[petsc-users] pass PETSC_NULL_INTEGER to dynamic array of Vec in Frotran90

Satish Balay balay at mcs.anl.gov
Thu Feb 21 11:05:31 CST 2013

For one - you might need PETSC_NULL_OBJECT. And even then - perhaps
the compiler might complain [as it expects an array].

And then the fortran interface to MatNullSpaceCreate() doesn't have
code to handle PETSC_NULL for this argument. [so it won't work anyway]

So you are better off passing in a dummy Vec

Vec :: dummyv(1)

Also - its best to pass in 'variables' not cosntants like '0' to
fortran subroutines.

PetscInt :: zero

zero = 0


On Wed, 20 Feb 2013, Mi Yan wrote:

> xlf9014.1  reported error for the below FORTRAN 90 code:
> ******
> MatNullSpace   nullsp
> PetscErrorCode   :: ierr
> call MatNullSpaceCreate( PETSC_COMM_WORLD, PETSC_TRUE, 0, 
> PETSC_NULL_INTEGER, nullsp, ierr );
> ****
> The error message is:
>  Actual argument attributes do not match those specified by an accessible 
> explicit interface.
> The error implies the real argument the attribute of "PETSC_NULL_INTEGER" 
> does not match with those specified by the interface.  The interface of 
> MatNullSpaceCreate is declared in finclude/ftn-auto/petscmat.h90 ,  whose 
> 4th dummy argument is declared as
>      Vec vecs (*) 
> In my code,  PETSC_NULL_INTEGER is passed to an array of Vec.   Is there 
> anything wrong here?
> thanks,
> Mi

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