[petsc-users] Ambiguity of KSPCGNE
Matthew Knepley
knepley at gmail.com
Fri Jun 22 07:26:01 CDT 2012
On Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 1:54 AM, Alexander Grayver
<agrayver at gfz-potsdam.de>wrote:
> Hi Barry,
> In this case the application of the method is quite restricted since all
>>> practical least squares problems formulated in form of normal equations are
>>> solved with regularization, e.g.:
>>> (A'A + \lamba I)x = A'b
>> Yes it is restrictive. There is no concept of lambda in CGNE in PETSc
> In this case, since there is LSQR in PETSc, there is hardly any reason to
> use CGNE.
> Assume I have A computed and use matrix free approach to represent (A'A +
>>> \lamba I) without ever forming it, so what should I do then to apply
>> If you supply a shell matrix that applies (A'A + \lamba I) why not
>> just use KSPCG?
> That is what I do at the moment. However, as far as I understand, CGLS is
> not just about shifting original matrix with some lambda, it has other
> advantages over CG for normal equations.
According to the CGLS website, you should use LSQR if lambda > 0. The value
of negative shifts is not clear to me. It
looks like all these rely on the same trick (bidiagonalization) to avoid
squaring the matrix and the condition number.
> But if you provide this shell matrix, how do you plan to apply a
>> preconditioner?
> One can easily compute diag(A'A + \lamba I), thanks to MatGetColumnNorms,
> and thus Jacobi is possible. Since the matrix is diagonally dominant, in my
> case it is enough to converge. Although convergence for normal equations
> does not imply accurate solution, so that one needs CGLS or LSQR.
> --
> Regards,
> Alexander
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