[petsc-users] KSP changes for successive solver
Michele Rosso
mrosso at uci.edu
Fri Jul 24 13:35:13 CDT 2015
Hi Mark and Barry,
I am sorry for my late reply: it was a busy week!
I run a test case for a larger problem with as many levels (i.e. 5) of
MG I could and GAMG as PC at the coarse level. I attached the output of
info ( after grep for "gmag"), ksp_view and log_summary.
The solve takes about 2 seconds on 8192 cores, which is way too much.
The number of iterations to convergence is 24.
I hope there is a way to speed it up.
On Fri, 2015-07-17 at 09:38 -0400, Mark Adams wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 16, 2015 at 8:18 PM, Michele Rosso <mrosso at uci.edu> wrote:
> Barry,
> thank you very much for the detailed answer. I tried what you
> suggested and it works.
> So far I tried on a small system but the final goal is to use
> it for very large runs. How does PCGAMG compares to PCMG as
> far as performances and scalability are concerned?
> Also, could you help me to tune the GAMG part ( my current
> setup is in the attached ksp_view.txt file )?
> I am going to add this to the document today but you can run with
> -info. This is very noisy so you might want to do the next step at
> run time. Then grep on GAMG. This will be about 20 lines. Send that
> to us and we can go from there.
> Mark
> I also tried to use superlu_dist for the LU decomposition on
> mg_coarse_mg_sub_
> -mg_coarse_mg_coarse_sub_pc_type lu
> -mg_coarse_mg_coarse_sub_pc_factor_mat_solver_package
> superlu_dist
> but I got an error:
> ****** Error in MC64A/AD. INFO(1) = -2
> ****** Error in MC64A/AD. INFO(1) = -2
> ****** Error in MC64A/AD. INFO(1) = -2
> ****** Error in MC64A/AD. INFO(1) = -2
> ****** Error in MC64A/AD. INFO(1) = -2
> ****** Error in MC64A/AD. INFO(1) = -2
> ****** Error in MC64A/AD. INFO(1) = -2
> symbfact() error returns 0
> symbfact() error returns 0
> symbfact() error returns 0
> symbfact() error returns 0
> symbfact() error returns 0
> symbfact() error returns 0
> symbfact() error returns 0
> Thank you,
> Michele
> On Thu, 2015-07-16 at 18:07 -0500, Barry Smith wrote:
> >
> > > On Jul 16, 2015, at 5:42 PM, Michele Rosso <mrosso at uci.edu> wrote:
> > >
> > > Barry,
> > >
> > > thanks for your reply. So if I want it fixed, I will have to use the master branch, correct?
> >
> > Yes, or edit mg.c and remove the offending lines of code (easy enough).
> > >
> > > On a side note, what I am trying to achieve is to be able to use how many levels of MG I want, despite the limitation imposed by the local number of grid nodes.
> >
> > I assume you are talking about with DMDA? There is no generic limitation for PETSc's multigrid, it is only with the way the DMDA code figures out the interpolation that causes a restriction.
> >
> > > So far I am using a borrowed code that implements a PC that creates a sub communicator and perform MG on it.
> > > While reading the documentation I found out that PCMGSetLevels takes in an optional array of communicators. How does this work?
> >
> > It doesn't work. It was an idea that never got pursued.
> >
> > > Can I can simply define my matrix and rhs on the fine grid as I would do normally ( I do not use kspsetoperators and kspsetrhs ) and KSP would take care of it by using the correct communicator for each level?
> >
> > No.
> >
> > You can use the PCMG geometric multigrid with DMDA for as many levels as it works and then use PCGAMG as the coarse grid solver. PCGAMG automatically uses fewer processes for the coarse level matrices and vectors. You could do this all from the command line without writing code.
> >
> > For example if your code uses a DMDA and calls KSPSetDM() use for example -da_refine 3 -pc_type mg -pc_mg_galerkin -mg_coarse_pc_type gamg -ksp_view
> >
> >
> >
> > Barry
> >
> >
> > >
> > > Thanks,
> > > Michele
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > On Thu, 2015-07-16 at 17:30 -0500, Barry Smith wrote:
> > >> Michel,
> > >>
> > >> This is a very annoying feature that has been fixed in master
> > >> http://www.mcs.anl.gov/petsc/developers/index.html
> > >> I would like to have changed it in maint but Jed would have a shit-fit :-) since it changes behavior.
> > >>
> > >> Barry
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> > On Jul 16, 2015, at 4:53 PM, Michele Rosso <mrosso at uci.edu> wrote:
> > >> >
> > >> > Hi,
> > >> >
> > >> > I am performing a series of solves inside a loop. The matrix for each solve changes but not enough to justify a rebuilt of the PC at each solve.
> > >> > Therefore I am using KSPSetReusePreconditioner to avoid rebuilding unless necessary. The solver is CG + MG with a custom PC at the coarse level.
> > >> > If KSP is not updated each time, everything works as it is supposed to.
