[petsc-users] Petsc crashes with intel compiler

Matthew Knepley knepley at gmail.com
Fri Aug 31 20:52:31 CDT 2012

On Fri, Aug 31, 2012 at 8:45 PM, Mohammad Mirzadeh <mirzadeh at gmail.com>wrote:

> Alright. it was not MKL either!
> Tabrez, I guess I could do that ... I just want to be sure this is a nasty
> bug in compiler/mpi and/or undefined behavior in my code; those things are
> quite nasty. Should I try a different MPI implementation? Right now its
> mvapich2/1.6

I am really sick of MVAPICH. We just spent almost two weeks on what turned
out to be
an MVAPICH bug. Quality control is almost entirely absent here. At least
try MPICH or


> On Fri, Aug 31, 2012 at 6:16 PM, Tabrez Ali <stali at geology.wisc.edu>wrote:
>>  You can try the configure flags used by PETSc (3.2) that is
>> pre-installed on Lonestar (configured with Hypre, MKL, Intel MPI etc.).
>> $ module load petsc
>> and then try any of the PETSc examples with bcgs hypre/none
>> On 08/31/2012 07:46 PM, Mohammad Mirzadeh wrote:
>> Alright, just removed pthreadclasses and it did not help. The code still
>> crashes.
>>  Matt, I'm gonna try MKL now; However, don't you think its strange that
>> the gcc version works even when I use MKL?
>> On Fri, Aug 31, 2012 at 5:12 PM, Matthew Knepley <knepley at gmail.com>wrote:
>>> On Fri, Aug 31, 2012 at 6:51 PM, Jed Brown <jedbrown at mcs.anl.gov> wrote:
>>>> Can you remove pthreadclasses from your configure? If the problem is
>>>> still there, it looks a bit like a misconfigured MPI. But get rid of the
>>>> pthreadclasses first.
>>>  After that, I would get rid of MKL in favor of
>>> --download-f-blas-lapack. My guess is that MKL is doing something
>>> crazy in the compiler.
>>>      Matt
>>>>   On Fri, Aug 31, 2012 at 6:38 PM, Mohammad Mirzadeh <
>>>> mirzadeh at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> hi guys,
>>>>>  After doing many many tests across different machine (Linux box and
>>>>> a Mac) and clusters (Gordon and Lonestar) I'm able to reproduce a test in
>>>>> which my code crashes if I use a petsc version that is compiled with intel
>>>>> compiler. This does not happen if I use gcc. When I use BiCGSTAB solver
>>>>> along with hypre's BoomerAMG, I get the following error message:
>>>>>  [0]PETSC ERROR: --------------------- Error Message
>>>>> ------------------------------------
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: Error in external library!
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: Error in HYPRE solver, error code 1!
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR:
>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: Petsc Release Version 3.3.0, Patch 2, Fri Jul 13
>>>>> 15:42:00 CDT 2012
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: See docs/changes/index.html for recent updates.
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: See docs/faq.html for hints about trouble shooting.
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: See docs/index.html for manual pages.
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR:
>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: ./2D_cylinders on a arch-linu named
>>>>> c341-116.ls4.tacc.utexas.edu by mmirzade Fri Aug 31 18:13:15 2012
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: Libraries linked from
>>>>> /work/02032/mmirzade/soft/petsc-3.3-p2/arch-linux-intel-debug/lib
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: Configure run at Fri Aug 31 17:22:42 2012
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: Configure options PETSC_ARCH=arch-linux-intel-debug
>>>>> --with-clanguage=cxx --with-pthreadclasses=1
>>>>> --with-mpi-dir=/opt/apps/intel11_1/mvapich2/1.6
>>>>> --with-blas-lapack-dir=/opt/apps/intel/11.1/mkl --download-hypre=1
>>>>> --download-hdf5=1 --download-metis=1 --download-parmetis=1
>>>>> --download-superlu_dist=1
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR:
>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: PCApply_HYPRE() line 160 in
>>>>> src/ksp/pc/impls/hypre/hypre.c
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: PCApply() line 384 in src/ksp/pc/interface/precon.c
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: KSPInitialResidual() line 57 in
>>>>> src/ksp/ksp/interface/itres.c
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: KSPSolve_BCGS() line 65 in
>>>>> src/ksp/ksp/impls/bcgs/bcgs.c
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: KSPSolve() line 446 in src/ksp/ksp/interface/itfunc.c
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: solve() line 402 in
>>>>> "unknowndirectory/"/work/02032/mmirzade/codes/CASL/lib/algebra/petscLinearSolver.cpp
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: --------------------- Error Message
>>>>> ------------------------------------
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: Error in external library!
