[petsc-users] SNESFAS for an unstructured mesh

Lawrence Mitchell lawrence.mitchell at imperial.ac.uk
Wed Jun 29 13:58:27 CDT 2016

> On 29 Jun 2016, at 19:47, Khai Pham <khaipham at utexas.edu> wrote:
> Thanks for your response. Is DMMoad is other special kind of data structure in Petsc? I'd like to use the petsc FAS for the finite element code in our group and all the data structure for mesh topology is all set. Thus I try to avoid all petsc data structure. As far as I know the FAS will construct the coarse solution based on DM for structured grid and DMPlex for unstructured grid as in ex12. Would it be possible to use FAS without using petsc DM/DMPlex by adding extra code? How much effort would you estimate? Thanks !

You can use a DMShell and just implement the needed grid transfer operations using your own data structures and then use the DMShellSetXXX interfaces to hook them up. 


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