> > >> > When instead I allow the default PETSc behavior, i.e. updating PC every time the matrix changes, the coarse level KSP , initially set to PREONLY, is changed into GMRES
> > >> > after the first solve. I am not sure where the problem lies (my PC or PETSc), so I would like to have your opinion on this.
> > >> > I attached the ksp_view for the 2 successive solve and the options stack.
> > >> >
> > >> > Thanks for your help,
> > >> > Michel
> > >> >
> > >> >
> > >> >
> > >> > <ksp_view.txt><petsc_options.txt>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >
> >
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[0] PCSetUp_GAMG(): level 0) N=8192, n data rows=1, n data cols=1, nnz/row (ave)=7, np=8192
[0] PCGAMGFilterGraph(): 100% nnz after filtering, with threshold 0, 4 nnz ave. (N=8192)
[0] PCGAMGCoarsen_AGG(): Square Graph on level 1 of 1 to square
[0] PCGAMGProlongator_AGG(): New grid 1005 nodes
[0] PCGAMGOptProlongator_AGG(): Smooth P0: max eigen=1.876420e+00 min=1.105137e-01 PC=jacobi
[135] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqA[0] PCGAMGCreateLevel_GAMG(): Number of equations (loc) 0 with simple aggregation
[0] PCSetUp_GAMG(): 1) N=1005, n data cols=1, nnz/row (ave)=27, 16 active pes
[0] PCGAMGFilterGraph(): 100% nnz after filtering, with threshold 0, 20.5645 nnz ave. (N=1005)
[0] PCGAMGProlongator_AGG(): New grid 103 nodes
[0] PCGAMGOptProlongator_AGG(): Smooth P0: max eigen=1.461408e+00 min=1.226917e-03 PC=jacobi
[0] PCGAMGCreateLevel_GAMG(): Number of equations (loc) 8 with simple aggregation
[0] PCSetUp_GAMG(): 2) N=103, n data cols=1, nnz/row (ave)=55, 2 active pes
[94] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using[0] PCGAMGFilterGraph(): 100% nnz after filtering, with threshold 0, 55.5049 nnz ave. (N=103)
[0] PCGAMGProlongator_AGG(): New grid 6 nodes
[0] PCGAMGOptProlongator_AGG(): Smooth P0: max eigen=1.697064e+00 min=2.669349e-04 PC=jacobi
[0] PCGAMGCreateLevel_GAMG(): Number of equations (loc) 6 with simple aggregation
[0] PCSetUp_GAMG(): 3) N=6, n data cols=1, nnz/row (ave)=6, 1 active pes
[0] PCSetUp_GAMG(): 4 levels, grid complexity = 1.60036
type: gamg
GAMG specific options
[0] PCSetUp_GAMG(): level 0) N=8192, n data rows=1, n data cols=1, nnz/row (ave)=7, np=8192
[125] MatAssemb[0] PCGAMGFilterGraph(): 100% nnz after filtering, with threshold 0, 4 nnz ave. (N=8192)
[0] PCGAMGCoarsen_AGG(): Square Graph on level 1 of 1 to square
[0] PCGAMGProlongator_AGG(): New grid 1005 nodes
[0] PCGAMGOptProlongator_AGG(): Smooth P0: max eigen=1.876420e+00 min=1.105137e-01 PC=jacobi
[0] PCGAMGCreateLevel_GAMG(): Number of equations (loc) 0 with simple aggregation
[268] MatAssemblyEn[0] PCSetUp_GAMG(): 1) N=1005, n data cols=1, nnz/row (ave)=27, 16 active pes
[0] PCGAMGFilterGraph(): 100% nnz after filtering, with threshold 0, 20.5645 nnz ave. (N=1005)
[0] PCGAMGProlongator_AGG(): New grid 103 nodes
[0] PCGAMGOptProlongator_AGG(): Smooth P0: max eigen=1.461408e+00 min=1.226917e-03 PC=jacobi
[233] Pe[0] PCGAMGCreateLevel_GAMG(): Number of equations (loc) 8 with simple aggregation
[0] PCSetUp_GAMG(): 2) N=103, n data cols=1, nnz/row (ave)=55, 2 active pes
[0] PCGAMGFilterGraph(): 100% nnz after filtering, with threshold 0, 55.5049 nnz ave. (N=103)
[0] PCGAMGProlongator_AGG(): New grid 6 nodes
[0] PCGAMGOptProlongator_AGG(): Smooth P0: max eigen=1.697064e+00 min=2.669349e-04 PC=jacobi
[0] PCGAMGCreateLevel_GAMG(): Number of equations (loc) 6 with simple aggregation
[0] PCSetUp_GAMG(): 3) N=6, n data cols=1, nnz/row (ave)=6, 1 active pes
[0] PCSetUp_GAMG(): 4 levels, grid complexity = 1.60036
type: gamg
GAMG specific options
type: gamg
GAMG specific options
type: gamg
GAMG specific options
-------------- next part --------------
KSP Object: 8192 MPI processes
type: cg
maximum iterations=10000
tolerances: relative=1e-09, absolute=1e-50, divergence=10000
left preconditioning
using nonzero initial guess
using UNPRECONDITIONED norm type for convergence test
PC Object: 8192 MPI processes
type: mg
MG: type is MULTIPLICATIVE, levels=5 cycles=v
Cycles per PCApply=1
Using Galerkin computed coarse grid matrices
