[petsc-users] Fwd: Re: A question on the PETSc options for non-uniform grid

Zhenglun (Alan) Wei zhenglun.wei at gmail.com
Fri Apr 5 11:59:32 CDT 2013

Dear folks,
     I forget to forward my reply to the list. Please check the 
'Forwarded Message' about my code of Poisson solver with non-uniform 
grid and the procedure to reproduce the error for 'gamg'.
     However, here I have some questions on the HYPRE preconditioner for 
the GMRES. One of my friend suggested me to add this to my code:
ierr = KSPGetPC(solver, &pc);CHKERRQ(ierr);
ierr = PCSetType(pc, PCHYPRE);CHKERRQ(ierr);
ierr = PCHYPRESetType(pc,"boomeramg");CHKERRQ(ierr);

ierr = PetscOptionsSetValue("-pc_hypre_boomeramg_max_levels", "25"); 
ierr = PetscOptionsSetValue("-pc_hypre_boomeramg_strong_threshold", 
"0.0"); CHKERRQ(ierr);
ierr = PetscOptionsSetValue("-pc_hypre_boomeramg_relax_type_all", 
"SOR/Jacobi"); CHKERRQ(ierr);

    After this is done, the time for solving the Poisson equation indeed 
reduced to half; however, it is still very slow. Here I attached output 
file (out_GMRES_HYPRE-pc in the attachment) with -ksp_monitor and 
--ksp_view. Could you please help me to take a look and see which part I 
can modified to speed up the solver.


-------- Forwarded Message --------
主题: 	Re: [petsc-users] A question on the PETSc options for non-uniform 
日期: 	Sun, 31 Mar 2013 18:21:40 -0500
发件人: 	Zhenglun (Alan) Wei <zhenglun.wei at gmail.com>
收件人: 	Jed Brown <jedbrown at mcs.anl.gov>, "Mark F. Adams" 
<mark.adams at columbia.edu>

Dear Dr. Brown,
Thank you so much for your answers. Here are my reply.
I reduced my code and attached here. It derives from the KSP ex45.c plus
my own code for the non uniform grid. The boundary condtion follows the
original method of ex45.c. Firstly, I should mention that if the code
runs for uniform grid, it is very fine. In the 'ITTCRun' script, there
are four executable lines.
1, it uses ksp = 'CG' and pc = 'GAMG'. It will comes up the
'un-symmetric graphic' problem;
2, it adds '-pc_gamg_sym_graph true' at the end. As I mentioned before,
it provides a very crazy norm since the '-pc_gamg_sym_graph true' is
used. The 'out_ksp=CG' shows the log and the norm.
3, No matter if the ksp type changed to 'GMRES' (which is the 3rd
executable line) or '-pc_gamg_sym_graph true' changed to
'-pc_gamg_threhold 0.0', the code will stacks there. However, it seems
not to be a 'deadlock' because if I reduce the computational load, i.e.
mesh size, it will complete but just very slow.
4, it uses everything for the default; I believe it is ksp = 'GMRES'
without any preconditioner. It can solve the fine mesh problem yet just
very slow.

I really appreciate your time and help, :)

> "Zhenglun (Alan) Wei" <zhenglun.wei at gmail.com> writes:
>> Dear All,
>> I hope you're having a nice day.
>> Based on ksp ex45, a 3D Poisson solver with non-uniform grid is coded.
>> The PETSc options I used is:
>> /mpiexec -np 32 ./ex45 -pc_type gamg -ksp_type cg -pc_gamg_type agg
>> -pc_gamg_agg_nsmooths 1 -mg_levels_ksp_max_it 1 -mg_levels_ksp_type
>> richardson -ksp_rtol 1.0e-7/
>> There are some problems:
>> 1, if the mesh is very coarse with very small amount of the grid, the
>> code runs well;
>> 2, if the mesh is fine, an error message comes up saying 'un-symmetric
>> graph'. It suggests me to use '-pc_gamg_sym_graph true' or
>> '-pc_gamg_thredhold 0.0'.
> How are you implementing boundary conditions?
>> a) if '-pc_gamg_sym_graph true' is used, the code runs but blows up very
>> quickly with crazy norm;
>> b) if '-pc_gamg_thredhold 0.0' is used, the code stops on the KSPSolve()
>> forever;
>> 3, because of the 'un-symmetric graph' error, it reminds me that the
>> matrix may not be symmetric, which indicates that '-ksp_type cg' may not
>> be a good option. Therefore, I changed it to '-ksp_type gmres'. It makes
>> the code run with 'moderate fine' mesh. However, it stops at KSPSolve()
>> also with fine mesh.
>> a) does there any other '-ksp_type' fit better for this case?
>> b) does multigrid preconditioner work well for gmres?
> All of the above should work. Can you reproduce with our version of
> ex45.c, or can you send your version with the full error messages you
> are seeing (or other symptoms, like deadlock?) and instructions to
> reproduce?

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NumRank = 32 
Ready for BuildingNonUniformGrid!!
Ready for ApplyNonUniformGrid#1!!
Ready for Initialization!!
Ready for the main iteration!!
Ready for ApplyNonUniform of the KSPSolve#1!!
Ready for ComputePpRHS of the KSPSolve#1!!
Ready for ComputeMatrix of the KSPSolve#1!!
Ready for KspSetDM of the KSPSolve#1!!
Ready for KSPSetFromOptions of the KSPSolve#1!!
Ready for KSPSetUp of the KSPSolve#1!!
Finish KSPSetUp of the KSPSolve#1!!
Ready for KSPSolve#1!!
Finish KSPSolve#1!!
Residual norm 121.02
***             WIDEN YOUR WINDOW TO 120 CHARACTERS.  Use 'enscript -r -fCourier9' to print this document            ***

---------------------------------------------- PETSc Performance Summary: ----------------------------------------------

./ex45 on a linux-gnu-c-nodebug named n028 with 32 processors, by zlwei Sun Mar 31 18:01:09 2013
Using Petsc Development HG revision: 60bf177dda1f5f14babbace55c4a430ac46ab2a6  HG Date: Thu Feb 14 11:32:41 2013 -0600

                         Max       Max/Min        Avg      Total 
Time (sec):           2.793e+01      1.00005   2.793e+01
Objects:              5.510e+02      1.00364   5.491e+02
Flops:                5.698e+08      1.22785   5.141e+08  1.645e+10
Flops/sec:            2.040e+07      1.22784   1.841e+07  5.890e+08
MPI Messages:         4.776e+03      2.14822   3.434e+03  1.099e+05
MPI Message Lengths:  4.300e+07      1.63512   1.016e+04  1.117e+09
MPI Reductions:       1.139e+03      1.00176

Flop counting convention: 1 flop = 1 real number operation of type (multiply/divide/add/subtract)
                            e.g., VecAXPY() for real vectors of length N --> 2N flops
                            and VecAXPY() for complex vectors of length N --> 8N flops

