[petsc-users] On user defined PC of schur complement

Sun, Hui hus003 at ucsd.edu
Tue Feb 24 00:08:12 CST 2015

I have a block matrix [A, B; C, D], and I want to use Schur complement to solve the linear system  [A, B; C, D] * [x; y] = [c; d].

I want to apply a preconditioner for solving ( D - C*A^(-1)*B ) y = rhs. And it is easy for me to find an A' which is approximate to A, and A'^(-1) is easy to get. So for this part, I can easily define a preconditioner matrix   P = ( D - C*A'^(-1)*B ) using PCFieldSplitSchurPrecondition. The next step is that I want to do incomplete LU factorization for P as my left and right preconditioner for solving ( D - C*A^(-1)*B ) y = rhs using gmres or bcgs.

My question is since part of the PC is user defined, and part of it is PETSC defined, how can I combine them? Can I do something like:

ierr = PCFieldSplitSchurPrecondition(pc, PC_FIELDSPLIT_SCHUR_PRE_USER, P);CHKERRQ(ierr);

ierr = PCSetType(pc, PCILU);CHKERRQ(ierr);

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