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: Error in HYPRE_IJMatrixDestroy()!
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR:
>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: Petsc Release Version 3.3.0, Patch 2, Fri Jul 13
>>>>> 15:42:00 CDT 2012
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: See docs/changes/index.html for recent updates.
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: See docs/faq.html for hints about trouble shooting.
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: See docs/index.html for manual pages.
>>>>>  [0]PETSC ERROR:
>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: ./2D_cylinders on a arch-linu named
>>>>> c341-116.ls4.tacc.utexas.edu by mmirzade Fri Aug 31 18:13:15 2012
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: Libraries linked from
>>>>> /work/02032/mmirzade/soft/petsc-3.3-p2/arch-linux-intel-debug/lib
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: Configure run at Fri Aug 31 17:22:42 2012
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: Configure options PETSC_ARCH=arch-linux-intel-debug
>>>>> --with-clanguage=cxx --with-pthreadclasses=1
>>>>> --with-mpi-dir=/opt/apps/intel11_1/mvapich2/1.6
>>>>> --with-blas-lapack-dir=/opt/apps/intel/11.1/mkl --download-hypre=1
>>>>> --download-hdf5=1 --download-metis=1 --download-parmetis=1
>>>>> --download-superlu_dist=1
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR:
>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: PCDestroy_HYPRE() line 178 in
>>>>> src/ksp/pc/impls/hypre/hypre.c
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: PCDestroy() line 119 in src/ksp/pc/interface/precon.c
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: KSPDestroy() line 786 in src/ksp/ksp/interface/itfunc.c
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: clear() line 438 in
>>>>> "unknowndirectory/"/work/02032/mmirzade/codes/CASL/lib/algebra/petscLinearSolver.cpp
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR:
>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: Caught signal number 11 SEGV: Segmentation Violation,
>>>>> probably memory access out of range
>>>>>  [0]PETSC ERROR: Try option -start_in_debugger or
>>>>> -on_error_attach_debugger
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: or see
>>>>> http://www.mcs.anl.gov/petsc/documentation/faq.html#valgrind[0]PETSCERROR: or try
>>>>> http://valgrind.org on GNU/linux and Apple Mac OS X to find memory
>>>>> corruption errors
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: likely location of problem given in stack below
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: ---------------------  Stack Frames
>>>>> ------------------------------------
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: Note: The EXACT line numbers in the stack are not
>>>>> available,
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR:       INSTEAD the line number of the start of the
>>>>> function
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR:       is given.
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: [0] VecDestroy line 574 src/vec/vec/interface/vector.c
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: [0] KSPReset_BCGS line 194
>>>>> src/ksp/ksp/impls/bcgs/bcgs.c
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: [0] KSPReset line 729 src/ksp/ksp/interface/itfunc.c
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: [0] KSPDestroy line 768 src/ksp/ksp/interface/itfunc.c
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: [0] PetscError line 343 src/sys/error/err.c
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: [0] HYPRE_IJMatrixDestroy line 0 unknownunknown
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: [0] PCDestroy_HYPRE line 177
>>>>> src/ksp/pc/impls/hypre/hypre.c
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: [0] PCDestroy line 110 src/ksp/pc/interface/precon.c
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: [0] KSPDestroy line 768 src/ksp/ksp/interface/itfunc.c
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: [0] PetscError line 343 src/sys/error/err.c
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: [0] PCApply_HYPRE line 149
>>>>> src/ksp/pc/impls/hypre/hypre.c
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: [0] PCApply line 373 src/ksp/pc/interface/precon.c
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: [0] KSPInitialResidual line 45
>>>>> src/ksp/ksp/interface/itres.c
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: [0] KSPSolve_BCGS line 54 src/ksp/ksp/impls/bcgs/bcgs.c
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: [0] KSPSolve line 351 src/ksp/ksp/interface/itfunc.c
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: --------------------- Error Message
>>>>> ------------------------------------
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: Signal received!
