[petsc-users] VecValid

Sanjay Govindjee s_g at berkeley.edu
Thu May 3 20:20:33 CDT 2012

We have some code that has worked up through petsc-3.1 and we are in the 
process of updating it to petsc-3.2.

One thing that I can not find mentioned in the change logs (looking all 
the way back to petsc-2.1.0) or the FAQs is the elimination of the 
VecValid and MatValid tests.

We used to perform operations like:

       call VecValid(xvec, chk, ierr)

       if(chk .eqv. PETSC_FALSE) then
                 call VecCreate        (PETSC_COMM_WORLD, xvec, ierr)
                 call VecSetSizes      (xvec, numpeq, PETSC_DECIDE, ierr)
                 call VecSetFromOptions(xvec, ierr)

But it seems VecValid and MatValid have been eliminated.  Is there a 
reason for this?  or have
I made a mistake?  Is there a replacement test for invalid Vec and Mat 


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