[petsc-users] MatPartitioningSetVertexWeights

Lukasz Kaczmarczyk Lukasz.Kaczmarczyk at glasgow.ac.uk
Sun Sep 30 16:08:24 CDT 2012


In petsc file pmetsi.c (petsc-3.3), the flag wgtflag=0 (line 60), what indicate that there are no weights (vwgt and adjwgt are both NULL). This makes use MatPartitioningSetVertexWeights without any effect. 

Kind regards,

On 29 Sep 2012, at 18:21, Lukasz Kaczmarczyk wrote:

> Hello,
> For which partitioners MatPartitioningSetVertexWeights is working. With parmetis its looks that setting vertices weight has no effect. Could you clarify usage this parameters?
> Thanks,
> Lukasz

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