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR:
>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: Petsc Release Version 3.3.0, Patch 2, Fri Jul 13
>>>>> 15:42:00 CDT 2012
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: See docs/changes/index.html for recent updates.
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: See docs/faq.html for hints about trouble shooting.
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: See docs/index.html for manual pages.
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR:
>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: ./2D_cylinders on a arch-linu named
>>>>> c341-116.ls4.tacc.utexas.edu by mmirzade Fri Aug 31 18:13:15 2012
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: Libraries linked from
>>>>> /work/02032/mmirzade/soft/petsc-3.3-p2/arch-linux-intel-debug/lib
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: Configure run at Fri Aug 31 17:22:42 2012
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: Configure options PETSC_ARCH=arch-linux-intel-debug
>>>>> --with-clanguage=cxx --with-pthreadclasses=1
>>>>> --with-mpi-dir=/opt/apps/intel11_1/mvapich2/1.6
>>>>> --with-blas-lapack-dir=/opt/apps/intel/11.1/mkl --download-hypre=1
>>>>> --download-hdf5=1 --download-metis=1 --download-parmetis=1
>>>>> --download-superlu_dist=1
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR:
>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: User provided function() line 0 in unknown directory
>>>>> unknown file
>>>>> application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 59) - process 0
>>>>>  Initially I thought this is somehow related to hypre, but even when
>>>>> I run the code with -pc_type none I get:
>>>>>  [0]PETSC ERROR: --------------------- Error Message
>>>>> ------------------------------------
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: Floating point exception!
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: Infinite or not-a-number generated in norm!
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR:
>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: Petsc Release Version 3.3.0, Patch 2, Fri Jul 13
>>>>> 15:42:00 CDT 2012
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: See docs/changes/index.html for recent updates.
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: See docs/faq.html for hints about trouble shooting.
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: See docs/index.html for manual pages.
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR:
>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: ./2D_cylinders on a arch-linu named
>>>>> c341-116.ls4.tacc.utexas.edu by mmirzade Fri Aug 31 18:15:04 2012
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: Libraries linked from
>>>>> /work/02032/mmirzade/soft/petsc-3.3-p2/arch-linux-intel-debug/lib
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: Configure run at Fri Aug 31 17:22:42 2012
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: Configure options PETSC_ARCH=arch-linux-intel-debug
>>>>> --with-clanguage=cxx --with-pthreadclasses=1
>>>>> --with-mpi-dir=/opt/apps/intel11_1/mvapich2/1.6
>>>>> --with-blas-lapack-dir=/opt/apps/intel/11.1/mkl --download-hypre=1
>>>>> --download-hdf5=1 --download-metis=1 --download-parmetis=1
>>>>> --download-superlu_dist=1
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR:
>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: VecNorm() line 169 in src/vec/vec/interface/rvector.c
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: KSPSolve_BCGS() line 78 in
>>>>> src/ksp/ksp/impls/bcgs/bcgs.c
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: KSPSolve() line 446 in src/ksp/ksp/interface/itfunc.c
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: solve() line 402 in
>>>>> "unknowndirectory/"/work/02032/mmirzade/codes/CASL/lib/algebra/petscLinearSolver.cpp
>>>>> N5PETSc9ExceptionE
>>>>>  In both cases the solution to the linear system diverges. None of
>>>>> these issues happen when I build petsc with gcc.