Summary of Stages:   ----- Time ------  ----- Flops -----  --- Messages ---  -- Message Lengths --  -- Reductions --
                        Avg     %Total     Avg     %Total   counts   %Total     Avg         %Total   counts   %Total 
 0:      Main Stage: 1.1397e-01   0.4%  2.0336e+08   1.2%  1.280e+02   0.1%  5.241e+01        0.5%  3.000e+00   0.3% 
 1:      DMMG Setup: 4.1170e-01   1.5%  0.0000e+00   0.0%  1.360e+03   1.2%  1.597e+02        1.6%  3.700e+01   3.2% 
 2: Pressure RHS Setup: 2.6268e+01  94.0%  1.3900e+10  84.5%  9.833e+04  89.5%  9.435e+03       92.9%  1.074e+03  94.3% 
 3:  Pressure Solve: 1.1388e+00   4.1%  2.3473e+09  14.3%  1.008e+04   9.2%  5.131e+02        5.1%  2.206e+01   1.9% 

See the 'Profiling' chapter of the users' manual for details on interpreting output.
Phase summary info:
   Count: number of times phase was executed
   Time and Flops: Max - maximum over all processors
                   Ratio - ratio of maximum to minimum over all processors
   Mess: number of messages sent
   Avg. len: average message length (bytes)
   Reduct: number of global reductions
   Global: entire computation
   Stage: stages of a computation. Set stages with PetscLogStagePush() and PetscLogStagePop().
      %T - percent time in this phase         %f - percent flops in this phase
      %M - percent messages in this phase     %L - percent message lengths in this phase
      %R - percent reductions in this phase
   Total Mflop/s: 10e-6 * (sum of flops over all processors)/(max time over all processors)
Event                Count      Time (sec)     Flops                             --- Global ---  --- Stage ---   Total
                   Max Ratio  Max     Ratio   Max  Ratio  Mess   Avg len Reduct  %T %f %M %L %R  %T %f %M %L %R Mflop/s

--- Event Stage 0: Main Stage

VecNorm                1 1.0 2.2058e-0218.1 7.50e+05 1.0 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 1.0e+00  0  0  0  0  0   7 12  0  0 33  1088
VecAXPY                1 1.0 1.0166e-02 5.0 7.50e+05 1.0 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0.0e+00  0  0  0  0  0   6 12  0  0  0  2361
VecScatterBegin        1 1.0 2.9681e-03 6.1 0.00e+00 0.0 1.3e+02 4.5e+04 0.0e+00  0  0  0  1  0   2  0100100  0     0
VecScatterEnd          1 1.0 1.7600e-03 2.4 0.00e+00 0.0 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0.0e+00  0  0  0  0  0   1  0  0  0  0     0
MatMult                1 1.0 6.9038e-02 1.4 4.87e+06 1.0 1.3e+02 4.5e+04 0.0e+00  0  1  0  1  0  54 76100100  0  2250

--- Event Stage 1: DMMG Setup

VecSet                 1 1.0 2.9253e-02 1.3 0.00e+00 0.0 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0.0e+00  0  0  0  0  0   6  0  0  0  0     0
VecScatterBegin        1 1.0 3.5793e-02 1.1 0.00e+00 0.0 3.7e+02 3.2e+04 0.0e+00  0  0  0  1  0   8  0 27 67  0     0
VecScatterEnd          1 1.0 1.8298e-02 4.1 0.00e+00 0.0 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0.0e+00  0  0  0  0  0   3  0  0  0  0     0

--- Event Stage 2: Pressure RHS Setup

KSPGMRESOrthog        40 1.0 8.6936e-01 1.4 9.39e+07 1.0 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 4.0e+01  3 18  0  0  4   3 21  0  0  4  3402
KSPSetUp              10 1.0 9.0960e-02 1.4 0.00e+00 0.0 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 1.8e+01  0  0  0  0  2   0  0  0  0  2     0
VecMDot               40 1.0 6.0814e-01 1.7 4.69e+07 1.0 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 4.0e+01  2  9  0  0  4   2 11  0  0  4  2431
VecNorm               44 1.0 2.4593e-01 2.2 9.39e+06 1.0 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 4.4e+01  1  2  0  0  4   1  2  0  0  4  1202
VecScale              44 1.0 7.4415e-02 4.9 4.69e+06 1.0 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0.0e+00  0  1  0  0  0   0  1  0  0  0  1987
VecCopy                4 1.0 9.3884e-03 2.8 0.00e+00 0.0 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0.0e+00  0  0  0  0  0   0  0  0  0  0     0
VecSet                74 1.0 6.2634e-02 1.4 0.00e+00 0.0 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0.0e+00  0  0  0  0  0   0  0  0  0  0     0
VecAXPY                4 1.0 1.1530e-02 3.2 8.54e+05 1.0 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0.0e+00  0  0  0  0  0   0  0  0  0  0  2332
VecMAXPY              44 1.0 3.7019e-01 1.2 5.55e+07 1.0 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0.0e+00  1 11  0  0  0   1 13  0  0  0  4720
VecAssemblyBegin      64 1.0 3.5270e-01 1.5 0.00e+00 0.0 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 1.9e+02  1  0  0  0 17   1  0  0  0 18     0
VecAssemblyEnd        64 1.0 3.2663e-04 2.2 0.00e+00 0.0 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0.0e+00  0  0  0  0  0   0  0  0  0  0     0
VecPointwiseMult      44 1.0 1.5967e-01 1.2 4.69e+06 1.0 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0.0e+00  1  1  0  0  0   1  1  0  0  0   926
VecScatterBegin      108 1.0 1.2571e-01 1.7 0.00e+00 0.0 4.5e+04 7.9e+03 0.0e+00  0  0 41 32  0   0  0 46 34  0     0
VecScatterEnd        108 1.0 4.2095e-01 1.9 0.00e+00 0.0 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0.0e+00  1  0  0  0  0   1  0  0  0  0     0
VecSetRandom           4 1.0 1.9181e-02 2.6 0.00e+00 0.0 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0.0e+00  0  0  0  0  0   0  0  0  0  0     0
VecNormalize          44 1.0 3.0430e-01 1.9 1.41e+07 1.0 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 4.4e+01  1  3  0  0  4   1  3  0  0  4  1458
MatMult               40 1.0 9.8190e-01 1.2 9.89e+07 1.3 1.5e+04 6.5e+03 0.0e+00  3 17 13  8  0   4 20 15  9  0  2863
MatConvert             4 1.0 2.4130e-01 1.2 0.00e+00 0.0 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 4.0e+00  1  0  0  0  0   1  0  0  0  0     0
MatScale              12 1.0 2.4393e-01 1.2 1.46e+07 1.3 1.5e+03 6.5e+03 0.0e+00  1  3  1  1  0   1  3  1  1  0  1701
MatAssemblyBegin      66 1.0 1.0796e+00 1.6 0.00e+00 0.0 1.0e+04 1.3e+04 7.2e+01  3  0  9 12  6   3  0 10 13  7     0
MatAssemblyEnd        66 1.0 1.8091e+00 1.1 0.00e+00 0.0 1.7e+04 1.4e+03 2.2e+02  6  0 16  2 19   7  0 18  2 20     0
MatGetRow        1707200 1.0 3.9819e+00 1.0 0.00e+00 0.0 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 14  0  0  0  0  15  0  0  0  0     0
MatCoarsen             4 1.0 7.2832e-01 1.0 0.00e+00 0.0 1.7e+04 7.1e+03 1.4e+02  3  0 15 11 12   3  0 17 12 13     0
MatAXPY                4 1.0 5.4486e-02 1.2 0.00e+00 0.0 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0.0e+00  0  0  0  0  0   0  0  0  0  0     0
MatTranspose           4 1.0 1.1323e+00 1.0 0.00e+00 0.0 1.1e+04 9.8e+03 6.4e+01  4  0 10 10  6   4  0 11 10  6     0
MatMatMult             4 1.0 8.7380e-01 1.1 1.03e+07 1.3 8.7e+03 3.3e+03 9.6e+01  3  2  8  3  8   3  2  9  3  9   337
MatPtAP                4 1.0 3.0574e+00 1.0 1.82e+08 2.1 1.4e+04 1.3e+04 1.0e+02 11 26 13 16  9  12 30 14 18  9  1382
MatTrnMatMult          4 1.0 5.4484e+00 1.0 9.66e+07 1.8 8.3e+03 3.7e+04 1.2e+02 19 14  8 27 10  21 17  8 29 11   424
MatGetLocalMat        20 1.0 4.8721e-01 1.2 0.00e+00 0.0 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 2.4e+01  2  0  0  0  2   2  0  0  0  2     0
MatGetBrAoCol         12 1.0 2.6553e-01 1.6 0.00e+00 0.0 1.0e+04 1.2e+04 1.6e+01  1  0  9 11  1   1  0 10 12  1     0
MatGetSymTrans         8 1.0 4.9516e-02 1.8 0.00e+00 0.0 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0.0e+00  0  0  0  0  0   0  0  0  0  0     0
PCSetUp                1 1.0 2.4610e+01 1.0 4.86e+08 1.2 9.7e+04 1.1e+04 1.0e+03 88 84 88 91 88  94100 98 98 94   565
PCGAMGgraph_AGG        4 1.0 8.8514e+00 1.0 1.03e+07 1.3 1.8e+04 8.8e+03 1.4e+02 32  2 17 14 12  34  2 19 15 13    33
PCGAMGcoarse_AGG       4 1.0 6.6358e+00 1.0 9.66e+07 1.8 3.4e+04 1.5e+04 3.4e+02 24 14 31 45 29  25 17 34 49 31   348
PCGAMGProl_AGG         4 1.0 5.1585e-01 1.1 0.00e+00 0.0 7.6e+03 5.5e+03 1.1e+02  2  0  7  4 10   2  0  8  4 10     0
PCGAMGPOpt_AGG         4 1.0 5.5509e+00 1.0 2.36e+08 1.1 2.3e+04 5.3e+03 2.2e+02 20 43 21 11 20  21 51 24 12 21  1274

