[petsc-users] h-FGMRES
Hong Zhang
hzhang at mcs.anl.gov
Mon May 20 11:08:35 CDT 2013
> On a related note, I tried using the ASM version of the same approach;
> that is -pc_type asm -pc_asm_blocks 4 with the remainder of the options
> the same. This gives a message that the number of blocks is less than the
> number of processors (sorry I don't have the exact message anymore). I get
> this error with both mpiaij and mpibaij types.
Thanks for reporting it.
The '_Multiproc' version of asm is not implemented yet, although it is
logically same as bjacobi_Multiproc.
I added to our 'to-do' list
> Has this approach been implemented/do you think there would be any benefit
> from the approach?
It would be beneficial for applications that give better convergence and
performance with asm than bjacobi.
It is necessary to provide such support in petsc library.
We'll let you know when it is implemented.
> On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 10:34 AM, Hong Zhang <hzhang at mcs.anl.gov> wrote:
>> Gaetan :
>>> It runs if the mattype is mpiaij instead of mpibaij. I gather this is
>>> not implemented for the blocked matrix types?
>> It is not tested for mpibaij format yet. I'll check it.
>> The paper uses mpiaij format.
>> Hong
>>> Gaetan
>>> On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 9:26 AM, Gaetan Kenway <gaetank at gmail.com>wrote:
>>>> Hi again
>>>> I installed petsc3.4.0 and I am still getting the following error when
>>>> running with the following options (on 64 procs)
>>>> # Matrix Options
>>>> -matload_block_size 5 -mat_type mpibaij
>>>> # KSP solver options
>>>> -ksp_type fgmres -ksp_max_it 1000 -ksp_gmres_restart 200 -ksp_monitor
>>>> -ksp_view -ksp_pc_side right -ksp_rtol 1e-6
>>>> # Nested GMRES Options
>>>> -pc_type bjacobi -pc_bjacobi_blocks 4 -sub_ksp_type gmres
>>>> -sub_ksp_max_it 5 -sub_pc_type bjacobi -sub_sub_pc_type ilu
>>>> -sub_sub_pc_factor_mat_ordering_type rcm -sub_sub_pc_factor_levels 1
>>>> Any thoughts?
>>>> Thank you,
>>>> Gaetan
>>>> [44]PETSC ERROR:
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> [44]PETSC ERROR: Caught signal number 11 SEGV: Segmentation Violation,
>>>> probably memory access out of range
>>>> [44]PETSC ERROR: Try option -start_in_debugger or
>>>> -on_error_attach_debugger
>>>> [44]PETSC ERROR: or see
>>>> http://www.mcs.anl.gov/petsc/documentation/faq.html#valgrind[44]PETSCERROR: or try
>>>> http://valgrind.org on GNU/linux and Apple Mac OS X to find memory
>>>> corruption errors
>>>> [44]PETSC ERROR: likely location of problem given in stack below
>>>> [44]PETSC ERROR: --------------------- Stack Frames
>>>> ------------------------------------
>>>> [44]PETSC ERROR: Note: The EXACT line numbers in the stack are not
>>>> available,
>>>> [44]PETSC ERROR: INSTEAD the line number of the start of the
>>>> function
>>>> [44]PETSC ERROR: is given.
>>>> [44]PETSC ERROR: [44] PCSetUp_BJacobi_Multiproc line 1197
>>>> /home/j/jmartins/kenway/packages/petsc-3.4.0/src/ksp/pc/impls/bjacobi/bjacobi.c
>>>> [44]PETSC ERROR: [44] PCSetUp_BJacobi line 24
>>>> /home/j/jmartins/kenway/packages/petsc-3.4.0/src/ksp/pc/impls/bjacobi/bjacobi.c
>>>> [44]PETSC ERROR: [44] PCSetUp line 868
>>>> /home/j/jmartins/kenway/packages/petsc-3.4.0/src/ksp/pc/interface/precon.c
>>>> [44]PETSC ERROR: [44] KSPSetUp line 192
>>>> /home/j/jmartins/kenway/packages/petsc-3.4.0/src/ksp/ksp/interface/itfunc.c
>>>> [44]PETSC ERROR: [44] KSPSolve line 356
>>>> /home/j/jmartins/kenway/packages/petsc-3.4.0/src/ksp/ksp/interface/itfunc.c
>>>> [43]PETSC ERROR:
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> On Sun, May 19, 2013 at 11:15 PM, Barry Smith <bsmith at mcs.anl.gov>wrote:
>>>>> You should be using PETSc version 3.4 which was recently released
>>>>> and is what the paper is based on.
>>>>> Barry
>>>>> On May 19, 2013, at 10:11 PM, Gaetan Kenway <gaetank at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> > Hi Everyone
>>>>> >
>>>>> > I am trying to replicate the type of preconditioner described in
>>>>> "Hierarchical and Nested Krylov Methods for Extreme-Scale Computing".