Coarse grid solver -- level -------------------------------
KSP Object: (mg_coarse_) 8192 MPI processes
type: preonly
maximum iterations=1, initial guess is zero
tolerances: relative=1e-05, absolute=1e-50, divergence=10000
left preconditioning
using NONE norm type for convergence test
PC Object: (mg_coarse_) 8192 MPI processes
type: gamg
MG: type is MULTIPLICATIVE, levels=4 cycles=v
Cycles per PCApply=1
Using Galerkin computed coarse grid matrices
GAMG specific options
Threshold for dropping small values from graph 0
AGG specific options
Symmetric graph false
Coarse grid solver -- level -------------------------------
KSP Object: (mg_coarse_mg_coarse_) 8192 MPI processes
type: preonly
maximum iterations=1, initial guess is zero
tolerances: relative=1e-05, absolute=1e-50, divergence=10000
left preconditioning
using NONE norm type for convergence test
PC Object: (mg_coarse_mg_coarse_) 8192 MPI processes
type: bjacobi
block Jacobi: number of blocks = 8192
Local solve is same for all blocks, in the following KSP and PC objects:
KSP Object: (mg_coarse_mg_coarse_sub_) 1 MPI processes
type: preonly
maximum iterations=1, initial guess is zero
tolerances: relative=1e-05, absolute=1e-50, divergence=10000
left preconditioning
using NONE norm type for convergence test
PC Object: (mg_coarse_mg_coarse_sub_) 1 MPI processes
type: lu
LU: out-of-place factorization
tolerance for zero pivot 2.22045e-14
using diagonal shift on blocks to prevent zero pivot [INBLOCKS]
matrix ordering: nd
factor fill ratio given 5, needed 1
Factored matrix follows:
Mat Object: 1 MPI processes
type: seqaij
rows=6, cols=6
package used to perform factorization: petsc
total: nonzeros=36, allocated nonzeros=36
total number of mallocs used during MatSetValues calls =0
using I-node routines: found 2 nodes, limit used is 5
linear system matrix = precond matrix:
Mat Object: 1 MPI processes
type: seqaij
rows=6, cols=6
total: nonzeros=36, allocated nonzeros=36
total number of mallocs used during MatSetValues calls =0
using I-node routines: found 2 nodes, limit used is 5
linear system matrix = precond matrix:
Mat Object: 8192 MPI processes
type: mpiaij
rows=6, cols=6
total: nonzeros=36, allocated nonzeros=36
total number of mallocs used during MatSetValues calls =0
using I-node (on process 0) routines: found 2 nodes, limit used is 5
Down solver (pre-smoother) on level 1 -------------------------------
KSP Object: (mg_coarse_mg_levels_1_) 8192 MPI processes
type: chebyshev
Chebyshev: eigenvalue estimates: min = 0.0995252, max = 1.09478
Chebyshev: eigenvalues estimated using gmres with translations [0 0.1; 0 1.1]
KSP Object: (mg_coarse_mg_levels_1_esteig_) 8192 MPI processes
type: gmres
GMRES: restart=30, using Classical (unmodified) Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization with no iterative refinement
GMRES: happy breakdown tolerance 1e-30
maximum iterations=10, initial guess is zero
tolerances: relative=1e-05, absolute=1e-50, divergence=10000
left preconditioning
using NONE norm type for convergence test
maximum iterations=2
tolerances: relative=1e-05, absolute=1e-50, divergence=10000
left preconditioning
using nonzero initial guess
using NONE norm type for convergence test
PC Object: (mg_coarse_mg_levels_1_) 8192 MPI processes
type: sor
SOR: type = local_symmetric, iterations = 1, local iterations = 1, omega = 1
linear system matrix = precond matrix:
Mat Object: 8192 MPI processes
type: mpiaij
rows=103, cols=103
total: nonzeros=5717, allocated nonzeros=5717
total number of mallocs used during MatSetValues calls =0
not using I-node (on process 0) routines
Up solver (post-smoother) same as down solver (pre-smoother)
Down solver (pre-smoother) on level 2 -------------------------------
KSP Object: (mg_coarse_mg_levels_2_) 8192 MPI processes
type: chebyshev
Chebyshev: eigenvalue estimates: min = 0.15748, max = 1.73228
Chebyshev: eigenvalues estimated using gmres with translations [0 0.1; 0 1.1]
KSP Object: (mg_coarse_mg_levels_2_esteig_) 8192 MPI processes
type: gmres
GMRES: restart=30, using Classical (unmodified) Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization with no iterative refinement
