluid_complex_) 4 MPI processes
type: mpibaij
rows=1158728, cols=1158728, bs=2
total: nonzeros=83105344, allocated nonzeros=83266816
total number of mallocs used during MatSetValues calls =0
block size is 2
> On Nov 15, 2016, at 3:34 PM, Barry Smith <bsmith at mcs.anl.gov> wrote:
>> On Nov 15, 2016, at 3:23 PM, Manav Bhatia <bhatiamanav at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I have a complex system, (A + i B) (x + i y) = (f + ig), that I am trying to solve using real matrices:
>> [A -B; B A ] [x; y] = [f; g]
>> So, the 2x2 block is made of the real and imaginary component of each entry in the complex matrix.
>> I am following the discussion in the following paper:
>> DAY D. \& HEROUX M.A. 2001. Solving complex-valued linear systems via equivalent real formulations. \textit{SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing} 23: 480-498.
>> Following is an excerpt.
>> **********************************************************************************
>> The matrix K in the K formulation has a natural 2-by-2 block structure that can be exploited by using block entry data structures. Using the block entry features of these packages has the following benefits.
>> • Applying 2-by-2 block Jacobi scaling to K corresponds exactly to applying point Jacobi scaling to C.
>> • The block sparsity pattern of K exactly matches the point sparsity pattern of C. Thus any pattern-based preconditioners such as block ILU(l) applied to K correspond exactly to ILU(l) applied to C. See section 4 for definitions of block ILU(l) and ILU(l).
>> • Any drop tolerance-based complex preconditioner has a straightforward K formulation since the absolute value of a complex entry equals the scaled Frobenius norm of the corresponding block entry in K.
>> **********************************************************************************
>> The paper additional outlines the challenges of the poor spectral properties of the equivalent real system.
>> So, I am assembling the system with a 2x2 block, but am not sure how to best pick the right solver options in Petsc.
>> I agree that I am getting confused by the “block” nomenclature. Particularly, I am not sure how to reconcile the different notions with points 1 and 2 from the paper (noted above).
> In PETSc we call this 2x2 block Jacobi "point-block Jacobi" you can use the option -pc_type pbjacobi. The ILU() in PETSc can also be "point block", this is obtained with the usual -pc_type ilu (that is there is no different preconditioner name for ILU point block). To use all these things you need to make your matrix a BAIJ matrix (not an AIJ) and set its block size to 2.
> Have you tried solving the matrices as complex? Is there a reason you wish to reformulate them as real?
> The convergence of iterative methods (either with real or complex numbers) depends on the properties of the A and B (i.e. C) matrix. Where does the C matrix come from? There are many applications that result in complex matrices that are poorly conditioned for iterative methods.
> Barry
>> Any guidance would be appreciated!
>> Thanks,
>> Manav
>>> On Nov 15, 2016, at 3:12 PM, Barry Smith <bsmith at mcs.anl.gov> wrote:
>>> We can help you if you provide more information about what the blocks represent in your problem.
>>> Do you have two degrees of freedom at each grid point? What physically are the two degrees of freedom. What equations are you solving?
>>> I think you may be mixing up the "matrix block size" of 2 with the blocks in "block Jacobi". Though both are called "block" they really don't have anything to do with each other.
>>> Barry
>>>> On Nov 15, 2016, at 3:03 PM, Manav Bhatia <bhatiamanav at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I am setting up a matrix with the following calls. The intent is to solve the system with a 2x2 block size.
>>>> What combinations of KSP/PC will effectively translate to solving this block matrix system?
>>>> I saw a discussion about bjacobi in the manual with the following calls (I omitted the prefixes from my actual command):
>>>> -pc_type bjacobi -pc_bjacobi_blocks 2 -sub_ksp_type preonly -sub_pc_type lu -ksp_view
>>>> which provides the following output:
>>>> KSP Object:(fluid_complex_) 1 MPI processes
>>>> type: gmres
>>>> GMRES: restart=30, using Classical (unmodified) Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization with no iterative refinement
>>>> GMRES: happy breakdown tolerance 1e-30
>>>> maximum iterations=10000, initial guess is zero
>>>> tolerances: relative=1e-05, absolute=1e-50, divergence=10000.
