[petsc-users] orientation semantics for DMPlex

Matthew Knepley knepley at gmail.com
Fri Nov 22 12:22:11 CST 2013

On Fri, Nov 22, 2013 at 12:11 PM, Geoffrey Irving <irving at naml.us> wrote:

> On Fri, Nov 22, 2013 at 3:08 AM, Matthew Knepley <knepley at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > On Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 8:12 PM, Geoffrey Irving <irving at naml.us> wrote:
> >>
> >> What are the orientation semantics of DMPlex?  I figured if I listed
> >> the edges of each triangle in counterclockwise order it would come out
> >> right, but it appears to be right for some triangles and wrong for
> >> others.  Do I always have to call DMPlexSetConeOrientation?
> >>
> >> Unfortunately, I haven't yet grasped the documentation for
> >> DMPlexSetConeOrientation.
> >
> > This is because I have kept changing my mind. There is the way it is, and
> > the way I want it to be now. So, the way it is:
> >
> >   All cone arrows have an orientation attached. This indicates the order
> in
> > which the _next_ cone (of that cone point) should be read out. The order
> > is cyclic. A positive integer p means "start from vertex p instead of
> 0". A
> > negative integer q means "start from -(q+1) and go backward".
> Can't the order only be meaningfully described as cyclic only if the
> child element has dimension 2 (triangles) where the element boundary
> is topologically S^1?  A cyclic order doesn't make any sense for
> tetrahedra (boundary S^2) or for segments (S^1), both of which have
> trivial fundamental group.  If I have a triangle (0 1 2) pointing to
> child segment (0 1), wouldn't orientation values 0 and -1 refer to the
> same traversal?

There is a problem with the word "orientation", since it does not mean what
is traditional in topology. Rather it means something close to a label for
element of the symmetric group associated with the cell. So it really is

> Since only one bit is ideally conveyed here, namely the sign of the
> permutation required to reorient the child to match the parent, would
> it be better to have orientations be PetscBool?  Is it too late for
> that kind of API change?
> > The important thing to remember here is that this is ordering only the
> cone
> > points, and is composed with higher level ordering when reading out the
> > full closure is 3D. I have considered changing the semantics for negative
> > values to start at -(coneSize-q+1) since then negation does what you
> think
> > it should (go backwards from the guy just before), but then all the
> routines
> > needs to know the coneSize which is not great.
> >
> > The reason that your example does not work is that triangles on opposite
> sides
> > of an edge must have the opposite orientation for that edge. For
> example, an
> > edge e = {v0, v1} lies between two triangles. Now the cone of e will
> always come
> > out {v0, v1}. In triangle 0 that is fine, but in triangle 1 it needs to
> be {v1, v0} if all
> > triangles are oriented counter-clockwise, so we need orientation -2 for
> that edge
> > in the cone of triangle 1.
> Thanks, I should be good to go.  It might be useful to have a
> consistency checking routine for users to run to make sure their
> custom created DMPlex is valid.

I do have DMPlexOrient(). We should probably add DMPlexCheckOrientation()
does exactly the same thing except mismatches are not corrected.


> Geoffrey

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