[petsc-users] The parallel preconditioner

Matthew Knepley knepley at gmail.com
Fri Apr 17 08:31:25 CDT 2015

On Fri, Apr 17, 2015 at 8:28 AM, paul zhang <paulhuaizhang at gmail.com> wrote:

> I agree with you. The performance indeed depends on the type of problem.
> Anyway, back to the questions I proposed, I am afraid ILU and LU are
> not sequential only. Am I right?

As it says in the table, the PETSc implementations are sequential, but
there are parallel implementations available through
other packages, such as SuperLU_dist, which can de downloaded through
configure, e.g. --download-superlu_dist.



> Thanks,
> Paul
> Huaibao (Paul) Zhang
> *Gas Surface Interactions Lab*
> Department of Mechanical Engineering
> University of Kentucky,
> Lexington,
> KY, 40506-0503
> *Office*: 216 Ralph G. Anderson Building
> *Web*:gsil.engineering.uky.edu
> On Fri, Apr 17, 2015 at 3:22 AM, Patrick Sanan <patrick.sanan at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> You can find the current list of preconditioners on line 40 here:
>> http://www.mcs.anl.gov/petsc/petsc-current/include/petscpc.h.html
>> You can click on the names to be taken to man pages.
>> However, since preconditioners are by nature problem-dependent, it's a
>> better idea to try to look up what might be an appropriate preconditioner
>> for your system and then see how to use PETSc to apply it. There's a high
>> probability that what you need is supported either natively by PETSc or as
>> Jed's note demonstrates, through interfaces to external libraries (of which
>> there are a large number - run ./configure -help to get an idea of the
>> options available and the configure flags to use them)
>> Il giorno 16/apr/2015, alle ore 23:54, huaibao zhang <
>> huaibao.zhang at gmail.com> ha scritto:
>> Hello there,
>> I have been confused of the extent of the available preconditioners in
>> PETSc for a while. Here are the lists I got from one slide of a lecture
>> notes saying
>> Block Jacobi,
>> Jacobi,
>> Overlapping Additive Schwarz,
>> ICC, ILU (sequential only)
>> ILU(K), LU(direct solver, sequential only)
>> sor
>> etc.
>> But in some other sources, only LU is highlighted with "sequential only".
>> Which one is correct? I am using MATCreateAIJ to construct my A. Which
>> preconditioner is available to me? By the way, I  tested asm, ilu, icc, and
>> they all failed.
>> Thanks,
>> Paul

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