[petsc-users] Eigenvalue Problem, Dirichlet BC and DMPlex

Dharmendar Reddy dharmareddy84 at gmail.com
Fri Apr 19 18:36:35 CDT 2013

         I need to assemble the operators for an eigenvalue problem.
Consider for example a 1D Schrodinger equation

-div(grad(psi)) = E psi   for x in [0, L] and psi(0) = 0 and psi(L) = 0

I understand how to get the 1D mesh into a DM object.

I was thinking to create the default section using 1 scalar field per node
add boundary points.

Use DMCreateMatrix to get the operators.

Now if i do element by element assembly,
Do i need to use matsetclosure or masetvalues?
how are the elements with boundary nodes handled ?
Are the values for boundary nodes ignored ?

I will pass the assembled operators to slepc to solve the eigenvalue


Dharmendar Reddy Palle
Graduate Student
Microelectronics Research center,
University of Texas at Austin,
10100 Burnet Road, Bldg. 160
MER 2.608F, TX 78758-4445
e-mail: dharmareddy84 at gmail.com
Phone: +1-512-350-9082
United States of America.
Homepage: https://webspace.utexas.edu/~dpr342
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