[petsc-users] Preallocation woes again

Tabrez Ali stali at geology.wisc.edu
Fri Jan 27 12:04:44 CST 2012


Thanks. Yes I can wait for a few weeks/months (its only a local memory  
footprint issue and in no way hampers my ability to solve problems).

Btw just for curiosity are you using the same technique discussed by  

Maybe I am overlooking something trivial in his post.


On Jan 27, 2012, at 10:26 AM, Matthew Knepley wrote:

> On Fri, Jan 27, 2012 at 10:32 AM, Tabrez Ali  
> <stali at geology.wisc.edu> wrote:
> PETSc Gurus
> First I want to thank you for patiently answering questions that I  
> have asked in past regarding preallocation. Unfortunately I am still  
> having problems.
> I have a small unstructured FE (elasticity) code that uses PETSc.
> Unfortunately I am not yet able to find an _efficient_ way of  
> calculating the non-zero structure so I simply overestimate the o_nz  
> and d_nz values (= dimension x max_number_of nodes  
> _a_node_contributes_to) which means that my stiffness matrix  
> consumes at least 2X more memory. For example, for a perfectly  
> structured mesh of linear hexes this number is 3*27=81=o_nz=d_nz. In  
> complicated 3D linear tet/hex meshes that I have generated I rarely  
> need to set a value greater than 150. In general I have found that  
> as long as I keep DOF/core between 100-200K (assuming 1GB/per core)  
> there is enough local RAM left even when memory for stiffness matrix  
> is overestimated by 2X-6X.
> In any case now I do want to preallocate exactly for better memory  
> performance and the ambiguity involved in choosing a reasonable o_nz/ 
> d_nz. The way I am trying to do it involves loops like ...
> do i=1, num_local_elements
>   do j=1, num_total_nodes
>      ...
>   end do
> end do
> or using lists that involve searches.
> This unfortunately takes much time (much more than assembly and  
> solve) due to the second loop. I am aware of many posts/slides by  
> PETSc authors that mention that the non-zero structure can be found  
> simply by looping once through elements but what to do next is not  
> quite clear.
> I am also aware of this post by Barry [ http://lists.mcs.anl.gov/pipermail/petsc-users/2008-May/003020.html 
>  ] but I cannot get it to work for a simple 4 element problem. Can  
> some one please expand on the strategy being suggested by Barry  
> specially where the loops are discussed (I understand the arrays and  
> the vecscatter part). I am also not sure how does using a t of 0.5  
> and 1 prevents double counting. Shouldn't it be 0 and 1?
> I am also aware of some capabilities in DMMESH but right now I dont  
> understand it well enough to utilize it.
> I agree with you here. Its not easy enough to use. However, I have  
> rewritten the basics of it completely in C, which
> will all have easy Fortran bindings. You can specify your mesh with  
> adjacency lists using Fortran arrays. The last part
> I am working on is matrix preallocation. I would not normally ask  
> you to wait, but I think I am pretty close. Mail me
> directly if you want more info. I think it should only take me a few  
> weeks to finish.
>   Thanks,
>      Matt
> Alternatively does PETSc support MATMPIAIJ of size=integer(1)/ 
> logical instead of real(8) which I can use to put zeros/ones (when I  
> loop over elements the first time) to get the non-zero structure?
> Thanks in advance.
> Tabrez
> -- 
> What most experimenters take for granted before they begin their  
> experiments is infinitely more interesting than any results to which  
> their experiments lead.
> -- Norbert Wiener

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