>>>>> >
>>>>> > I have used the following options: (I'm using fortran so the
>>>>> following is my petsc_options file)
>>>>> >
>>>>> > # Matrix Options
>>>>> > -matload_block_size 5
>>>>> > -mat_type mpibaij
>>>>> >
>>>>> > # KSP solver options
>>>>> > -ksp_type gmres
>>>>> > -ksp_max_it 1000
>>>>> > -ksp_gmres_restart 200
>>>>> > -ksp_monitor
>>>>> > -ksp_view
>>>>> > -ksp_pc_side right
>>>>> > -ksp_rtol 1e-6
>>>>> >
>>>>> > # Nested GMRES Options
>>>>> > -pc_type bjacobi
>>>>> > -pc_bjacobi_blocks 4
>>>>> > -sub_ksp_type gmres
>>>>> > -sub_ksp_max_it 5
>>>>> > -sub_pc_type bjacobi
>>>>> > -sub_sub_pc_type ilu
>>>>> > -sub_sub_pc_factor_mat_ordering_type rcm
>>>>> > -sub_sub_pc_factor_levels 1
>>>>> >
>>>>> > The test is run on 64 processors and the total number of block
>>>>> jacobi blocks is 4 (less than nproc). The error I get is:
>>>>> >
>>>>> > [6]PETSC ERROR: Note: The EXACT line numbers in the stack are not
>>>>> available,
>>>>> > [6]PETSC ERROR: INSTEAD the line number of the start of the
>>>>> function
>>>>> > [6]PETSC ERROR: is given.
>>>>> > [6]PETSC ERROR: [6] PCSetUp_BJacobi_Multiproc line 1269
>>>>> /home/j/jmartins/kenway/packages/petsc-3.3-p5/src/ksp/pc/impls/bjacobi/bjacobi.c
>>>>> > [6]PETSC ERROR: [6] PCSetUp_BJacobi line 24
>>>>> /home/j/jmartins/kenway/packages/petsc-3.3-p5/src/ksp/pc/impls/bjacobi/bjacobi.c
>>>>> > [6]PETSC ERROR: [6] PCSetUp line 810
>>>>> /home/j/jmartins/kenway/packages/petsc-3.3-p5/src/ksp/pc/interface/precon.c
>>>>> > [6]PETSC ERROR: [6] KSPSetUp line 182
>>>>> /home/j/jmartins/kenway/packages/petsc-3.3-p5/src/ksp/ksp/interface/itfunc.c
>>>>> > [6]PETSC ERROR: [6] KSPSolve line 351
>>>>> /home/j/jmartins/kenway/packages/petsc-3.3-p5/src/ksp/ksp/interface/itfunc.c
>>>>> > [6]PETSC ERROR: --------------------- Error Message
>>>>> ------------------------------------
>>>>> > [6]PETSC ERROR: Signal received!
>>>>> > [6]PETSC ERROR:
>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> > [6]PETSC ERROR: Petsc Release Version 3.3.0, Patch 5, Sat Dec 1
>>>>> 15:10:41 CST 2012
>>>>> > [6]PETSC ERROR: See docs/changes/index.html for recent updates.
>>>>> > [6]PETSC ERROR: See docs/faq.html for hints about trouble shooting.
>>>>> > [6]PETSC ERROR:
>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> > [6]PETSC ERROR:
>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> > [6]PETSC ERROR: ./main on a intel-rea named gpc-f109n001 by kenway
>>>>> Sun May 19 23:01:52 2013
>>>>> > [6]PETSC ERROR: Libraries linked from
>>>>> /home/j/jmartins/kenway/packages/petsc-3.3-p5/intel-real-debug/lib
>>>>> > [6]PETSC ERROR: Configure run at Sun Jan 20 15:52:20 2013
>>>>> > [6]PETSC ERROR: Configure options --with-shared-libraries
>>>>> --download-superlu_dist=yes --download-parmetis=yes --download-metis=yes
>>>>> --with-fortran-interfaces=1 --with-debugging=yes --with-scalar-type=real
>>>>> -with-petsc-arch=intel-real-debug --with-blas-lapack-dir= --with-pic
>>>>> > [6]PETSC ERROR:
>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> >
>>>>> > If the number of blocks is greater than or equal to the number of
>>>>> processors it runs fine. I'm using version 3.3-p5.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > The options as listed in the paper are:
>>>>> > -flow_ksp_type fgmres -flow_ksp_pc_side right -flow_pc_type bjacobi
>>>>> -flow_pc_bjacobi_blocks ngp
>>>>> > -flow_sub_ksp_type gmres -flow_sub_ksp_max_it 6 -flow_sub_pc_type
>>>>> bjacobi
>>>>> > -flow_sub_sub_pc_type ilu
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Thank you,
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Gaetan Kenway
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
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