--- Event Stage 3: Pressure Solve

KSPSetUp               2 1.0 7.1526e-06 0.0 0.00e+00 0.0 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0.0e+00  0  0  0  0  0   0  0  0  0  0     0
KSPSolve               1 1.0 1.1429e+00 1.0 8.00e+07 1.2 1.0e+04 5.6e+03 2.2e+01  4 14  9  5  2 100100100100100  2054
VecTDot                4 1.0 6.5522e-02 2.4 3.00e+06 1.0 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 4.0e+00  0  1  0  0  0   4  4  0  0 18  1465
VecNorm                2 1.0 4.0948e-02 8.3 1.50e+06 1.0 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 2.0e+00  0  0  0  0  0   2  2  0  0  9  1172
VecCopy               10 1.0 3.5149e-02 1.7 0.00e+00 0.0 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0.0e+00  0  0  0  0  0   2  0  0  0  0     0
VecSet                34 1.0 2.3161e-02 2.5 0.00e+00 0.0 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0.0e+00  0  0  0  0  0   1  0  0  0  0     0
VecAXPY               18 1.0 5.9955e-02 1.5 4.91e+06 1.0 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0.0e+00  0  1  0  0  0   4  7  0  0  0  2594
VecAYPX               17 1.0 4.8838e-02 1.2 2.46e+06 1.0 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0.0e+00  0  0  0  0  0   4  3  0  0  0  1592
VecAssemblyBegin       1 1.0 3.1125e-02 7.0 0.00e+00 0.0 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 3.0e+00  0  0  0  0  0   1  0  0  0 14     0
VecAssemblyEnd         1 1.0 1.5974e-05 8.4 0.00e+00 0.0 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0.0e+00  0  0  0  0  0   0  0  0  0  0     0
VecPointwiseMult      16 1.0 5.5181e-02 1.2 1.71e+06 1.0 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0.0e+00  0  0  0  0  0   5  2  0  0  0   974
VecScatterBegin       34 1.0 2.6413e-02 2.1 0.00e+00 0.0 1.0e+04 5.6e+03 0.0e+00  0  0  9  5  0   2  0100100  0     0
VecScatterEnd         34 1.0 7.9229e-02 4.5 0.00e+00 0.0 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0.0e+00  0  0  0  0  0   4  0  0  0  0     0
MatMult               18 1.0 5.3817e-01 1.1 4.93e+07 1.2 6.1e+03 8.1e+03 0.0e+00  2  9  6  4  0  45 61 60 87  0  2667
MatMultAdd             8 1.0 1.0760e-01 1.2 8.54e+06 1.3 2.0e+03 1.8e+03 0.0e+00  0  1  2  0  0   9 10 20  6  0  2236
MatMultTranspose       8 1.0 1.1546e-01 1.4 8.54e+06 1.3 2.0e+03 1.8e+03 0.0e+00  0  1  2  0  0   8 10 20  6  0  2084
MatSolve               2 0.0 2.0981e-05 0.0 5.70e+03 0.0 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0.0e+00  0  0  0  0  0   0  0  0  0  0   272
MatLUFactorSym         1 1.0 4.7207e-05 4.3 0.00e+00 0.0 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 3.0e+00  0  0  0  0  0   0  0  0  0 14     0
MatLUFactorNum         1 1.0 7.2956e-0525.5 3.59e+04 0.0 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0.0e+00  0  0  0  0  0   0  0  0  0  0   492
MatGetRowIJ            1 0.0 8.8215e-06 0.0 0.00e+00 0.0 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 0.0e+00  0  0  0  0  0   0  0  0  0  0     0
MatGetOrdering         1 0.0 7.1049e-05 0.0 0.00e+00 0.0 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 1.2e-01  0  0  0  0  0   0  0  0  0  1     0
PCSetUp                1 1.0 6.8903e-04 7.5 3.59e+04 0.0 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 5.1e+00  0  0  0  0  0   0  0  0  0 23    52
PCSetUpOnBlocks        2 1.0 7.0190e-04 7.1 3.59e+04 0.0 0.0e+00 0.0e+00 5.1e+00  0  0  0  0  0   0  0  0  0 23    51
PCApply                2 1.0 8.5915e-01 1.1 6.35e+07 1.3 9.8e+03 4.6e+03 1.3e+01  3 11  9  4  1  73 78 97 80 59  2119

--- Event Stage 4: Unknown

--- Event Stage 5: Unknown


Memory usage is given in bytes:

Object Type          Creations   Destructions     Memory  Descendants' Mem.
Reports information only for process 0.

