[petsc-users] Unable to configure PETSc with CUDA: Problem with thrust directory

Paul Mullowney paulmullowney at gmail.com
Fri Aug 29 09:24:47 CDT 2014

Isn't thrust typically in
so you need

There may be a similar issue with your cusp path.

On Fri, Aug 29, 2014 at 8:08 AM, Matthew Knepley <knepley at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Aug 29, 2014 at 8:35 AM, Christophe Ortiz <
> christophe.ortiz at ciemat.es> wrote:
>> Sorry about that.
>> Please find in attachment the configure.log file. Hope it will help you
>> find the error.
> Here is the problem:
> Possible ERROR while running preprocessor: nvcc warning : The 'compute_10'
> and 'sm_10' architectures are deprecated, and may be removed in a future
> release.
> error message = {nvcc warning : The 'compute_10' and 'sm_10' architectures
> are deprecated, and may be removed in a future release.
> }
> meaning the nvcc compiler does not "work" as provided. Here is a
> workaround:
>      --with-cudac='nvcc --arch=sm_35'
> Dominic, I think that thrust.py should depend on cuda.py. Do you know why
> it does not?
>   Thanks,
>       Matt
>> Christophe
>> Laboratorio Nacional de Fusión por Confinamiento Magnético
>> Unidad de Materiales
>> Edificio 2 - Planta 0 - Despacho 28m
>> Avenida Complutense 40,
>> 28040 Madrid, Spain
>> Tel: +34 91496 2582
>> Fax: +34 91346 6442
>> --
>> Q
>> Por favor, piense en el medio ambiente antes de imprimir este mensaje.
>> Please consider the environment before printing this email.
>> On Fri, Aug 29, 2014 at 3:28 PM, Matthew Knepley <knepley at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Always attach configure.log or we cannot see what went wrong.
>>>     Matt
>>> On Fri, Aug 29, 2014 at 2:35 AM, Christophe Ortiz <
>>> christophe.ortiz at ciemat.es> wrote:
>>>> Hi Dominic and Paul,
>>>> Thanks for your answers. Unfortunately, it did not work. Same error
>>>> message related to the thrust directory:
>>>> ./configure --with-x=1 --with-mpi=0 --with-cc=icc --with-cxx=icpc
>>>> --with-clanguage=cxx --with-fc=ifort --with-cuda=1
>>>> --with-cuda-dir=/usr/local/cuda-6.0 --with-cuda-arch=sm_35 --with-thrust=1
>>>> --with-thrust-dir=/usr/local/cuda-6.0/include --with-cusp=1
>>>> --with-cusp-dir=/usr/local/cuda-6.0/include --with-debugging=1
>>>> --with-scalar-type=real --with-precision=double --download-fblaslapack
>>>> ===============================================================================
>>>>              Configuring PETSc to compile on your system
>>>> ===============================================================================
>>>> TESTING: checkInclude from
>>>> config.headers(config/BuildSystem/config/headers.py:86)
>>>>  *******************************************************************************
>>>>          UNABLE to CONFIGURE with GIVEN OPTIONS    (see configure.log
>>>> for details):
>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> --with-thrust-dir=/usr/local/cuda-6.0/include did not work
>>>> *******************************************************************************
>>>> I do not see what else to do...I have a standard CUDA installation that
>>>> came with thrust.
>>>> I am using ubuntu 12.04, I do not know if that could help.
>>>> I tried with PETSc 3.4.1 and 3.5.1. Same problem.
>>>> Christophe
>>>>> ------------------------------
>>>>> Message: 3
>>>>> Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 08:38:12 -0600
>>>>> From: Dominic Meiser <dmeiser at txcorp.com>
>>>>> To: petsc-users at mcs.anl.gov
>>>>> Subject: Re: [petsc-users] Unable to configure PETSc with CUDA:
>>>>>         Problem with thrust directory
>>>>> Message-ID: <53FF3ED4.1090002 at txcorp.com>
>>>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
>>>>> Can you try configuring with
>>>>> --with-thrust-dir=/usr/local/cuda-6.0/include
>>>>> I.e. omit the 'thrust' at the end of the path. Probably you'll need the
>>>>> same fix with cusp:
>>>>> --with-cusp-dir=/usr/local/cuda-6.0/include
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Dominic
>>>>> On 08/28/2014 08:13 AM, Christophe Ortiz wrote:
>>>>> > Hi all,
>>>>> >
>>>>> > I have implemented a problem of coupled diffusion equations in 1D
>>>>> > using PETSc. I was able to configure PETSC with and without MPI. The
>>>>> > code runs well in both cases.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Now I would like to test CUDA but I am unable to configure it. I get
>>>>> > an error message related to thrust directory.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > The options I use to configure are the following:
>>>>> >
>>>>> > --with-x=1 --with-mpi=0 --with-cc=icc --with-cxx=icpc
>>>>> > --with-clanguage=cxx --with-fc=ifort --with-cuda=1
>>>>> > --with-cuda-dir=/usr/local/cuda-6.0 --with-cuda-arch=sm_35
>>>>> > --with-cudac=/usr/local/cuda/bin/nvcc --with-thrust=1
>>>>> > --with-thrust-dir=/usr/local/cuda-6.0/include/thrust --with-cusp=1
>>>>> > --with-cusp-dir=/usr/local/cuda-6.0/include/cusp
>>>>> > --download-txpetscgpu=1 --with-debugging=1 --with-scalar-type=real
>>>>> > --with-precision=double --download-f-blas-lapack
>>>>> >
>>>>> > The error message I get is:
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> ===============================================================================
>>>>> >              Configuring PETSc to compile on your system
>>>>> >
>>>>> ===============================================================================