GMRES: happy breakdown tolerance 1e-30
maximum iterations=10, initial guess is zero
tolerances: relative=1e-05, absolute=1e-50, divergence=10000
left preconditioning
using NONE norm type for convergence test
maximum iterations=2
tolerances: relative=1e-05, absolute=1e-50, divergence=10000
left preconditioning
using nonzero initial guess
using NONE norm type for convergence test
PC Object: (mg_coarse_mg_levels_2_) 8192 MPI processes
type: sor
SOR: type = local_symmetric, iterations = 1, local iterations = 1, omega = 1
linear system matrix = precond matrix:
Mat Object: 8192 MPI processes
type: mpiaij
rows=1005, cols=1005
total: nonzeros=27137, allocated nonzeros=27137
total number of mallocs used during MatSetValues calls =0
not using I-node (on process 0) routines
Up solver (post-smoother) same as down solver (pre-smoother)
Down solver (pre-smoother) on level 3 -------------------------------
KSP Object: (mg_coarse_mg_levels_3_) 8192 MPI processes
type: chebyshev
Chebyshev: eigenvalue estimates: min = 0.191092, max = 2.10202
Chebyshev: eigenvalues estimated using gmres with translations [0 0.1; 0 1.1]
KSP Object: (mg_coarse_mg_levels_3_esteig_) 8192 MPI processes
type: gmres
GMRES: restart=30, using Classical (unmodified) Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization with no iterative refinement
GMRES: happy breakdown tolerance 1e-30
maximum iterations=10, initial guess is zero
tolerances: relative=1e-05, absolute=1e-50, divergence=10000
left preconditioning
using NONE norm type for convergence test
maximum iterations=2
tolerances: relative=1e-05, absolute=1e-50, divergence=10000
left preconditioning
using nonzero initial guess
using NONE norm type for convergence test
PC Object: (mg_coarse_mg_levels_3_) 8192 MPI processes
type: sor
SOR: type = local_symmetric, iterations = 1, local iterations = 1, omega = 1
linear system matrix = precond matrix:
Mat Object: 8192 MPI processes
type: mpiaij
rows=8192, cols=8192
total: nonzeros=54784, allocated nonzeros=54784
total number of mallocs used during MatSetValues calls =0
not using I-node (on process 0) routines
Up solver (post-smoother) same as down solver (pre-smoother)
linear system matrix = precond matrix:
Mat Object: 8192 MPI processes
type: mpiaij
rows=8192, cols=8192
total: nonzeros=54784, allocated nonzeros=54784
total number of mallocs used during MatSetValues calls =0
not using I-node (on process 0) routines
Down solver (pre-smoother) on level 1 -------------------------------
KSP Object: (mg_levels_1_) 8192 MPI processes
type: richardson
Richardson: damping factor=1
maximum iterations=2
tolerances: relative=1e-05, absolute=1e-50, divergence=10000
left preconditioning
using nonzero initial guess
using NONE norm type for convergence test
PC Object: (mg_levels_1_) 8192 MPI processes
type: sor
SOR: type = local_symmetric, iterations = 1, local iterations = 1, omega = 1
linear system matrix = precond matrix:
Mat Object: 8192 MPI processes
type: mpiaij
rows=65536, cols=65536
total: nonzeros=448512, allocated nonzeros=448512
total number of mallocs used during MatSetValues calls =0
not using I-node (on process 0) routines
Up solver (post-smoother) same as down solver (pre-smoother)
Down solver (pre-smoother) on level 2 -------------------------------
KSP Object: (mg_levels_2_) 8192 MPI processes
type: richardson
Richardson: damping factor=1
maximum iterations=2
tolerances: relative=1e-05, absolute=1e-50, divergence=10000
left preconditioning
using nonzero initial guess
using NONE norm type for convergence test
PC Object: (mg_levels_2_) 8192 MPI processes
type: sor
SOR: type = local_symmetric, iterations = 1, local iterations = 1, omega = 1
linear system matrix = precond matrix:
Mat Object: 8192 MPI processes
type: mpiaij
rows=524288, cols=524288
total: nonzeros=3.62906e+06, allocated nonzeros=3.62906e+06
total number of mallocs used during MatSetValues calls =0
not using I-node (on process 0) routines
Up solver (post-smoother) same as down solver (pre-smoother)
Down solver (pre-smoother) on level 3 -------------------------------