--- Event Stage 0: Main Stage

       Krylov Solver     0              8        26784     0
     DMKSP interface     0              1          656     0
              Vector     1             46     72328368     0
      Vector Scatter     0             17        18020     0
              Matrix     0             48    132500240     0
    Distributed Mesh     0              4     18810208     0
     Bipartite Graph     0              8         6400     0
           Index Set     0              5         4144     0
   IS L to G Mapping     0              6     12530760     0
      Preconditioner     0              7         7052     0
              Viewer     1              0            0     0

--- Event Stage 1: DMMG Setup

       Krylov Solver     1              0            0     0
              Vector     6              4         6080     0
      Vector Scatter     4              0            0     0
    Distributed Mesh     2              0            0     0
     Bipartite Graph     4              0            0     0
           Index Set    10             10      3138568     0
   IS L to G Mapping     3              0            0     0

--- Event Stage 2: Pressure RHS Setup

       Krylov Solver    12              5       121792     0
     DMKSP interface     1              0            0     0
              Vector   223            184     88029856     0
      Vector Scatter    36             23        24380     0
              Matrix   123             76    527242404     0
      Matrix Coarsen     4              4         2544     0
    Distributed Mesh     3              1         4368     0
     Bipartite Graph    10              6         5024     0
           Index Set    78             76      3772892     0
   IS L to G Mapping     3              0            0     0
      Preconditioner    12              5         4520     0
         PetscRandom     4              4         2528     0

--- Event Stage 3: Pressure Solve

              Vector     4              0            0     0
              Matrix     1              0            0     0
           Index Set     5              2         1600     0

--- Event Stage 4: Unknown

--- Event Stage 5: Unknown

Average time to get PetscTime(): 5.00679e-07
Average time for MPI_Barrier(): 0.000554371
Average time for zero size MPI_Send(): 0.000241652
#PETSc Option Table entries:
-ksp_rtol 1.0e-7
-ksp_type cg
-mg_levels_ksp_max_it 1
-mg_levels_ksp_type richardson
-pc_gamg_agg_nsmooths 1
-pc_gamg_sym_graph true
-pc_gamg_type agg
-pc_type gamg
#End of PETSc Option Table entries
Compiled without FORTRAN kernels
Compiled with full precision matrices (default)
sizeof(short) 2 sizeof(int) 4 sizeof(long) 8 sizeof(void*) 8 sizeof(PetscScalar) 8 sizeof(PetscInt) 4
Configure run at: Thu Feb 14 14:17:01 2013
Configure options: --download-f-blas-lapack --download-mpich --with-debugging=0 PETSC_ARCH=linux-gnu-c-nodebug
Libraries compiled on Thu Feb 14 14:17:01 2013 on login1.ittc.ku.edu 
Machine characteristics: Linux-2.6.32-220.13.1.el6.x86_64-x86_64-with-redhat-6.2-Santiago
Using PETSc directory: /bio/work1/zlwei/PETSc/petsc-dev
Using PETSc arch: linux-gnu-c-nodebug

Using C compiler: /bio/work1/zlwei/PETSc/petsc-dev/linux-gnu-c-nodebug/bin/mpicc  -fPIC -Wall -Wwrite-strings -Wno-strict-aliasing -Wno-unknown-pragmas -O  ${COPTFLAGS} ${CFLAGS}
Using Fortran compiler: /bio/work1/zlwei/PETSc/petsc-dev/linux-gnu-c-nodebug/bin/mpif90  -fPIC  -Wall -Wno-unused-variable -O  ${FOPTFLAGS} ${FFLAGS} 

Using include paths: -I/bio/work1/zlwei/PETSc/petsc-dev/linux-gnu-c-nodebug/include -I/bio/work1/zlwei/PETSc/petsc-dev/include -I/bio/work1/zlwei/PETSc/petsc-dev/include -I/bio/work1/zlwei/PETSc/petsc-dev/linux-gnu-c-nodebug/include

Using C linker: /bio/work1/zlwei/PETSc/petsc-dev/linux-gnu-c-nodebug/bin/mpicc
Using Fortran linker: /bio/work1/zlwei/PETSc/petsc-dev/linux-gnu-c-nodebug/bin/mpif90
Using libraries: -Wl,-rpath,/bio/work1/zlwei/PETSc/petsc-dev/linux-gnu-c-nodebug/lib -L/bio/work1/zlwei/PETSc/petsc-dev/linux-gnu-c-nodebug/lib -lpetsc -Wl,-rpath,/bio/work1/zlwei/PETSc/petsc-dev/linux-gnu-c-nodebug/lib -L/bio/work1/zlwei/PETSc/petsc-dev/linux-gnu-c-nodebug/lib -lflapack -lfblas -lX11 -lpthread -lm -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/4.4.6 -L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/4.4.6 -lmpichf90 -lgfortran -lm -lm -ldl -lmpich -lopa -lmpl -lrt -lpthread -lgcc_s -ldl 

