[petsc-users] petsc4py and high performance python

Aron Ahmadia aron.ahmadia at kaust.edu.sa
Thu May 17 11:14:25 CDT 2012

> - There are probably functions for which pure Python does not deliver the
> necessary speed (and PETSc probably does not provide the operations
> needed). I am researching how to rewrite such performance-critical parts in
> C/C++, and embed them in the Python code - using methods like scipy.weave
> or ctypes. [2]

There are a bunch of examples of doing this in the petsc4py repository in
demo/.  Start with Cython as your wrapper.

> - My question: Is it possible to share PETSc objects between the Python
> code and the embedded C/C++ code? For example, pass a PETSc.Mat via Python,
> operate on it with C/C++ and return the matrix to Python?


> In general: Do you think my approach makes sense? I am new to PETSc and
> have not done high performance Python before, so I hope to learn from your
> answers, hints and criticism.

It depends on the project, but this is a reasonable path to consider.

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