[petsc-users] Slow MatAssemblyBegin MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY

Barry Smith bsmith at mcs.anl.gov
Thu Dec 17 12:59:09 CST 2015

> On Dec 17, 2015, at 11:12 AM, Dave May <dave.mayhem23 at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thursday, 17 December 2015, Jose A. Abell M. <jaabell at ucdavis.edu> wrote:
> Thank you Dave!
> Do you have a rough idea of how long a matrix like that should take to assemble?
> Not hours. Right? 
> If the preallocation is correct, and most of the entries to be inserted live locally (and don't need to be scattered to another rank), it should definitely not take hours.

   If the preallocation is correct then the time to do the first assembly may take maybe twice as long as subsequent assemblies but it should not be much more than that.


> Regards,
> Jose
> --
> José Abell 
> PhD Candidate
> Computational Geomechanics Group
> Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering
> UC Davis
> www.joseabell.com
> On Thu, Dec 17, 2015 at 12:58 AM, Dave May <dave.mayhem23 at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 17 December 2015 at 08:06, Jose A. Abell M. <jaabell at ucdavis.edu> wrote:
> Hello dear PETSc users,
> This is a problem that pops up often, from what I see, in the mailing list. My program takes a long time assembling the matrix. 
> What I know:
> 	• Matrix Size is (MatMPIAIJ) 2670402
> 	• Number of processes running PETSc: 95
> 	• Not going to virtual memory (no swapping, used mem well withing each node's capacity)
> 	• System is partitioned with ParMETIS for load balancing
> 	• I see memory moving around in each node (total used memory changes a bit, grows and then frees)
> 	• Matrix is filled in blocks of size 81x81 (FEM code, so this ends up being a sparse matrix)
> 	• I don't do flushes at all. Only MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY when all the MatSetValues are done. 
> Should I do MAT_FLUSH_ASSEMBLY even though I have enough memory to store the buffers? If so, how often? Every 100 blocks?
> What else could it be? 
> Its taking several hours to asseble this matrix. I re-use the sparsity pattern, so subsequent assemblies are fast. Does this mean that my preallocation is wrong?
> The preallocation could be wrong. That is the usual cause of very slow matrix assembly. To confirm this hypothesis, run your code with the command line option -info. You will get an enormous amount of information in stdout. You might consider using -info with a smallish problem size / core count.
> Inspect the output generated by -info and look for lines like this:
> [1] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqAIJ(): Number of mallocs during MatSetValues() is 0
> If the number of mallocs during MatSetValues() is not zero, then your preallocation is not exactly correct. A small number of mallocs, say less than 10, might be accepted (performance wise). However if the number of mallocs is > 100, then assembly time will be terribly slow.
> Thanks,
>   Dave 
> Regards,
> --
> José Abell 
> PhD Candidate
> Computational Geomechanics Group
> Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering
> UC Davis
> www.joseabell.com

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