-------------- next part --------------
NumRank = 32 
Ready for BuildingNonUniformGrid!!
Ready for ApplyNonUniformGrid#1!!
rank = 25, NbrRanks are: L: 24, R: 26, B:21, T:29, A:17, F:33!!
rank = 25: xs = 75, ys = 0, zs = 150, mx = 300, my = 200, mz = 200!
rank = 25:  left BC = 0,  rightBC = 0, bottom BC = 1, top BC = 0, aft BC = 0, front BC = 1 
rank = 25:  xc = 75, yc = 100, zc = 50, xw = 75, yw = 100, zw = 50
rank = 31, NbrRanks are: L: 30, R: 32, B:27, T:35, A:23, F:39!!
rank = 31: xs = 225, ys = 100, zs = 150, mx = 300, my = 200, mz = 200!
rank = 31:  left BC = 0,  rightBC = 1, bottom BC = 0, top BC = 1, aft BC = 0, front BC = 1 
rank = 31:  xc = 74, yc = 100, zc = 50, xw = 75, yw = 100, zw = 50
rank = 28, NbrRanks are: L: 27, R: 29, B:24, T:32, A:20, F:36!!
rank = 28: xs = 0, ys = 100, zs = 150, mx = 300, my = 200, mz = 200!
rank = 28:  left BC = 1,  rightBC = 0, bottom BC = 0, top BC = 1, aft BC = 0, front BC = 1 
rank = 28:  xc = 75, yc = 100, zc = 50, xw = 75, yw = 100, zw = 50
rank = 29, NbrRanks are: L: 28, R: 30, B:25, T:33, A:21, F:37!!
rank = 29: xs = 75, ys = 100, zs = 150, mx = 300, my = 200, mz = 200!
rank = 29:  left BC = 0,  rightBC = 0, bottom BC = 0, top BC = 1, aft BC = 0, front BC = 1 
rank = 29:  xc = 75, yc = 100, zc = 50, xw = 75, yw = 100, zw = 50
rank = 24, NbrRanks are: L: 23, R: 25, B:20, T:28, A:16, F:32!!
rank = 24: xs = 0, ys = 0, zs = 150, mx = 300, my = 200, mz = 200!
rank = 24:  left BC = 1,  rightBC = 0, bottom BC = 1, top BC = 0, aft BC = 0, front BC = 1 
rank = 24:  xc = 75, yc = 100, zc = 50, xw = 75, yw = 100, zw = 50
rank = 26, NbrRanks are: L: 25, R: 27, B:22, T:30, A:18, F:34!!
rank = 26: xs = 150, ys = 0, zs = 150, mx = 300, my = 200, mz = 200!
rank = 26:  left BC = 0,  rightBC = 0, bottom BC = 1, top BC = 0, aft BC = 0, front BC = 1 
rank = 26:  xc = 75, yc = 100, zc = 50, xw = 75, yw = 100, zw = 50
rank = 27, NbrRanks are: L: 26, R: 28, B:23, T:31, A:19, F:35!!
rank = 27: xs = 225, ys = 0, zs = 150, mx = 300, my = 200, mz = 200!
rank = 27:  left BC = 0,  rightBC = 1, bottom BC = 1, top BC = 0, aft BC = 0, front BC = 1 
rank = 27:  xc = 74, yc = 100, zc = 50, xw = 75, yw = 100, zw = 50
rank = 20, NbrRanks are: L: 19, R: 21, B:16, T:24, A:12, F:28!!
rank = 20: xs = 0, ys = 100, zs = 100, mx = 300, my = 200, mz = 200!
rank = 20:  left BC = 1,  rightBC = 0, bottom BC = 0, top BC = 1, aft BC = 0, front BC = 0 
rank = 20:  xc = 75, yc = 100, zc = 50, xw = 75, yw = 100, zw = 50
rank = 30, NbrRanks are: L: 29, R: 31, B:26, T:34, A:22, F:38!!
rank = 30: xs = 150, ys = 100, zs = 150, mx = 300, my = 200, mz = 200!
rank = 30:  left BC = 0,  rightBC = 0, bottom BC = 0, top BC = 1, aft BC = 0, front BC = 1 
rank = 30:  xc = 75, yc = 100, zc = 50, xw = 75, yw = 100, zw = 50
rank = 4, NbrRanks are: L: 3, R: 5, B:0, T:8, A:-4, F:12!!
rank = 4: xs = 0, ys = 100, zs = 0, mx = 300, my = 200, mz = 200!
rank = 4:  left BC = 1,  rightBC = 0, bottom BC = 0, top BC = 1, aft BC = 1, front BC = 0 
rank = 4:  xc = 75, yc = 100, zc = 50, xw = 75, yw = 100, zw = 50
rank = 12, NbrRanks are: L: 11, R: 13, B:8, T:16, A:4, F:20!!
rank = 12: xs = 0, ys = 100, zs = 50, mx = 300, my = 200, mz = 200!
rank = 12:  left BC = 1,  rightBC = 0, bottom BC = 0, top BC = 1, aft BC = 0, front BC = 0 
rank = 12:  xc = 75, yc = 100, zc = 50, xw = 75, yw = 100, zw = 50
rank = 19, NbrRanks are: L: 18, R: 20, B:15, T:23, A:11, F:27!!
rank = 19: xs = 225, ys = 0, zs = 100, mx = 300, my = 200, mz = 200!
rank = 19:  left BC = 0,  rightBC = 1, bottom BC = 1, top BC = 0, aft BC = 0, front BC = 0 
rank = 19:  xc = 74, yc = 100, zc = 50, xw = 75, yw = 100, zw = 50
rank = 1, NbrRanks are: L: 0, R: 2, B:-3, T:5, A:-7, F:9!!
rank = 1: xs = 75, ys = 0, zs = 0, mx = 300, my = 200, mz = 200!
rank = 1:  left BC = 0,  rightBC = 0, bottom BC = 1, top BC = 0, aft BC = 1, front BC = 0 
rank = 18, NbrRanks are: L: 17, R: 19, B:14, T:22, A:10, F:26!!
rank = 18: xs = 150, ys = 0, zs = 100, mx = 300, my = 200, mz = 200!
rank = 18:  left BC = 0,  rightBC = 0, bottom BC = 1, top BC = 0, aft BC = 0, front BC = 0 
rank = 18:  xc = 75, yc = 100, zc = 50, xw = 75, yw = 100, zw = 50
rank = 1:  xc = 75, yc = 100, zc = 50, xw = 75, yw = 100, zw = 50
rank = 3, NbrRanks are: L: 2, R: 4, B:-1, T:7, A:-5, F:11!!
rank = 3: xs = 225, ys = 0, zs = 0, mx = 300, my = 200, mz = 200!
rank = 3:  left BC = 0,  rightBC = 1, bottom BC = 1, top BC = 0, aft BC = 1, front BC = 0 
rank = 3:  xc = 74, yc = 100, zc = 50, xw = 75, yw = 100, zw = 50
rank = 9, NbrRanks are: L: 8, R: 10, B:5, T:13, A:1, F:17!!
rank = 9: xs = 75, ys = 0, zs = 50, mx = 300, my = 200, mz = 200!
rank = 9:  left BC = 0,  rightBC = 0, bottom BC = 1, top BC = 0, aft BC = 0, front BC = 0 
rank = 9:  xc = 75, yc = 100, zc = 50, xw = 75, yw = 100, zw = 50
rank = 23, NbrRanks are: L: 22, R: 24, B:19, T:27, A:15, F:31!!
rank = 23: xs = 225, ys = 100, zs = 100, mx = 300, my = 200, mz = 200!
rank = 23:  left BC = 0,  rightBC = 1, bottom BC = 0, top BC = 1, aft BC = 0, front BC = 0 
rank = 23:  xc = 74, yc = 100, zc = 50, xw = 75, yw = 100, zw = 50
rank = 15, NbrRanks are: L: 14, R: 16, B:11, T:19, A:7, F:23!!
rank = 15: xs = 225, ys = 100, zs = 50, mx = 300, my = 200, mz = 200!
rank = 15:  left BC = 0,  rightBC = 1, bottom BC = 0, top BC = 1, aft BC = 0, front BC = 0 
