[petsc-users] Inserting nonlocal values in DMDA vector

Ghosh, Swarnava sghosh2012 at gatech.edu
Wed Nov 12 15:48:03 CST 2014


    I have a DMDA vector and I need to set values in locations which are in different processors. I am going over the mesh points in z,y and x directions so I know the k,j,i indices of every point. However the 3D array obtained using DMDAVecGetArray will not let me access the points which are in other processors. 

Is there some function like "VecSetValuesStencil" similar to MatSetValuesStencil which will insert values at locations which are in other processors using k,j,i index? OR Is there any function that maps the k,j,i index to a linear index so I can use VecSetValues?

Swarnava Ghosh
PhD Candidate,
Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Materials
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA 30332

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