[petsc-users] MatPtAP for involving MPIDENSE and MPIAIJ matrices

Jed Brown jed at jedbrown.org
Fri Oct 16 10:25:29 CDT 2015

Hong <hzhang at mcs.anl.gov> writes:

> Jed:
>> > I plan to implement MatTransposeMatMult_MPIDense_MPIDense via
>> >
>> > 1. add MatTransposeMatMult_elemental_elemental()
>> > 2. C_dense = P_dense^T * B_dense
>> >     via MatConvert_dense_elemental() and MatConvert_elemental_dense()
>> The above involves a ton of data movement and MPIDense is a logical
>> distribution for matrices with a modest number of columns.  I think I
>> would just do the local GEMM and then MPI_Reduce_scatter it.
> This would work.
> However, I recall that you did a smart ordering which allows
> MatConvert_mpidense_elemental() uses same physical matrix storage for petsc
> and elemental, 

Same storage for vectors.  This is your code, but I think you'll find
that it moves the matrix entries around.  (Note that Elemental [MC,MR]
is a 2D distribution while MPIDense is 1D.)  Also, I think it would be
better if this particular operation did not depend on Elemental.

You could write a conversion to Elemental [VC,*], which would then match
the MPIDense distribution and thus not need to move any matrix entries.
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