[petsc-users] Regarding ksp ex42 - Citations

domenico lahaye domenico_lahaye at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 14 12:21:32 CDT 2016

Dear PETSc team, 

1) I am looking into ks/examples/tutorials/ex42.c I am still new to the DMDA structure
    and likely not giving it as much time as it deserves. However, I do not see immediately 
    what function is responsible for calling PCMGSetSmoother and PCMGSetResidual. 

     I tried to call PCMGGetCoarseSolve(pc, &kcpc) and subsequently 
     KSPGetOperators (kspc, ... ) to check how the coarse grid operator is defined 
     after calling DMCoarsenHierarchy, but that failed. 

     I am solving Helmholtz with shifted Laplace, and managed to exploit DMDA to perform 
     a multigrid solve on the preconditioner. In a next stage I want to implement the deflation 
     using DMDA as well. 

2) On http://www.mcs.anl.gov/petsc/documentation/referencing.html I see 

            author = {Satish Balay and Shrirang Abhyankar and Mark~F. Adams and Jed Brown and Peter Brune
                      and Kris Buschelman and Lisandro Dalcin and Victor Eijkhout and William~D. Gropp
                      and Dinesh Kaushik and Matthew~G. Knepley
                      and Lois Curfman McInnes and Karl Rupp and Barry~F. Smith
                      and Stefano Zampini and Hong Zhang and Hong Zhang},
            title =  {{PETS}c {W}eb page},
            url =    {http://www.mcs.anl.gov/petsc},
            howpublished = {\url{http://www.mcs.anl.gov/petsc}},
            year = {2016}

Is the last author mentioned twice intentionally? 

3) On http://www.mcs.anl.gov/petsc/publications/petscapps-bib.html#OpenFOAM%202.2.1 I see 


 |  title  |  =  | "OpenFOAM", |
 |  howpublished  |  =  | "\url{http://www.openfoam.com}", |
 |  url  |  =  | {http://www.openfoam.com}, |
 |  note  |  =  | "OpenFOAM is a free, open source CFD software package. It allows PETSc linear algebra and solvers to be used underneath.", |
 |  key  |  =  | "OpenFOAM 2.2.1" |


Do you have more information on the use of PETSc within OpenFoam? 

4) @matt in response to a question he raised in Vienna

MIPSE is a BEM solver. Details are on: 

Cheers, Domenico Lahaye. 

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