[petsc-users] Distributing data along with DMPlex

Alejandro D Otero aotero at fi.uba.ar
Wed Dec 16 14:39:32 CST 2015

Hi, I need some help understanding how to distribute data together with a
dmplex representing a FE mesh.
At the beginning I define the structure of the dmplex assigning certain
number of DoF to cells, edges and vertexes, in one process (the dmplex in
the rest is empty)
I create a petscsecton and I create an associated global vector with the
quantities I want to store.
Then I distribute the dmplex over all the processes.
* Although this does not perform well it is just a starting point. I know
it has to be improved.

I would like to have the global vector distributed accordingly so that each
process has access to the corresponding local part with its DoF (possibly
adding some ghost values corresponding to the shared DoF not taken care by

Is there any 'correct' way to do that in PETSc?

Thanks in advance,

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