KSP Object: (mg_levels_3_) 8192 MPI processes
type: richardson
Richardson: damping factor=1
maximum iterations=2
tolerances: relative=1e-05, absolute=1e-50, divergence=10000
left preconditioning
using nonzero initial guess
using NONE norm type for convergence test
PC Object: (mg_levels_3_) 8192 MPI processes
type: sor
SOR: type = local_symmetric, iterations = 1, local iterations = 1, omega = 1
linear system matrix = precond matrix:
Mat Object: 8192 MPI processes
type: mpiaij
rows=4194304, cols=4194304
total: nonzeros=2.91963e+07, allocated nonzeros=2.91963e+07
total number of mallocs used during MatSetValues calls =0
not using I-node (on process 0) routines
Up solver (post-smoother) same as down solver (pre-smoother)
Down solver (pre-smoother) on level 4 -------------------------------
KSP Object: (mg_levels_4_) 8192 MPI processes
type: richardson
Richardson: damping factor=1
maximum iterations=2
tolerances: relative=1e-05, absolute=1e-50, divergence=10000
left preconditioning
using nonzero initial guess
using NONE norm type for convergence test
PC Object: (mg_levels_4_) 8192 MPI processes
type: sor
SOR: type = local_symmetric, iterations = 1, local iterations = 1, omega = 1
linear system matrix = precond matrix:
Mat Object: 8192 MPI processes
type: mpiaij
rows=33554432, cols=33554432
total: nonzeros=2.34226e+08, allocated nonzeros=2.34226e+08
total number of mallocs used during MatSetValues calls =0
has attached null space
Up solver (post-smoother) same as down solver (pre-smoother)
linear system matrix = precond matrix:
Mat Object: 8192 MPI processes
type: mpiaij
rows=33554432, cols=33554432
total: nonzeros=2.34226e+08, allocated nonzeros=2.34226e+08
total number of mallocs used during MatSetValues calls =0
has attached null space
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*** WIDEN YOUR WINDOW TO 120 CHARACTERS. Use 'enscript -r -fCourier9' to print this document ***
---------------------------------------------- PETSc Performance Summary: ----------------------------------------------
/u/sciteam/mrosso/mrosso-repo/build/bin/test_droplet_box.exe on a gnu-opt-32idx named p
þÿÿ with 8192 processors, by mrosso Fri Jul 24 13:09:23 2015
Using Petsc Development GIT revision: v3.6-233-g4936542 GIT Date: 2015-07-17 10:15:47 -0500
Max Max/Min Avg Total
Time (sec): 1.130e+02 1.00023 1.130e+02
Objects: 1.587e+03 1.00253 1.583e+03
Flops: 8.042e+07 1.28093 6.371e+07 5.219e+11
Flops/sec: 7.115e+05 1.28065 5.639e+05 4.619e+09
MPI Messages: 1.267e+05 13.76755 1.879e+04 1.539e+08
MPI Message Lengths: 8.176e+06 2.12933 3.881e+02 5.972e+10
MPI Reductions: 2.493e+03 1.00000
Flop counting convention: 1 flop = 1 real number operation of type (multiply/divide/add/subtract)
e.g., VecAXPY() for real vectors of length N --> 2N flops
and VecAXPY() for complex vectors of length N --> 8N flops
Summary of Stages: ----- Time ------ ----- Flops ----- --- Messages --- -- Message Lengths -- -- Reductions --
Avg %Total Avg %Total counts %Total Avg %Total counts %Total
0: Main Stage: 1.1300e+02 100.0% 5.2195e+11 100.0% 1.539e+08 100.0% 3.881e+02 100.0% 2.492e+03 100.0%
See the 'Profiling' chapter of the users' manual for details on interpreting output.
Phase summary info:
Count: number of times phase was executed
Time and Flops: Max - maximum over all processors
Ratio - ratio of maximum to minimum over all processors
Mess: number of messages sent
Avg. len: average message length (bytes)
Reduct: number of global reductions
Global: entire computation
Stage: stages of a computation. Set stages with PetscLogStagePush() and PetscLogStagePop().
%T - percent time in this phase %F - percent flops in this phase
%M - percent messages in this phase %L - percent message lengths in this phase
%R - percent reductions in this phase
Total Mflop/s: 10e-6 * (sum of flops over all processors)/(max time over all processors)
Event Count Time (sec) Flops --- Global --- --- Stage --- Total
Max Ratio Max Ratio Max Ratio Mess Avg len Reduct %T %F %M %L %R %T %F %M %L %R Mflop/s
--- Event Stage 0: Main Stage
