[petsc-users] multigrid implementation problem

Nakib Haider Protik nprot048 at uottawa.ca
Sun Jun 10 16:54:48 CDT 2012

Sorry, I meant to refer to this:


> On Sun, Jun 10, 2012 at 4:39 PM, Nakib Haider Protik
> <nprot048 at uottawa.ca>wrote:
>> Here's where I found a pcmg implementation that "looks more or less
>> correct". Does this code suffer from the same problem you were referring
>> to?
>> Many thanks in advance.
> Did you mean to include code or are you citing that email (which is just
> code snippets and seems to have the same problem of needlessly accessing
> various contexts and rampantly overwriting the local variable)?
> Please make your code leak-free according to valgrind (because it will
> catch all this misuse if it isn't obvious to you when looking). Look at
> the
> output of -ksp_view to see if the method is what you intend. If something
> doesn't match what you expect, please reply with the entire setup code,
> explain what goes wrong, and explain what you expect to happen.

Nakib :)

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