[petsc-users] Best way to compute the null space of a sparse maximum-rank rectangular matrix
Luca Argenti
luca.argenti at uam.es
Sat Mar 8 13:42:04 CST 2014
Dear all,
I need to evaluate the null space Span{v_i} of a sparse rectangular matrix A \in C^{ N x (N+k)},
A v_i = 0, (1)
i) N is typically very big ( N ~ 500’000 ) and k, in comparison, is very small ( k ~ 500 ).
ii) The sub-matrix A_ij i,j<= N is hermitian and non-singular. Equation (1), therefore, has exactly k solutions.
iii)The matrix is sparse, with a fill typically <= 3%, and its columns/rows can be reordered in such a way that
a very large block, A_ij with i,j > n, & i,j<=N, n << N, is band-diagonal.
iv) A has a dominant diagonal.
v) For large values of i,j, the number of non-zero diagonals in the central band drop by about an order of magnitude.
vi) Finally, this problem must be solved for several (thousands) closely-spaced values of an external parameter
Q on which A depends continuously, A = A(Q). Most of the time, therefore, the null space at Q_{i+1} is arguably
very close to the null-space at Q_i .
My feeling is that this problem is very well defined, and that a parallel sparse iterative method should be
able to solve it with no issues or unnecessary operations. Yet, probably because I am not an expert
of either PETSc or SLEPc, the two libraries I have considered so far, all the possible solutions that I found
seem to provide much more information than needed (thus, consuming much more resources than
warranted). For example: is it really necessary to make a sparse LU factorization for the *whole* matrix?
In practice, one is looking for the null eigenspace of A^h A. However, SLEPc suggests that this operation is
much more expensive than for a sparse A matrix alone (is it so? Shouldn’t Lanczos be implementable at just
twice the cost?), or maybe I misinterpreted the user guide.
Your suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much for your help!
Luca Argenti
Departamento de Química
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
28049 Madrid, Spain
Module 13
Office 308
e-mail: luca.argenti at uam.es
tel : +34 914973360
fax: +34 914975238
group homepage: http://www.xchem.uam.es
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