rank = 15:  xc = 74, yc = 100, zc = 50, xw = 75, yw = 100, zw = 50
rank = 11, NbrRanks are: L: 10, R: 12, B:7, T:15, A:3, F:19!!
rank = 11: xs = 225, ys = 0, zs = 50, mx = 300, my = 200, mz = 200!
rank = 11:  left BC = 0,  rightBC = 1, bottom BC = 1, top BC = 0, aft BC = 0, front BC = 0 
rank = 11:  xc = 74, yc = 100, zc = 50, xw = 75, yw = 100, zw = 50
rank = 8, NbrRanks are: L: 7, R: 9, B:4, T:12, A:0, F:16!!
rank = 8: xs = 0, ys = 0, zs = 50, mx = 300, my = 200, mz = 200!
rank = 8:  left BC = 1,  rightBC = 0, bottom BC = 1, top BC = 0, aft BC = 0, front BC = 0 
rank = 8:  xc = 75, yc = 100, zc = 50, xw = 75, yw = 100, zw = 50
rank = 13, NbrRanks are: L: 12, R: 14, B:9, T:17, A:5, F:21!!
rank = 13: xs = 75, ys = 100, zs = 50, mx = 300, my = 200, mz = 200!
rank = 13:  left BC = 0,  rightBC = 0, bottom BC = 0, top BC = 1, aft BC = 0, front BC = 0 
rank = 14, NbrRanks are: L: 13, R: 15, B:10, T:18, A:6, F:22!!
rank = 14: xs = 150, ys = 100, zs = 50, mx = 300, my = 200, mz = 200!
rank = 14:  left BC = 0,  rightBC = 0, bottom BC = 0, top BC = 1, aft BC = 0, front BC = 0 
rank = 14:  xc = 75, yc = 100, zc = 50, xw = 75, yw = 100, zw = 50
rank = 13:  xc = 75, yc = 100, zc = 50, xw = 75, yw = 100, zw = 50
Ready for Initialization!!
node = 0 mx = 300  my = 200  mz = 200  mm = 4  nn = 2  pp = 4 
rank = 0, NbrRanks are: L: -1, R: 1, B:-4, T:4, A:-8, F:8!!
rank = 0: xs = 0, ys = 0, zs = 0, mx = 300, my = 200, mz = 200!
rank = 0:  left BC = 1,  rightBC = 0, bottom BC = 1, top BC = 0, aft BC = 1, front BC = 0 
rank = 0:  xc = 75, yc = 100, zc = 50, xw = 75, yw = 100, zw = 50
rank = 7, NbrRanks are: L: 6, R: 8, B:3, T:11, A:-1, F:15!!
rank = 7: xs = 225, ys = 100, zs = 0, mx = 300, my = 200, mz = 200!
rank = 7:  left BC = 0,  rightBC = 1, bottom BC = 0, top BC = 1, aft BC = 1, front BC = 0 
rank = 7:  xc = 74, yc = 100, zc = 50, xw = 75, yw = 100, zw = 50
rank = 22, NbrRanks are: L: 21, R: 23, B:18, T:26, A:14, F:30!!
rank = 22: xs = 150, ys = 100, zs = 100, mx = 300, my = 200, mz = 200!
rank = 22:  left BC = 0,  rightBC = 0, bottom BC = 0, top BC = 1, aft BC = 0, front BC = 0 
rank = 22:  xc = 75, yc = 100, zc = 50, xw = 75, yw = 100, zw = 50
rank = 16, NbrRanks are: L: 15, R: 17, B:12, T:20, A:8, F:24!!
rank = 16: xs = 0, ys = 0, zs = 100, mx = 300, my = 200, mz = 200!
rank = 16:  left BC = 1,  rightBC = 0, bottom BC = 1, top BC = 0, aft BC = 0, front BC = 0 
rank = 16:  xc = 75, yc = 100, zc = 50, xw = 75, yw = 100, zw = 50
rank = 5, NbrRanks are: L: 4, R: 6, B:1, T:9, A:-3, F:13!!
rank = 5: xs = 75, ys = 100, zs = 0, mx = 300, my = 200, mz = 200!
rank = 5:  left BC = 0,  rightBC = 0, bottom BC = 0, top BC = 1, aft BC = 1, front BC = 0 
rank = 5:  xc = 75, yc = 100, zc = 50, xw = 75, yw = 100, zw = 50
rank = 6, NbrRanks are: L: 5, R: 7, B:2, T:10, A:-2, F:14!!
rank = 6: xs = 150, ys = 100, zs = 0, mx = 300, my = 200, mz = 200!
rank = 6:  left BC = 0,  rightBC = 0, bottom BC = 0, top BC = 1, aft BC = 1, front BC = 0 
rank = 6:  xc = 75, yc = 100, zc = 50, xw = 75, yw = 100, zw = 50
rank = 2, NbrRanks are: L: 1, R: 3, B:-2, T:6, A:-6, F:10!!
rank = 2: xs = 150, ys = 0, zs = 0, mx = 300, my = 200, mz = 200!
rank = 2:  left BC = 0,  rightBC = 0, bottom BC = 1, top BC = 0, aft BC = 1, front BC = 0 
rank = 10, NbrRanks are: L: 9, R: 11, B:6, T:14, A:2, F:18!!
rank = 10: xs = 150, ys = 0, zs = 50, mx = 300, my = 200, mz = 200!
rank = 2:  xc = 75, yc = 100, zc = 50, xw = 75, yw = 100, zw = 50
rank = 10:  left BC = 0,  rightBC = 0, bottom BC = 1, top BC = 0, aft BC = 0, front BC = 0 
rank = 10:  xc = 75, yc = 100, zc = 50, xw = 75, yw = 100, zw = 50
rank = 17, NbrRanks are: L: 16, R: 18, B:13, T:21, A:9, F:25!!
rank = 17: xs = 75, ys = 0, zs = 100, mx = 300, my = 200, mz = 200!
rank = 17:  left BC = 0,  rightBC = 0, bottom BC = 1, top BC = 0, aft BC = 0, front BC = 0 
rank = 17:  xc = 75, yc = 100, zc = 50, xw = 75, yw = 100, zw = 50
rank = 21, NbrRanks are: L: 20, R: 22, B:17, T:25, A:13, F:29!!
rank = 21: xs = 75, ys = 100, zs = 100, mx = 300, my = 200, mz = 200!
rank = 21:  left BC = 0,  rightBC = 0, bottom BC = 0, top BC = 1, aft BC = 0, front BC = 0 
rank = 21:  xc = 75, yc = 100, zc = 50, xw = 75, yw = 100, zw = 50
rank 8 Cylinder: neighbor = left: 59 right: 75  bottom: 49  top: 100  aft: 49  front: 100
rank 9 Cylinder: neighbor = left: 74 right: 150  bottom: 49  top: 100  aft: 49  front: 100
rank 11 Cylinder: neighbor = left: 224 right: 161  bottom: 49  top: 100  aft: 49  front: 100
rank 14 Cylinder: neighbor = left: 149 right: 161  bottom: 99  top: 151  aft: 49  front: 100
rank 12 Cylinder: neighbor = left: 59 right: 75  bottom: 99  top: 151  aft: 49  front: 100
rank 10 Cylinder: neighbor = left: 149 right: 161  bottom: 49  top: 100  aft: 49  front: 100
rank 13 Cylinder: neighbor = left: 74 right: 150  bottom: 99  top: 151  aft: 49  front: 100
rank 15 Cylinder: neighbor = left: 224 right: 161  bottom: 99  top: 151  aft: 49  front: 100
rank 1 Cylinder: neighbor = left: 74 right: 150  bottom: 49  top: 100  aft: 49  front: 50
Center of the sphere = (8.635204, 12.139085, 12.139085) !!
rank 17 Cylinder: neighbor = left: 74 right: 150  bottom: 49  top: 100  aft: 99  front: 150
rank 27 Cylinder: neighbor = left: 224 right: 161  bottom: 49  top: 100  aft: 149  front: 151
