[petsc-users] Most efficient way to set a matrix representing the linearized operator

Timothée Nicolas timothee.nicolas at gmail.com
Fri Sep 4 10:20:07 CDT 2015


(short version at the end)

I am starting to write the matrices for the preconditioner of my
application. It's a physics-based preconditioner (L Chacon Journal of
Comput. Phys.  2002, 2003 and Physics of Plasmas 2010 if you want to know
more), so I must compute the linearized operators as matrices. I then plan
to use KSP Multigrid to invert the resulting linear systems.

My question is, what is the most efficient way of setting the matrices for
linearized operators in the context of a 3D grid handled with DMDA and
several degrees of freedom (8 in my case) ? Take for instance a term like
curl(v x B) in the induction equation, which, linearized, gives curl(v0 x .
) for the magnetic part. I think the logical approach is to use vectors of
the form (0,...,0,1,0,...,0) and to compute the result of the operator, and
store it in the matrix by columns using MatSetValuesStencil. The matrix is
created with DMCreateMatrix.

Since all the vectors have mostly zeros, by writing by hand what parts you
need to compute, the number of evaluations for each vector is only the
number of nonzeros in a column, typically 21 in my case (7 point stencil *
3 directions), so the total number of evaluations of the operator should be
reasonable and efficient that way.

It gives promising results, however I am having trouble handling the
regions at the interface between the processors. Because if your vector has
its only non zero value on a grid point which is on the boundary between
two processors, then it means that one of the non-zero value in the result
vector will be living on a ghost point. And to compute the operator at this
ghost point, you need an *extra* ghost point, which makes the whole thing
quite cumbersome. You could of course increase the stencil_width of the
DMDA by one, but it does not seem the good approach.

Instead, I was wondering if it would be possible to write the matrix by
column vectors. So I would still create vectors of the form
(0,...,0,1,0,...,0) but in Petsc Vec type, then compute the result directly
in Petsc Vec, and put this vector in the matrix as a column. But somehow it
does not seem really efficient, unless there is a way Petsc knows that the
vector you input has mostly zeros, as well as the result vector.

So, in short

1. How would you compute a matrix representing an operator in a 3D system
with several degrees of freedom in the most efficient way ?

And two other question related to this matter:

2. When I do the Multigrid inversion, I will momentarily ignore 3 degrees
of freedom (the velocity). What is the more efficient between (i) putting 1
everywhere on the diagonal in the velocity part or (ii) somehow create a
new DMDA with 8-3 = 5 degrees of freedom to handle the problem separately.

3. When I use DMCreateMatrix, do I have to preallocate the matrix ? I have
tried, but got errors like
[11]PETSC ERROR: New nonzero at (296,296) caused a malloc
off this check

which could not be prevented by using the advised MatSetOption(A,

Sorry for the long question


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