[petsc-users] Hang at PetscLayoutSetUp()

Dmitry Karpeev karpeev at mcs.anl.gov
Wed Feb 8 07:41:38 CST 2012

Good to hear you got it sorted out!
I understand that PetscLayoutSetup() and VecScatterCreate() problems were
unrelated, is that right?
The PetscLayoutSetup() was hanging because some nodes took too long to
enter the call --  they were waiting
for mutex locks somewhere else; VecScatterCreate() was "hanging" due to the
sheer number
of indices in the IS (and building it as a PtoP, while it should have been


On Wed, Feb 8, 2012 at 4:34 AM, Derek Gaston <friedmud at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 7:56 PM, Matthew Knepley <knepley at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Same question: are you sure every process is there. I will bet $10 there
>>  is at least one missing.
> Well, of course you guys were right!  I was able to write a short piece of
> python (pasted at the bottom of this email in case others find it
> interesting / useful) to look through the stack trace of every one of my
> processes in given job on the cluster and tell me which ones weren't in the
> place I was expecting them to be.  Once I identified these processes I was
> able to ssh to the individual nodes and use gdb to attach to those
> processes and get stacktraces out to figure out what in the heck they were
> doing.
> Two things came up, both in a library our software depends on:
> 1.  There was an inadvertent vector "localize" operation happening on the
> solution vector.  This means that we were making a complete _local_ copy of
> the parallel solution vector to every processor!  That would sometimes fail
> with 400 Million Dofs and 8000+ MPI ;-)
> 2.  A small optimization problem having to do with threading and
> allocation / deallocation of small vectors.  This was just slowing some of
> the nodes down so much that it would look like the processes had hung.
> After fixing up both of these things the jobs are now moving.
> Thanks for the suggestion ;-)
> Below is the python script I used to figure this stuff out.  It works by
> calling the script with the job # of the job you want to analyze.  It is
> set up for PBS, so if your cluster doesn't use PBS you'll have to disregard
> the top part where I'm just parsing out the list of nodes the job is
> running on. "fission-\d\d\d\d" is the regex pattern my cluster's nodes are
> named in.
> MatCreateMPIAIJ was what I was looking for in the stack trace (I wanted to
> see if every process had made it there).  gastdr was my username, replace
> with yours.  "marmot" was the name of the executable I was running.
>  "bad_hosts" gets filled up with the number of processes owned by you on
> each node that have a stack trace containing the string you were looking
> for.  Then at the end I analyzed that to see if it matched how many MPI per
> node I was running (in this case 4).  Any host that had less than 4
> processes on it that were where I was expecting them to be got spit out at
> the end.  Then it was time to ssh to that node and attach to the processes
> and figure out what was going on.
> It's 3:30AM here right now, so you'll have to excuse some of the rough
> edges in the script.  I really just hacked it together for myself but
> thought others might find some pieces useful from it.  Oh, and yes, I did
> use os.popen()... after all these years I still find it more
> straightforward to use than any of the subprocesses stuff in Python.  It
> has been deprecated for a _long_ time now... but I hope they never remove
> it ;-)
> Happy hunting all!
> Derek
> -------
> import os
> import sys
> import re
> command = "qstat -n " + sys.argv[1]
> output = os.popen(command).readlines()
> regex = re.compile("(fission-\d\d\d\d)")
> hosts = []
> for line in output:
>   f = regex.findall(line)
>   for i in f:
>     hosts.append(i)
> matcreates = 0
> bad_hosts = {}
> #host = hosts[0]
> for host in hosts:
>   command = "ssh " + host + " \"ps aux | grep 'gastdr .*marmot' | grep -v
> grep | awk '{print \$2}' | xargs -I {} gdb --batch --pid={} -ex bt | grep
> 'MatCreateMPIAIJ' 2>/dev/null \""
>   lines = os.popen(command).readlines()
>   for line in lines:
>     if line.find("MatCreateMPIAIJ") != -1:
>       matcreates = matcreates + 1
>       if host in bad_hosts:
>         bad_hosts[host] += 1
>       else:
>         bad_hosts[host] = 1
> print bad_hosts
> print "Num matches: " + str(matcreates)
> print "Bad Hosts: "
> for host, num in bad_hosts.items():
>   if num != 4:
>     print host
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