[petsc-users] [Fwd: Re: saving views as images]

Theler German Guillermo gtheler at cites-gss.com
Thu Mar 12 12:49:36 CDT 2015

On Wed, 2015-03-11 at 13:47 -0500, Barry Smith wrote:
>    Thanks for the suggestions and observations. I have made a new branch barry/improve-afterimage

Works like a charm! But note that the "reserved" line
in your definition of PetscAfterImageFormats in xinit.c:305 the
"reserved" follows mi previous e-mail, that was originally quoted from
libAfterImage's documentation. That line is a comment. I think it should
match the definitions that start at line 133 of the file import.c in
libAfterImage source

> that allows one to set the file format saved by passing it in the filename. On

Nice! Remember to include in the PETSc documentation the fact that
three-letter extension ".jpg" does not work and that the user should
pass ".jpeg" as extension.

> my Mac with the --download-afterimage only .Gif and .Jpeg formats are supported (by Afterimage) but that will depend on your install of Afterimage I guess (Png gives me the same error message you get).

My configure script complains about --download-afterimage:

gtheler at blinky:~/libs/petsc-afterimage$ ./configure
             Configuring PETSc to compile on your
TESTING: alternateConfigureLibrary from
         UNABLE to CONFIGURE with GIVEN OPTIONS    (see configure.log
for details):
External package afterimage does not support --download-afterimage

gtheler at blinky:~/libs/petsc-afterimage$

The zlib error is raised in libpng12's in pngwutil.c:557 because a call
to zlib's deflateInit2 does not return Z_OK. I will investigate this
issue in more detail.

Thanks for your time
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