VecMDot 120 1.0 2.4560e-01 1.6 7.24e+04329.0 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 1.2e+02 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 5 9
VecTDot 194 1.0 2.6155e-01 1.3 1.59e+06 1.0 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 1.9e+02 0 2 0 0 8 0 2 0 0 8 49771
VecNorm 236 1.0 4.8733e-01 1.4 8.67e+05 1.0 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 2.4e+02 0 1 0 0 9 0 1 0 0 9 14323
VecScale 1009 1.0 1.1008e-03 1.5 1.63e+05 1.8 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1156928
VecCopy 405 1.0 3.2604e-03 3.8 0.00e+00 0.0 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
VecSet 2648 1.0 9.1252e-03 6.7 0.00e+00 0.0 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
VecAXPY 594 1.0 1.5715e-02 3.8 4.77e+06 1.0 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0 7 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 2485378
VecAYPX 3103 1.0 8.7631e-03 2.4 2.58e+06 1.1 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0 4 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 2263359
VecAXPBYCZ 1164 1.0 3.5439e-0313.2 3.22e+05166.0 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5091
VecMAXPY 132 1.0 3.7217e-04 6.8 8.63e+04166.0 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12994
VecAssemblyBegin 36 1.0 3.7324e-01 1.2 0.00e+00 0.0 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 9.0e+01 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 4 0
VecAssemblyEnd 36 1.0 1.5278e-0364.7 0.00e+00 0.0 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
VecPointwiseMult 66 1.0 2.8777e-0426.8 3.65e+03166.0 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 711
VecScatterBegin 4914 1.0 3.9190e-0128.1 0.00e+00 0.0 1.1e+08 5.3e+02 0.0e+00 0 0 72 99 0 0 0 72 99 0 0
VecScatterEnd 4914 1.0 8.6240e+00 1.8 0.00e+00 0.0 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 6 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0
VecSetRandom 6 1.0 1.0859e-022168.9 0.00e+00 0.0 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
VecNormalize 132 1.0 3.4323e-01 1.5 2.19e+04166.0 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 1.3e+02 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 5 4
MatMult 2645 1.0 3.6311e+0032.2 3.45e+07 1.3 6.5e+07 7.6e+02 0.0e+00 1 42 42 83 0 1 42 42 83 0 60126
MatMultAdd 679 1.0 4.8583e+0031.6 1.08e+06 1.2 1.6e+06 1.4e+01 0.0e+00 4 1 1 0 0 4 1 1 0 0 1532
MatMultTranspose 683 1.0 4.2303e+00667.0 1.09e+06 1.2 1.6e+06 1.4e+01 0.0e+00 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1778
MatSolve 97 0.0 2.9469e-04 0.0 6.40e+03 0.0 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22
MatSOR 2782 1.0 3.6662e+0035.7 3.29e+07 1.3 4.1e+07 2.2e+02 0.0e+00 1 40 26 15 0 1 40 26 15 0 56576
MatLUFactorSym 2 1.0 1.5128e-02358.5 0.00e+00 0.0 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
MatLUFactorNum 2 1.0 6.1989e-0513.0 2.58e+02 0.0 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4
MatConvert 6 1.0 9.1314e-04 1.5 0.00e+00 0.0 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
MatScale 18 1.0 1.3737e-02219.9 3.16e+041579.8 9.3e+04 8.6e+00 0.0e+00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 36
MatResidual 679 1.0 3.0610e-0110.0 7.51e+06 1.2 2.3e+07 5.5e+02 0.0e+00 0 10 15 21 0 0 10 15 21 0 169592
MatAssemblyBegin 119 1.0 1.7048e+01 2.8 0.00e+00 0.0 4.3e+04 7.2e+00 1.3e+02 10 0 0 0 5 10 0 0 0 5 0
MatAssemblyEnd 119 1.0 4.1777e+01 1.4 0.00e+00 0.0 1.7e+06 4.1e+01 3.8e+02 31 0 1 0 15 31 0 1 0 15 0
MatGetRow 1328166.0 3.9291e-0454.9 0.00e+00 0.0 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
MatGetRowIJ 2 0.0 1.5020e-05 0.0 0.00e+00 0.0 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
MatGetSubMatrix 12 1.0 2.5183e+01 1.0 0.00e+00 0.0 7.6e+04 1.6e+01 1.9e+02 22 0 0 0 8 22 0 0 0 8 0
MatGetOrdering 2 0.0 9.5510e-04 0.0 0.00e+00 0.0 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
MatCoarsen 6 1.0 1.5275e+00 6.0 0.00e+00 0.0 3.8e+07 4.0e+00 2.4e+02 1 0 25 0 10 1 0 25 0 10 0
MatView 60 1.2 1.9943e+0026.6 0.00e+00 0.0 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 5.0e+01 1 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 2 0
