[petsc-users] Questions about ASM in petsc4py
Jed Brown
jed at jedbrown.org
Wed Mar 16 12:15:15 CDT 2016
Chih-Hao Chen <chih-hao.chen2 at mail.mcgill.ca> writes:
> Hello Jed,
> Thanks for the information.
> In ex8.c about ASM example,
> we can use “FOR” loop to get the subKsp from each domain with :
> ierr = PCASMGetSubKSP(kspPc, &nlocal, &first, &subksp)
> where subksp can be accessed through its index like subksp[i].
> Do yo mean if I run two subdomains with two processors successfully,
> then I would be able to use subksp[1] to get 2nd subKsp from the 2nd processor?
> Am I correct?
It sounds like you are not familiar with how distributed memory/MPI
works. Each process has a separate address space, so there is no way
that rank 0 can have a serial object that lives on rank 1. It would be
well worth your time to check out the tutorials or other MPI resources
to get the hang of thinking in distributed memory.
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