[petsc-users] Preconditioners for KSPSolveTranspose() in linear elasticity

Jed Brown jed at jedbrown.org
Thu Jan 21 21:48:08 CST 2016

"Salazar De Troya, Miguel" <salazardetro1 at llnl.gov> writes:

> I write the boundary conditions using their DirichletBoundary class, not
> the penalty term. 

> The options I¹m using are ones that I found in the libMesh mail list
> from a user who suggested them for elasticity problems.  The idea he
> mentioned was to use field split to separate each field of the
> displacement vector solution. I honestly do not know the role of
> -pc_fieldsplit_type symmetric_multiplicative, but it was working for
> me.

I would use GAMG or ML (without fieldsplit; set a near null space)
instead of Hypre, because the algorithm is usually better for
elasticity.  Fieldsplit can work for this, but the performance degrades
for higher Poisson ratio.  In any case,

  "-pc_fieldsplit_0 0,1"

is ignored (I think) and "-pc_fieldsplit_0_fields 0,1" is likely not
what you want.
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