>>>> left preconditioning
>>>> using PRECONDITIONED norm type for convergence test
>>>> PC Object:(fluid_complex_) 1 MPI processes
>>>> type: bjacobi
>>>> block Jacobi: number of blocks = 2
>>>> Local solve is same for all blocks, in the following KSP and PC objects:
>>>> KSP Object: (fluid_complex_sub_) 1 MPI processes
>>>> type: preonly
>>>> maximum iterations=10000, initial guess is zero
>>>> tolerances: relative=1e-05, absolute=1e-50, divergence=10000.
>>>> left preconditioning
>>>> using NONE norm type for convergence test
>>>> PC Object: (fluid_complex_sub_) 1 MPI processes
>>>> type: lu
>>>> LU: out-of-place factorization
>>>> tolerance for zero pivot 2.22045e-14
>>>> matrix ordering: nd
>>>> factor fill ratio given 5., needed 5.70941
>>>> Factored matrix follows:
>>>> Mat Object: 1 MPI processes
>>>> type: seqaij
>>>> rows=36844, cols=36844
>>>> package used to perform factorization: petsc
>>>> total: nonzeros=14748816, allocated nonzeros=14748816
>>>> total number of mallocs used during MatSetValues calls =0
>>>> using I-node routines: found 9211 nodes, limit used is 5
>>>> linear system matrix = precond matrix:
>>>> Mat Object: (fluid_complex_) 1 MPI processes
>>>> type: seqaij
>>>> rows=36844, cols=36844
>>>> total: nonzeros=2583248, allocated nonzeros=2583248
>>>> total number of mallocs used during MatSetValues calls =0
>>>> using I-node routines: found 9211 nodes, limit used is 5
>>>> linear system matrix = precond matrix:
>>>> Mat Object: (fluid_complex_) 1 MPI processes
>>>> type: seqaij
>>>> rows=73688, cols=73688, bs=2
>>>> total: nonzeros=5224384, allocated nonzeros=5224384
>>>> total number of mallocs used during MatSetValues calls =0
>>>> using I-node routines: found 18422 nodes, limit used is 5
>>>> Likewise, I tried to use a more generic option:
>>>> -mat_set_block_size 2 -ksp_type gmres -pc_type ilu -sub_ksp_type preonly -sub_pc_type lu -ksp_view
>>>> with the following output:
>>>> Linear fluid_complex_ solve converged due to CONVERGED_RTOL iterations 38
>>>> KSP Object:(fluid_complex_) 1 MPI processes
>>>> type: gmres
>>>> GMRES: restart=30, using Classical (unmodified) Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization with no iterative refinement
>>>> GMRES: happy breakdown tolerance 1e-30
>>>> maximum iterations=10000, initial guess is zero
>>>> tolerances: relative=1e-05, absolute=1e-50, divergence=10000.
>>>> left preconditioning
>>>> using PRECONDITIONED norm type for convergence test
>>>> PC Object:(fluid_complex_) 1 MPI processes
>>>> type: ilu
>>>> ILU: out-of-place factorization
>>>> 0 levels of fill
>>>> tolerance for zero pivot 2.22045e-14
>>>> matrix ordering: natural
>>>> factor fill ratio given 1., needed 1.
>>>> Factored matrix follows:
>>>> Mat Object: 1 MPI processes
>>>> type: seqaij
>>>> rows=73688, cols=73688, bs=2
>>>> package used to perform factorization: petsc
>>>> total: nonzeros=5224384, allocated nonzeros=5224384
>>>> total number of mallocs used during MatSetValues calls =0
>>>> using I-node routines: found 18422 nodes, limit used is 5
>>>> linear system matrix = precond matrix:
>>>> Mat Object: (fluid_complex_) 1 MPI processes
>>>> type: seqaij
>>>> rows=73688, cols=73688, bs=2
>>>> total: nonzeros=5224384, allocated nonzeros=5224384
>>>> total number of mallocs used during MatSetValues calls =0
>>>> using I-node routines: found 18422 nodes, limit used is 5
>>>> Are other PC types expected to translate to the block matrices?
>>>> I would appreciate any guidance.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Manav
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