rank 24 Cylinder: neighbor = left: 59 right: 75  bottom: 49  top: 100  aft: 149  front: 151
rank 26 Cylinder: neighbor = left: 149 right: 161  bottom: 49  top: 100  aft: 149  front: 151
rank 31 Cylinder: neighbor = left: 224 right: 161  bottom: 99  top: 151  aft: 149  front: 151
rank 28 Cylinder: neighbor = left: 59 right: 75  bottom: 99  top: 151  aft: 149  front: 151
rank 19 Cylinder: neighbor = left: 224 right: 161  bottom: 49  top: 100  aft: 99  front: 150
rank 21 Cylinder: neighbor = left: 74 right: 150  bottom: 99  top: 151  aft: 99  front: 150
rank 18 Cylinder: neighbor = left: 149 right: 161  bottom: 49  top: 100  aft: 99  front: 150
rank 20 Cylinder: neighbor = left: 59 right: 75  bottom: 99  top: 151  aft: 99  front: 150
rank 23 Cylinder: neighbor = left: 224 right: 161  bottom: 99  top: 151  aft: 99  front: 150
rank 30 Cylinder: neighbor = left: 149 right: 161  bottom: 99  top: 151  aft: 149  front: 151
rank 16 Cylinder: neighbor = left: 59 right: 75  bottom: 49  top: 100  aft: 99  front: 150
rank 5 Cylinder: neighbor = left: 74 right: 150  bottom: 99  top: 151  aft: 49  front: 50
rank 7 Cylinder: neighbor = left: 224 right: 161  bottom: 99  top: 151  aft: 49  front: 50
rank 2 Cylinder: neighbor = left: 149 right: 161  bottom: 49  top: 100  aft: 49  front: 50
rank 3 Cylinder: neighbor = left: 224 right: 161  bottom: 49  top: 100  aft: 49  front: 50
rank 0 Cylinder: neighbor = left: 59 right: 75  bottom: 49  top: 100  aft: 49  front: 50
rank 4 Cylinder: neighbor = left: 59 right: 75  bottom: 99  top: 151  aft: 49  front: 50
rank 6 Cylinder: neighbor = left: 149 right: 161  bottom: 99  top: 151  aft: 49  front: 50
rank 25 Cylinder: neighbor = left: 74 right: 150  bottom: 49  top: 100  aft: 149  front: 151
rank 22 Cylinder: neighbor = left: 149 right: 161  bottom: 99  top: 151  aft: 99  front: 150
rank 29 Cylinder: neighbor = left: 74 right: 150  bottom: 99  top: 151  aft: 149  front: 151
Ready for the main iteration!!
Current time step = 0, Total time step number = 1
Check ApplyBCs!!
Check CalConvTerm!!
Check CommUpdate after CalConvTerm!
Check CalIBVel!
Check CalIBForce!!
Check AssyForce!!
Check Finished AssyForce!!
Ready for ApplyNonUniform of the KSPSolve#1!!
Ready for KSPSolve#1!!
  0 KSP Residual norm 2.997792736227e+02 
  1 KSP Residual norm 1.591262605100e+01 
  2 KSP Residual norm 2.660865065368e+00 
  3 KSP Residual norm 5.661457826860e-01 
  4 KSP Residual norm 6.273811571672e-02 
  5 KSP Residual norm 8.541664768857e-03 
  6 KSP Residual norm 1.196432453759e-03 
  7 KSP Residual norm 1.366852070104e-04 
  8 KSP Residual norm 4.984885606812e-05 
  9 KSP Residual norm 2.967025150410e-05 
KSP Object: 32 MPI processes
  type: gmres
    GMRES: restart=30, using Classical (unmodified) Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization with no iterative refinement
    GMRES: happy breakdown tolerance 1e-30
  maximum iterations=10000
  tolerances:  relative=1e-07, absolute=1e-50, divergence=10000
  left preconditioning
  using nonzero initial guess
  using PRECONDITIONED norm type for convergence test
PC Object: 32 MPI processes
  type: hypre
    HYPRE BoomerAMG preconditioning
    HYPRE BoomerAMG: Cycle type V
    HYPRE BoomerAMG: Maximum number of levels 25
    HYPRE BoomerAMG: Maximum number of iterations PER hypre call 1
    HYPRE BoomerAMG: Convergence tolerance PER hypre call 0
    HYPRE BoomerAMG: Threshold for strong coupling 0.25
    HYPRE BoomerAMG: Interpolation truncation factor 0
    HYPRE BoomerAMG: Interpolation: max elements per row 0
    HYPRE BoomerAMG: Number of levels of aggressive coarsening 0
    HYPRE BoomerAMG: Number of paths for aggressive coarsening 1
    HYPRE BoomerAMG: Maximum row sums 0.9
    HYPRE BoomerAMG: Sweeps down         1
    HYPRE BoomerAMG: Sweeps up           1
    HYPRE BoomerAMG: Sweeps on coarse    1
    HYPRE BoomerAMG: Relax down          symmetric-SOR/Jacobi
    HYPRE BoomerAMG: Relax up            symmetric-SOR/Jacobi
    HYPRE BoomerAMG: Relax on coarse     Gaussian-elimination
    HYPRE BoomerAMG: Relax weight  (all)      1
    HYPRE BoomerAMG: Outer relax weight (all) 1
    HYPRE BoomerAMG: Using CF-relaxation
    HYPRE BoomerAMG: Measure type        local
    HYPRE BoomerAMG: Coarsen type        Falgout
    HYPRE BoomerAMG: Interpolation type  classical
  linear system matrix = precond matrix:
  Matrix Object:   32 MPI processes
    type: mpiaij
    rows=12000000, cols=12000000
    Solver#1, Rank = 1, Solve One Time = 165.783827
total: nonzeros=83680000, allocated nonzeros=83680000
Solver#1, Rank = 8, Solve One Time = 165.783472
Solver#1, Rank = 12, Solve One Time = 165.783675
Solver#1, Rank = 10, Solve One Time = 165.773235
Solver#1, Rank = 2, Solve One Time = 165.783872
Solver#1, Rank = 13, Solve One Time = 165.783859
Solver#1, Rank = 9, Solve One Time = 165.783889
    total number of mallocs used during MatSetValues calls =0
Solver#1, Rank = 6, Solve One Time = 165.782438
Solver#1, Rank = 0, Solve One Time = 165.783631
Solver#1, Rank = 3, Solve One Time = 165.782258
Solver#1, Rank = 7, Solve One Time = 165.782349
Solver#1, Rank = 24, Solve One Time = 165.783867
Finish KSPSolve#1!!
Solver#1, Rank = 11, Solve One Time = 165.773358
Solver#1, Rank = 16, Solve One Time = 165.783255