MatAXPY 6 1.0 4.5854e+00326.5 0.00e+00 0.0 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 1.2e+01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
MatMatMult 6 1.0 1.7226e+01 1.3 2.80e+041749.0 4.8e+05 5.9e+00 9.6e+01 12 0 0 0 4 12 0 0 0 4 0
MatMatMultSym 6 1.0 1.3093e+01 1.0 0.00e+00 0.0 3.9e+05 5.3e+00 8.4e+01 12 0 0 0 3 12 0 0 0 3 0
MatMatMultNum 6 1.0 4.1413e+0087.5 2.80e+041749.0 9.3e+04 8.6e+00 1.2e+01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
MatPtAP 14 1.0 2.3092e+01 1.2 3.94e+05 2.0 1.7e+06 2.4e+02 1.8e+02 20 0 1 1 7 20 0 1 1 7 73
MatPtAPSymbolic 10 1.0 1.6246e+01 1.7 0.00e+00 0.0 1.0e+06 2.6e+02 7.0e+01 12 0 1 0 3 12 0 1 0 3 0
MatPtAPNumeric 14 1.0 9.1005e+00 1.3 3.94e+05 2.0 7.2e+05 2.1e+02 1.1e+02 8 0 0 0 4 8 0 0 0 4 185
MatTrnMatMult 2 1.0 5.6152e+00 1.0 3.64e+02 2.9 1.1e+06 1.2e+01 3.8e+01 5 0 1 0 2 5 0 1 0 2 0
MatTrnMatMultSym 2 1.0 5.5943e+00 1.0 0.00e+00 0.0 1.0e+06 7.6e+00 3.4e+01 5 0 1 0 1 5 0 1 0 1 0
MatTrnMatMultNum 2 1.0 2.8538e-02 4.6 3.64e+02 2.9 9.3e+04 5.4e+01 4.0e+00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 96
MatGetLocalMat 30 1.0 4.4808e+001435.4 0.00e+00 0.0 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
MatGetBrAoCol 26 1.0 4.5314e+00292.0 0.00e+00 0.0 1.4e+06 2.8e+02 0.0e+00 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0
MatGetSymTrans 20 1.0 3.3071e-0347.5 0.00e+00 0.0 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
SFSetGraph 6 1.0 7.4315e-0443.9 0.00e+00 0.0 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
SFBcastBegin 252 1.0 1.3895e+0014.8 0.00e+00 0.0 3.8e+07 4.0e+00 0.0e+00 1 0 25 0 0 1 0 25 0 0 0
SFBcastEnd 252 1.0 7.1653e-0218.0 0.00e+00 0.0 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
KSPGMRESOrthog 120 1.0 2.4587e-01 1.6 1.45e+05220.3 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 1.2e+02 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 5 26
KSPSetUp 36 1.0 2.2627e-01 1.3 0.00e+00 0.0 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 2.6e+01 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0
KSPSolve 4 1.0 1.0763e+02 1.0 8.04e+07 1.3 1.5e+08 3.9e+02 2.4e+03 95100100100 96 95100100100 96 4848
PCGAMGGraph_AGG 6 1.0 4.2442e+00 1.0 2.80e+041749.0 2.8e+05 5.7e+00 7.2e+01 4 0 0 0 3 4 0 0 0 3 0
PCGAMGCoarse_AGG 6 1.0 7.2416e+00 1.0 3.64e+02 2.9 4.1e+07 4.4e+00 3.1e+02 6 0 26 0 12 6 0 26 0 12 0
PCGAMGProl_AGG 6 1.0 1.0400e+01 1.0 0.00e+00 0.0 7.9e+05 8.0e+00 1.4e+02 9 0 1 0 6 9 0 1 0 6 0
PCGAMGPOpt_AGG 6 1.0 2.3133e+01 1.2 4.03e+05647.5 1.4e+06 7.7e+00 3.0e+02 17 0 1 0 12 17 0 1 0 12 0
GAMG: createProl 6 1.0 4.4975e+01 1.1 4.31e+05565.4 4.3e+07 4.6e+00 8.3e+02 36 0 28 0 33 36 0 28 0 33 0
Graph 12 1.0 4.2435e+00 1.0 2.80e+041749.0 2.8e+05 5.7e+00 7.2e+01 4 0 0 0 3 4 0 0 0 3 0
MIS/Agg 6 1.0 1.5276e+00 6.0 0.00e+00 0.0 3.8e+07 4.0e+00 2.4e+02 1 0 25 0 10 1 0 25 0 10 0
SA: col data 6 1.0 6.9602e+00 1.6 0.00e+00 0.0 7.2e+05 8.2e+00 6.0e+01 6 0 0 0 2 6 0 0 0 2 0
SA: frmProl0 6 1.0 3.3989e+00 1.0 0.00e+00 0.0 7.2e+04 5.9e+00 6.0e+01 3 0 0 0 2 3 0 0 0 2 0
SA: smooth 6 1.0 2.3133e+01 1.2 4.03e+05647.5 1.4e+06 7.7e+00 3.0e+02 17 0 1 0 12 17 0 1 0 12 0
GAMG: partLevel 6 1.0 4.3421e+01 1.1 1.97e+053512.3 6.9e+05 2.0e+01 4.1e+02 38 0 0 0 16 38 0 0 0 16 0
repartition 6 1.0 3.0290e-01 1.2 0.00e+00 0.0 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 3.6e+01 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0
Invert-Sort 6 1.0 2.2100e+00 7.9 0.00e+00 0.0 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 2.4e+01 2 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 1 0
Move A 6 1.0 1.3769e+01 1.0 0.00e+00 0.0 1.1e+04 8.4e+01 1.0e+02 12 0 0 0 4 12 0 0 0 4 0
Move P 6 1.0 1.1463e+01 1.0 0.00e+00 0.0 6.5e+04 5.5e+00 1.0e+02 10 0 0 0 4 10 0 0 0 4 0
PCSetUp 6 1.0 9.5437e+01 1.0 8.96e+05 3.3 4.5e+07 1.4e+01 1.5e+03 84 0 29 1 59 84 0 29 1 59 24
PCSetUpOnBlocks 97 1.0 1.7256e-0221.5 2.58e+02 0.0 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
PCApply 97 1.0 1.1589e+01 1.0 6.95e+07 1.3 1.0e+08 4.8e+02 5.1e+02 10 84 67 83 21 10 84 67 83 21 37682
Memory usage is given in bytes:
Object Type Creations Destructions Memory Descendants' Mem.
Reports information only for process 0.
