[petsc-users] Configuring petsc with Intel MPI

Michael Povolotskyi mpovolot at purdue.edu
Mon Sep 23 12:30:57 CDT 2013

Dear Petsc developers and users,
we are building petsc with intel compiler and intel mpi.
In doing so we provide to the petsc configuration script a directory 
where the MPI is located.

The problem is that petsc takes the non-thread safe mpi library 
(libmpi.so), but we need a threadsafe one (libmpi_mt.so)
We had to specify the exact library to solve the issue.
Question: is there any better way to insure that petsc picks the thread 
safe mpi library during configuration?

Thank you,

Michael Povolotskyi, PhD
Research Assistant Professor
Network for Computational Nanotechnology
207 S Martin Jischke Drive
Purdue University, DLR, room 441-10
West Lafayette, Indiana 47907

phone: +1-765-494-9396
fax: +1-765-496-6026

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