[petsc-users] Performance RH5 vs RH6

Tabrez Ali stali at geology.wisc.edu
Wed Jul 3 13:17:20 CDT 2013

Did you by chance turn debugging on while configuring PETSc?


On 07/03/2013 12:16 PM, Mohamad M. Nasr-Azadani wrote:
> Hi guys,
> Recently, a supercomputer I had been using for the past year, upgraded 
> their OS from RH5 to RH6. After recompiling PETSc along with Hypre 
> with various compilers (gcc and intel) and mpi packages (openmpi and 
> mvapich2), the performance I observe on RH6 is significantly worse, 
> e.g. my code is close to 30-40% slower.
> My code is a finite-difference Navier-Stokes solver and uses BoomerAMG 
> to precondition the pressure Poisson equation.
> I have not done a thorough profiling yet, but I was wondering if you 
> have encountered a similar experience before.
> Thanks,
> Mohamad

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