Solver#1, Rank = 25, Solve One Time = 165.784052
Solver#1, Rank = 4, Solve One Time = 165.783982
Solver#1, Rank = 14, Solve One Time = 165.781645
Solver#1, Rank = 26, Solve One Time = 165.784008
Solver#1, Rank = 28, Solve One Time = 165.784051
Solver#1, Rank = 5, Solve One Time = 165.782255
Solver#1, Rank = 15, Solve One Time = 165.781732
Solver#1, Rank = 18, Solve One Time = 165.776823
Solver#1, Rank = 27, Solve One Time = 165.773497
Solver#1, Rank = 17, Solve One Time = 165.783936
Solver#1, Rank = 29, Solve One Time = 165.784046
Solver#1, Rank = 20, Solve One Time = 165.784034
Solver#1, Rank = 19, Solve One Time = 165.771977
Solver#1, Rank = 30, Solve One Time = 165.773829
Solver#1, Rank = 21, Solve One Time = 165.784062
Solver#1, Rank = 31, Solve One Time = 165.773872
Solver#1, Rank = 22, Solve One Time = 165.766045
Solver#1, Rank = 23, Solve One Time = 165.766240
Residual norm 2.05135e-07
Check#2 ApplyBCs!!
Check#2 AssyForce!!
Check#2 CalVelField!!
  0 KSP Residual norm 2.870247935899e+02 
  1 KSP Residual norm 1.606442422016e+01 
  2 KSP Residual norm 3.090064201333e+00 
  3 KSP Residual norm 5.867933774996e-01 
  4 KSP Residual norm 7.308417770262e-02 
  5 KSP Residual norm 1.103028493864e-02 
  6 KSP Residual norm 2.170332527761e-03 
  7 KSP Residual norm 6.906994551513e-04 
  8 KSP Residual norm 3.045998288429e-04 
  9 KSP Residual norm 5.136309989396e-05 
 10 KSP Residual norm 2.055236160250e-05 
KSP Object: 32 MPI processes
  type: gmres
    GMRES: restart=30, using Classical (unmodified) Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization with no iterative refinement
    GMRES: happy breakdown tolerance 1e-30
  maximum iterations=10000
  tolerances:  relative=1e-07, absolute=1e-50, divergence=10000
  left preconditioning
  using nonzero initial guess
  using PRECONDITIONED norm type for convergence test
PC Object: 32 MPI processes
  type: hypre
    HYPRE BoomerAMG preconditioning
    HYPRE BoomerAMG: Cycle type V
    HYPRE BoomerAMG: Maximum number of levels 25
    HYPRE BoomerAMG: Maximum number of iterations PER hypre call 1
    HYPRE BoomerAMG: Convergence tolerance PER hypre call 0
    HYPRE BoomerAMG: Threshold for strong coupling 0.25
    HYPRE BoomerAMG: Interpolation truncation factor 0
    HYPRE BoomerAMG: Interpolation: max elements per row 0
    HYPRE BoomerAMG: Number of levels of aggressive coarsening 0
    HYPRE BoomerAMG: Number of paths for aggressive coarsening 1
    HYPRE BoomerAMG: Maximum row sums 0.9
    HYPRE BoomerAMG: Sweeps down         1
    HYPRE BoomerAMG: Sweeps up           1
    HYPRE BoomerAMG: Sweeps on coarse    1
    HYPRE BoomerAMG: Relax down          symmetric-SOR/Jacobi
    HYPRE BoomerAMG: Relax up            symmetric-SOR/Jacobi
    HYPRE BoomerAMG: Relax on coarse     Gaussian-elimination
    HYPRE BoomerAMG: Relax weight  (all)      1
    HYPRE BoomerAMG: Outer relax weight (all) 1
    HYPRE BoomerAMG: Using CF-relaxation
    HYPRE BoomerAMG: Measure type        local
    HYPRE BoomerAMG: Coarsen type        Falgout
    HYPRE BoomerAMG: Interpolation type  classical
  linear system matrix = precond matrix:
  Matrix Object:   32 MPI processes
    type: mpiaij
    rows=12000000, cols=12000000
  Solver#2, Rank = 8, Solve One Time = 171.588158
  total: nonzeros=83680000, allocated nonzeros=83680000
Solver#2, Rank = 1, Solve One Time = 171.588110
Solver#2, Rank = 9, Solve One Time = 171.586617
Solver#2, Rank = 4, Solve One Time = 171.588193
Solver#2, Rank = 14, Solve One Time = 171.588117
Solver#2, Rank = 15, Solve One Time = 171.587124
Solver#2, Rank = 24, Solve One Time = 171.588076
  Solver#2, Rank = 10, Solve One Time = 171.586486
  total number of mallocs used during MatSetValues calls =0
Solver#2, Rank = 11, Solve One Time = 171.586354
Solver#2, Rank = 26, Solve One Time = 171.588102
Solver#2, Rank = 5, Solve One Time = 171.582924
Solver#2, Rank = 13, Solve One Time = 171.588282
Solver#2, Rank = 28, Solve One Time = 171.588074
Solver#2, Rank = 0, Solve One Time = 171.588347
Solver#2, Rank = 12, Solve One Time = 171.588397
Solver#2, Rank = 25, Solve One Time = 171.588135
Solver#2, Rank = 6, Solve One Time = 171.575956
Solver#2, Rank = 3, Solve One Time = 171.578867
Solver#2, Rank = 2, Solve One Time = 171.588348
Solver#2, Rank = 7, Solve One Time = 171.575976
Solver#2, Rank = 16, Solve One Time = 171.588326
Solver#2, Rank = 27, Solve One Time = 171.580220
Solver#2, Rank = 17, Solve One Time = 171.588328
Solver#2, Rank = 29, Solve One Time = 171.583465
Solver#2, Rank = 18, Solve One Time = 171.588341
Solver#2, Rank = 30, Solve One Time = 171.582318
Solver#2, Rank = 20, Solve One Time = 171.588311
Solver#2, Rank = 31, Solve One Time = 171.582314
Solver#2, Rank = 19, Solve One Time = 171.586152
Solver#2, Rank = 21, Solve One Time = 171.586144
Solver#2, Rank = 22, Solve One Time = 171.586817
Solver#2, Rank = 23, Solve One Time = 171.586864
Residual norm 9.57625e-08
Rank#18, Max dp = 1.231050e+00 @ (8, 81, 4)
Rank#13, Re = 300.000000, time step = 0, continuity = 2.612951e-01 @ Phys(107, 150, 96) & Local(36, 54, 50) with (0.010000, 0.010000, 0.010000), (0.839689,0.625750,-0.110498,0.055790,-0.011703,0.033334)
Restart files have been written!!
PlotU is ready!!
PlotU is finished!!

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