[petsc-users] How to measure the memory usage of the application built on the Petsc?

Fande Kong Fande.Kong at Colorado.EDU
Tue May 28 04:54:07 CDT 2013

Hi Smith,

Thank you very much. According to your suggestions and information, I added
these functions into my code to measure the memory usage. Now I am
confused, since the small problem needs large memory.

I added the function PetscMemorySetGetMaximumUsage()  immediately after
PetscInitialize(). And then I added the following code into several
positions in the code (before & after setting up unstructured mesh, before
& after KSPSetUp(), before & after KSPSolve(), and Destroy all stuffs):

   PetscLogDouble space =0;
  ierr =  PetscMallocGetCurrentUsage(&space);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr =  PetscPrintf(comm,"Current space PetscMalloc()ed %G M\n",
  ierr =  PetscMallocGetMaximumUsage(&space);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr =  PetscPrintf(comm,"Max space PetscMalloced() %G M\n",
  ierr =  PetscMemoryGetCurrentUsage(&space);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr =  PetscPrintf(comm,"Current process memory %G M\n",
  ierr =  PetscMemoryGetMaximumUsage(&space);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr =  PetscPrintf(comm,"Max process memory %G M\n",

In order to measure the memory usage, I just used only one core (mpirun -n
1 ./program ) to solve a small problem with 12691 mesh nodes (the freedom
is about 12691*3= 4 *10^4 ). I solve the linear elasticity problem by using
FGMRES preconditioned by multigrid method (PCMG). I use all petsc standard
routines except that I construct coarse matrix and interpolation matrix by
myself. I used the following run script to set up solver and preconditioner:

mpirun -n 1 ./linearElasticity  -ksp_type fgmres -pc_type mg  -pc_mg_levels
2 -pc_mg_cycle_type v -pc_mg_type multiplicative -mg_levels_1_ksp_type
richardson -mg_levels_1_ksp_max_it 1 -mg_levels_1_pc_type asm
-mg_levels_1_sub_ksp_type preonly -mg_levels_1_sub_pc_type ilu
-mg_levels_1_sub_pc_factor_levels 4
-mg_levels_1_sub_pc_factor_mat_ordering_type rcm -mg_coarse_ksp_type cg
-mg_coarse_ksp_rtol 0.1  -mg_coarse_ksp_max_it 10 -mg_coarse_pc_type asm
-mg_coarse_sub_ksp_type preonly -mg_coarse_sub_pc_type ilu
-mg_coarse_sub_pc_factor_levels 2
-mg_coarse_sub_pc_factor_mat_ordering_type rcm -ksp_view    -log_summary

 I got the following results:

(1) before setting up mesh,

Current space PetscMalloc()ed 0.075882 M
Max space PetscMalloced() 0.119675 M
Current process memory 7.83203 M
Max process memory 0 M

(2) after setting up mesh,

Current space PetscMalloc()ed 16.8411 M
Max space PetscMalloced() 22.1353 M
Current process memory 28.4336 M
Max process memory 33.0547 M

(3) before calling KSPSetUp()

Current space PetscMalloc()ed 16.868 M
Max space PetscMalloced() 22.1353 M
Current process memory 28.6914 M
Max process memory 33.0547 M

(4) after calling KSPSetUp()

Current space PetscMalloc()ed 74.3354 M
Max space PetscMalloced() 74.3355 M
Current process memory 85.6953 M
Max process memory 84.9258 M

(5) before calling KSPSolve()

Current space PetscMalloc()ed 74.3354 M
Max space PetscMalloced() 74.3355 M
Current process memory 85.8711 M
Max process memory 84.9258 M

(6) after calling KSPSolve()

Current space PetscMalloc()ed 290.952 M
Max space PetscMalloced() 593.367 M
Current process memory 306.852 M
Max process memory 301.441 M

(7) After destroying all stuffs

Current space PetscMalloc()ed 0.331482 M
Max space PetscMalloced() 593.367 M
Current process memory 67.2539 M
Max process memory 309.137 M

So my question is why/if I need so much memory (306.852 M) for so small
problem (freedom: 4*10^4). Or is it normal case? Or my run script used to
set up solver is not reasonable?


Fande Kong,

Department of Computer Science
University of Colorado Boulder

On Mon, May 27, 2013 at 9:48 PM, Barry Smith <bsmith at mcs.anl.gov> wrote:

>    There are several ways to monitor the memory usage. You can divide them
> into two categories: those that monitor how much memory has been malloced
> specifically by PETSc and how much is used totally be the process.
> PetscMallocGetCurrentUsage() and PetscMallocGetMaximumUsage() which only
> work with the command line option -malloc provide how much PETSc has
> malloced.
> PetscMemoryGetCurrentUsage() and PetscMemoryGetMaximumUsage() (call
> PetscMemorySetGetMaximumUsage() immediately after PetscInitialize() for
> this one to work) provide total memory usage.
> These are called on each process so use a MPI_Reduce() to gather the total
> memory across all processes to process 0 to print it out. Suggest calling
> it after the mesh as been set up, then call again immediately before the
> XXXSolve() is called and then after the XXXSolve() is called.
>    Please let us know if you have any difficulties.
>     As always we recommend you upgrade to PETSc 3.4
>     Barry
> On May 27, 2013, at 10:22 PM, Fande Kong <fande.kong at colorado.edu> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > How to measure the memory usage of the application built on the Petsc?
>  I am now solving linear elasticity equations with fgmres preconditioned by
> two-level method, that is, preconditioned by multigrid method where on each
> level the additive Schwarz method is adopted.  More than 1000 cores are
> adopted to solve this problem on the supercomputer. When the total freedom
> of the problem is about 60M, the application correctly run and produce
> correct results. But when the total freedom increases to 600M, the
> application abort and say there is not enough memory (  the system
> administrator of the supercomputer told me that my application run out
> memory).
> >
> > Thus, I want to monitor the memory usage dynamically when the
> application running. Are there any functions or strategies that could be
> used for this purpose?
> >
> > The error information is attached.
> >
> > Regards,
> > --
> > Fande Kong
> > Department of Computer Science
> > University of Colorado at Boulder
> > <solid3dcube2.o1603352><configure and make log.zip>
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