[petsc-users] help with vecSetValuesSectionF90

Dharmendar Reddy dharmareddy84 at gmail.com
Fri Jan 10 20:38:46 CST 2014

        I am getting an error using VecSetValuesSectionF90. I had this
working before, i do not know whats wrong now. The call is deep inside
my code so i am not able to create a test case.

I am using: Petsc Development GIT revision:
b45093d79c132b908a729253318f899155602205  GIT Date: 2013-11-11 1
6:19:16 -0600
Hope the code chunk below, can help identify the issue.

 The following is the sequence of calls:

    DM :: dm
  Vec :: localX
  InsertMode :: mode
  PetscErrorCode :: ierr
  PetscSection :: section ! defualt section
  PetscScalar,allocatable :: values(:) ! size numDofPerPoint
  integer :: vertexId
  integer :: vertexIdStart, vertexIdEnd
  integer :: vertextdim
  integer :: numConstrainedDOF
  integer :: rgnId,bcId,offset
  integer :: IdStart,IdEnd
  integer :: fc
  vertextdim = 0
  call DMPlexGetDepthStratum(dm,vertextdim,vertexIdStart,vertexIdEnd, ierr)
  call DMGetDefaultSection(dm, section, ierr)
  call PetscSectionView(section,PETSC_VIEWER_STDOUT_SELF,ierr)
  print*, 'size of values is',this%dofMap%numFieldComp
  do vertexId=vertexIdStart,vertexIdEnd-1
    call PetscSectionGetConstraintDof(section,vertexId,numConstrainedDOF,ierr)
    print*,'vertex dof',vertexId,numConstrainedDOF
    if(numConstrainedDOF > 0) then
      call DMPlexGetLabelValue(dm,'Boundary',vertexId,rgnId, ierr)
        values = 0.0_WP
        offset = 0
        do fc = 1,this%numField
        ! check if Field at vertextId is contained
        IdStart = offset + 1
        IdEnd = offset + this%numComp(fc)
        !if(fieldIdisconstrained) then
          bcId = this%getBCId(fc,rgnId)
          values(IdStart:IdEnd) = this%BC(bcId)%getBC()
        !end if
        offset = offset + this%numComp(fc)
        end do
        print*,'Setting bc value',values(1),'at vertex',vertexId,rgnId
        call VecSetValuesSectionF90(localX, section, vertexId, values,Mode,ierr)
      end if
  end do

 The three print statements above print the following lines.

 size of values is           1
 vertex dof         600           1
 Setting bc value  -35.7688912272406      at vertex         600           1

 So, i am passing the correct size array to VecSetValuesSectionF90.
However, when i run the code through intel debugger, i get the

 size of values is           1
 vertex dof         600           1
 Setting bc value  -35.7688912272406      at vertex         600           1
Program received signal SIGSEGV
VecSetValuesSection (v=0x2bf5620, s=0x2b41a60, point=600,
values=0x447e3d3b071996fc, mode=INSERT_BC_VALUES
) at /home1/00924/Reddy135/LocalApps/petsc/src/vec/vec/utils/vsection.c:185
185                 if (doBC) array[i] = values[i]; /* Constrained update */
(idb) print values[0]
$1 = <no value>

The value i passed from Fortran code is not missing.

The relevant call trace is:

(idb) bt
#0  0x00002b477a299b2d in VecSetValuesSection (v=0x2bf5620,
s=0x2b41a60, point=600, values=0x447e3d3b071996fc, mode
#1  0x00002b477a29aead in vecsetvaluessectionf90_ (v=0x7fff16adce30,
section=0x7fff16adc790, point=0x7fff16adc6f4,
ptr=0x2b12740, mode=0x9aa990, __ierr=0x7fff16adce08) at

Am i doing some thing wrong ?


Dharmendar Reddy Palle
Graduate Student
Microelectronics Research center,
University of Texas at Austin,
10100 Burnet Road, Bldg. 160
MER 2.608F, TX 78758-4445
e-mail: dharmareddy84 at gmail.com
Phone: +1-512-350-9082
United States of America.
Homepage: https://webspace.utexas.edu/~dpr342

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