[petsc-users] how does the srand48/drand48 works in windows build PETSc-3.3?

Yonghui lyh03259.aps at gmail.com
Tue Jan 29 13:48:01 CST 2013

Dear PETSc users,


I am start to use PETSc-3.3 and trying to build a Cygwin free windows
version (I just don't want to have Cygwin installed).

Thanks for the effort that the developers made for those macros


Here is a question: how does srand48/drand48 works in windows? Can I replace
them with other random number generator (that's the last option since I am
not sure whether they will be used in other functions)? I don't see any
equivalent definition in any headers in windows so far.

There is a windows build tutorial but need Cygwin installed. Does that mean
I have to use srand48/drand48 provided by Cygwin (not sure but maybe)?


I am using MSVS 2010+intel compiler+mpich.


Any comment will be appreciated.




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