[petsc-users] Apply operator to linearised system before solving?

Asbjørn Nilsen Riseth riseth at maths.ox.ac.uk
Wed Jun 10 19:23:08 CDT 2015

Hi Matt,

1) K =
[               I                   0 ;
-A10*inv(diag(A00))     I  ]

There is a typo in my first email: S = Atilde11 = A11 -

2) I'd like to have the linear solver close to what these people currently
use. My ultimate goal is to look at nonlinear solver strategies, not
improve their linear solver. I already have a PC that seems to work fine
for my purposes, but was hoping I could implement this version of CPR to
get even closer to their current systems.


On Thu, 11 Jun 2015 at 00:54 Matthew Knepley <knepley at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Wed, Jun 10, 2015 at 6:30 PM, Asbjørn Nilsen Riseth <
> riseth at maths.ox.ac.uk> wrote:
>> Dear PETSc community,
>> I'm trying to implement a preconditioner used in reservoir modelling,
>> called Constrained Pressure Residual.
>> They apply a transformation to the linearised system we get from each
>> Newton step, before solving it. Then a 2-stage multiplicative
>> preconditioner on the transformed system.
> 1) What is K?
> 2) Do you care about the 2-stage thing, or would any Stokes solver do?
>   Thanks,
>     Matt
>> The main problem is implementing step 1 below.
>> Let A be the Jacobian, b the residual and K my transformation.
>> A = [A00 A01; A10 A11].
>> The process is roughly like this:
>> 1) Set Atilde = KA,  btilde = Kb.
>>  - We want to solve Atilde x =  btilde
>> 2) Create a 2-stage multiplicative preconditioner using Atilde, btilde
>> pc0: This is only applied to the "fieldsplit 1" block of my system.
>> B_1 = [0 0; 0 S^-1]
>> Where S is a selfp Schur approximation from Atilde
>> S =  Atilde11 - Atilde10 * inv(diag(Atilde00))* Atilde01
>> pc1: This is a standard ILU on the whole system Atilde
>> Currently I'm doing something like this
>> Step 1:
>> -ksp_type richardson -ksp_max_it 1
>> -pc_type python
>> Then I create Atilde from KA in PCSetup, and a FGMRES ksp to take care of
>> step 2 with PCApply
>> Step 2:
>> pc_type composite
>> pc_composite_type multiplicative
>> pc_composite_pcs python,ilu,
>> Are there better ways of dealing with this transformation?
>> To me it looks similar to a 2-step right preconditioner on top of a left
>> preconditioner.
>> Regards,
>> Ozzy
> --
> What most experimenters take for granted before they begin their
> experiments is infinitely more interesting than any results to which their
> experiments lead.
> -- Norbert Wiener
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