>>>>> > TESTING: checkInclude from
>>>>> > config.headers(config/BuildSystem/config/headers.py:86)
>>>>> >
>>>>> *******************************************************************************
>>>>> >          UNABLE to CONFIGURE with GIVEN OPTIONS    (see configure.log
>>>>> > for details):
>>>>> >
>>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> > --with-thrust-dir=/usr/local/cuda-6.0/include/thrust did not work
>>>>> >
>>>>> *******************************************************************************
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Did I miss something ?
>>>>> > My GPU is a GeForce Titan Black and I am using CUDA 6.0.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Many thanks in advance for your help.
>>>>> > Christophe
>>>>> >
>>>>> --
>>>>> Dominic Meiser
>>>>> Tech-X Corporation
>>>>> 5621 Arapahoe Avenue
>>>>> Boulder, CO 80303
>>>>> USA
>>>>> Telephone: 303-996-2036
>>>>> Fax: 303-448-7756
>>>>> www.txcorp.com
>>>>> ------------------------------
>>>>> Message: 4
>>>>> Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 08:30:40 -0600
>>>>> From: Paul Mullowney <paulmullowney at gmail.com>
>>>>> To: Dominic Meiser <dmeiser at txcorp.com>
>>>>> Cc: petsc-users at mcs.anl.gov
>>>>> Subject: Re: [petsc-users] Unable to configure PETSc with CUDA:
>>>>>         Problem with thrust directory
>>>>> Message-ID:
>>>>>         <CAMJ8fwroFUxG-rpbMpaJEw=
>>>>> 0aQdyNm9NMxMzsxWVGGPWZqhGCQ at mail.gmail.com>
>>>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>>>>> Also, get rid of --download-txpetscgpu=1. That doesn't exist anymore.
>>>>> -Paul
>>>>> On Thu, Aug 28, 2014 at 8:38 AM, Dominic Meiser <dmeiser at txcorp.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> > Can you try configuring with
>>>>> >
>>>>> > --with-thrust-dir=/usr/local/cuda-6.0/include
>>>>> >
>>>>> > I.e. omit the 'thrust' at the end of the path. Probably you'll need
>>>>> the
>>>>> > same fix with cusp:
>>>>> >
>>>>> > --with-cusp-dir=/usr/local/cuda-6.0/include
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Cheers,
>>>>> > Dominic
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> > On 08/28/2014 08:13 AM, Christophe Ortiz wrote:
>>>>> >
>>>>> >> Hi all,
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> I have implemented a problem of coupled diffusion equations in 1D
>>>>> using
>>>>> >> PETSc. I was able to configure PETSC with and without MPI. The code
>>>>> runs
>>>>> >> well in both cases.
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> Now I would like to test CUDA but I am unable to configure it. I
>>>>> get an
>>>>> >> error message related to thrust directory.
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> The options I use to configure are the following:
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> --with-x=1 --with-mpi=0 --with-cc=icc --with-cxx=icpc
>>>>> >> --with-clanguage=cxx --with-fc=ifort --with-cuda=1
>>>>> >> --with-cuda-dir=/usr/local/cuda-6.0 --with-cuda-arch=sm_35
>>>>> >> --with-cudac=/usr/local/cuda/bin/nvcc --with-thrust=1
>>>>> >> --with-thrust-dir=/usr/local/cuda-6.0/include/thrust --with-cusp=1
>>>>> >> --with-cusp-dir=/usr/local/cuda-6.0/include/cusp
>>>>> --download-txpetscgpu=1
>>>>> >> --with-debugging=1 --with-scalar-type=real --with-precision=double
>>>>> >> --download-f-blas-lapack
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> The error message I get is:
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> ============================================================
>>>>> >> ===================
>>>>> >>              Configuring PETSc to compile on your system
>>>>> >> ============================================================
>>>>> >> ===================
>>>>> >> TESTING: checkInclude from config.headers(config/
>>>>> >> BuildSystem/config/headers.py:86) ******************************
>>>>> >> *************************************************
>>>>> >>          UNABLE to CONFIGURE with GIVEN OPTIONS    (see
>>>>> configure.log for
>>>>> >> details):
>>>>> >> ------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> >> -------------------
>>>>> >> --with-thrust-dir=/usr/local/cuda-6.0/include/thrust did not work
>>>>> >> ************************************************************
>>>>> >> *******************
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> Did I miss something ?
>>>>> >> My GPU is a GeForce Titan Black and I am using CUDA 6.0.
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >> Many thanks in advance for your help.
>>>>> >> Christophe
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >
>>>>> > --
>>>>> > Dominic Meiser
>>>>> > Tech-X Corporation
>>>>> > 5621 Arapahoe Avenue
>>>>> > Boulder, CO 80303
>>>>> > USA
>>>>> > Telephone: 303-996-2036
>>>>> > Fax: 303-448-7756
>>>>> > www.txcorp.com
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
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>>> --
>>> What most experimenters take for granted before they begin their
>>> experiments is infinitely more interesting than any results to which their
>>> experiments lead.
>>> -- Norbert Wiener
> --
> What most experimenters take for granted before they begin their
> experiments is infinitely more interesting than any results to which their
> experiments lead.
> -- Norbert Wiener
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