[petsc-users] SNESSetConvergenceTest
Dharmendar Reddy
dharmareddy84 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 20 19:14:17 CST 2014
I am getting a segmentation fault when i use
SNESSetConvergenceTest from Fortran.
I use the following:
call SNESSetConvergenceTest(this%snes, SNESConvergenceTest_snes,
this,PETSC_NULL_FUNCTION, ierr) (Line 1)
where the soubtoutine is
subroutine SNESConvergenceTest_snes(snes,it,xnorm,gnorm,fnorm,reason,this, ierr)
implicit none
#include "finclude/petsc.h"
! IO Variables
SNES :: snes
integer :: it
PetscReal :: xnorm
PetscReal :: gnorm
PetscReal :: fnorm
SNESConvergedReason :: reason
type(Solver_t) :: this
PetscErrorCode :: ierr
! Local Variables
Vec :: X, dX
Vec :: F, W, G
real(WP) :: lambda
print*, 'Calling custom test',it,xnorm,fnorm,gnorm
!call SNESLineSearchGetLambda(this%linesearch, lambda, ierr)
!call SNESLineSearchGetVecs(this%linesearch, X, F, dX, W, G, ierr)
!call this%SNESConvergenceTest(it, fnorm, lambda, X, dX, reason, ierr)
end subroutine SNESConvergenceTest_snes
Code works fine if the call at Line 1 is commented i.e, if i donot
set the convergencetest
I have attached the stack trace when the code fails (traceFail.log)
and stack trace of the code which runs well (tracePass.log).
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