[petsc-users] Out-of-memory, reading ASCII files using single processor

Jed Brown jed at jedbrown.org
Sun Aug 17 23:40:27 CDT 2014

jifeng zhao <jifengzhao2015 at u.northwestern.edu> writes:

> Hello all,
> I am trying to read large matrices from ASCII files and save it into petsc
> binary format using uni-processor.
> But I am encountered a out-of-memory error, when reading too-large ASCII
> file.

Don't use ASCII.  It is a monumentally bad format for parallel
computing.  Convert your ASCII files to PETSc binary files (or HDF5, but
PETSc binary is sufficient and simpler), then read in parallel.  You can
do this easily in MATLAB or Python, or with a serial PETSc program.
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