--- Event Stage 0: Main Stage
Vector 1032 1032 3077992 0
Vector Scatter 64 63 71936 0
Matrix 211 211 2308880 0
Matrix Coarsen 6 6 3720 0
Matrix Null Space 1 1 584 0
Distributed Mesh 5 4 19808 0
Star Forest Bipartite Graph 16 14 11760 0
Discrete System 5 4 3360 0
Index Set 180 180 169588 0
IS L to G Mapping 5 4 6020 0
Krylov Solver 22 22 374160 0
DMKSP interface 4 4 2560 0
Preconditioner 22 22 20924 0
PetscRandom 6 6 3696 0
Viewer 8 6 4512 0
Average time to get PetscTime(): 9.53674e-08
Average time for MPI_Barrier(): 4.57764e-05
Average time for zero size MPI_Send(): 1.04982e-05
#PETSc Option Table entries:
-finput input.txt
-ksp_initial_guess_nonzero yes
-ksp_norm_type unpreconditioned
-ksp_rtol 1e-9
-ksp_type cg
-log_summary log_gamg.txt
-mg_coarse_ksp_type preonly
-mg_coarse_pc_type gamg
-mg_levels_ksp_type richardson
-pc_mg_levels 5
-pc_type mg
#End of PETSc Option Table entries
Compiled without FORTRAN kernels
Compiled with full precision matrices (default)
sizeof(short) 2 sizeof(int) 4 sizeof(long) 8 sizeof(void*) 8 sizeof(PetscScalar) 8 sizeof(PetscInt) 4
Configure options: --known-level1-dcache-size=16384 --known-level1-dcache-linesize=64 --known-level1-dcache-assoc=4 --known-sizeof-char=1 --known-sizeof-void-p=8 --known-sizeof-short=2 --known-sizeof-int=4 --known-sizeof-long=8 --known-sizeof-long-long=8 --known-sizeof-float=4 --known-sizeof-double=8 --known-sizeof-size_t=8 --known-bits-per-byte=8 --known-memcmp-ok=1 --known-sizeof-MPI_Comm=4 --known-sizeof-MPI_Fint=4 --known-mpi-long-double=1 --known-mpi-int64_t=1 --known-mpi-c-double-complex=1 --known-sdot-returns-double=0 --known-snrm2-returns-double=0 --with-batch="1 " --known-mpi-shared="0 " --known-mpi-shared-libraries=0 --known-memcmp-ok --with-blas-lapack-lib=/opt/acml/5.3.1/gfortran64/lib/libacml.a --COPTFLAGS="-Wall -Wwrite-strings -Wno-strict-aliasing -Wno-unknown-pragmas -O3 -march=native -mtune=native" --FOPTFLAGS="-Wall -Wno-unused-variable -ffree-line-length-0 -Wno-unused-dummy-argument -O3 -march=native -mtune=native" --CXXOPTFLAGS="-Wall -Wwrite-strings -Wno-strict-aliasing -Wno-unknown-pragmas -O3 -march=native -mtune=native" --with-x="0 " --with-debugging=0 --with-clib-autodetect="0 " --with-cxxlib-autodetect="0 " --with-fortranlib-autodetect="0 " --with-shared-libraries="0 " --with-mpi-compilers="1 " --with-cc="cc " --with-cxx="CC " --with-fc="ftn " --download-hypre=1 --download-blacs="1 " --download-scalapack="1 " --download-superlu_dist="1 " --download-metis="1 " --download-parmetis="1 " PETSC_ARCH=gnu-opt-32idx
Libraries compiled on Sat Jul 18 19:48:51 2015 on h2ologin1
Machine characteristics: Linux-3.0.101-0.46-default-x86_64-with-SuSE-11-x86_64
Using PETSc directory: /u/sciteam/mrosso/LIBS/petsc
Using PETSc arch: gnu-opt-32idx
Using C compiler: cc -Wall -Wwrite-strings -Wno-strict-aliasing -Wno-unknown-pragmas -O3 -march=native -mtune=native ${COPTFLAGS} ${CFLAGS}
Using Fortran compiler: ftn -Wall -Wno-unused-variable -ffree-line-length-0 -Wno-unused-dummy-argument -O3 -march=native -mtune=native ${FOPTFLAGS} ${FFLAGS}
Using include paths: -I/u/sciteam/mrosso/LIBS/petsc/gnu-opt-32idx/include -I/u/sciteam/mrosso/LIBS/petsc/include -I/u/sciteam/mrosso/LIBS/petsc/include -I/u/sciteam/mrosso/LIBS/petsc/gnu-opt-32idx/include
Using C linker: cc
Using Fortran linker: ftn
Using libraries: -Wl,-rpath,/u/sciteam/mrosso/LIBS/petsc/gnu-opt-32idx/lib -L/u/sciteam/mrosso/LIBS/petsc/gnu-opt-32idx/lib -lpetsc -Wl,-rpath,/u/sciteam/mrosso/LIBS/petsc/gnu-opt-32idx/lib -L/u/sciteam/mrosso/LIBS/petsc/gnu-opt-32idx/lib -lsuperlu_dist_4.0 -lHYPRE -lscalapack -Wl,-rpath,/opt/acml/5.3.1/gfortran64/lib -L/opt/acml/5.3.1/gfortran64/lib -lacml -lparmetis -lmetis -lssl -lcrypto -ldl
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