>>>>>  Couple of points:
>>>>>  1) The gcc version is clean under valgrind (except the usual
>>>>> PetscInitialize errors ...) but the intel versions generates all sort of
>>>>> errors in valgrind. Please see blow (this is during one Poisson solve)
>>>>> 2) This is my petsc configure option:
>>>>>  /configure PETSC_ARCH=arch-linux-gcc-debug --with-clanguage=cxx
>>>>> --with-pthreadclasses=1 --with-mpi-dir=$MPICH_HOME
>>>>> --with-blas-lapack-dir=$TACC_MKL_DIR --download-hypre=1 --download-hdf5=1
>>>>> --download-metis=1 --download-parmetis=1 --download-superlu_dist=1
>>>>>  ./configure PETSC_ARCH=arch-linux-intel-debug --with-clanguage=cxx
>>>>> --with-pthreadclasses=1 --with-mpi-dir=$MPICH_HOME
>>>>> --with-blas-lapack-dir=$TACC_MKL_DIR --download-hypre=1 --download-hdf5=1
>>>>> --download-metis=1 --download-parmetis=1 --download-superlu_dist=1
>>>>>  in both cases $TACC_MKL_DIR points to a mkl library compiled using
>>>>> intel compiler. I don't think if that has to do with any of this (looking
>>>>> at valgrind output) but then again that's the only version of mkl available
>>>>> on the cluster (Lonestar).
>>>>>  Do you think this is somehow a compiler bug(?) or something more
>>>>> like an undefined behavior in my own code?
>>>>>  ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>>>> ==8404==    at 0x74B236A: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3756)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x747D79D: MPIU_Handle_obj_alloc_unsafe
>>>>> (handlemem.c:363)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x747D665: MPIU_Handle_obj_alloc (handlemem.c:307)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x744F596: MPIR_Comm_create (commutil.c:101)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x744E84D: MPIR_Comm_copy (commutil.c:969)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x7447F14: PMPI_Comm_dup (comm_dup.c:177)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xB2292A: PCCreate_HYPRE (hypre.c:1018)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xA64120: PCSetType(_p_PC*, char const*) (pcset.c:83)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x46B3FE: PetscLinearSolver::setupSolver(MatStructure,
>>>>> char const*, char const*) (petscLinearSolver.cpp:331)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x46E7D1: amr2D::fvm::pnpSolver::initialize()
>>>>> (pnpSolver_2d_FVM.cpp:46)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x40D464: main (main_2D_cylinders.cpp:299)
>>>>> ==8404==
>>>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>>>> ==8404==    at 0x74B21CD: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3825)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x747D79D: MPIU_Handle_obj_alloc_unsafe
>>>>> (handlemem.c:363)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x747D665: MPIU_Handle_obj_alloc (handlemem.c:307)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x744F596: MPIR_Comm_create (commutil.c:101)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x744E84D: MPIR_Comm_copy (commutil.c:969)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x7447F14: PMPI_Comm_dup (comm_dup.c:177)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xB2292A: PCCreate_HYPRE (hypre.c:1018)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xA64120: PCSetType(_p_PC*, char const*) (pcset.c:83)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x46B3FE: PetscLinearSolver::setupSolver(MatStructure,
>>>>> char const*, char const*) (petscLinearSolver.cpp:331)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x46E7D1: amr2D::fvm::pnpSolver::initialize()
>>>>> (pnpSolver_2d_FVM.cpp:46)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x40D464: main (main_2D_cylinders.cpp:299)
>>>>> ==8404==
>>>>> ==8404== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
>>>>> ==8404==    at 0x8283154: __intel_new_memset (in
>>>>> /opt/apps/intel/11.1/lib/intel64/libirc.so)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x8261535: _intel_fast_memset.J (in
>>>>> /opt/apps/intel/11.1/lib/intel64/libirc.so)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74B221A: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3826)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x747D79D: MPIU_Handle_obj_alloc_unsafe
>>>>> (handlemem.c:363)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x747D665: MPIU_Handle_obj_alloc (handlemem.c:307)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x744F596: MPIR_Comm_create (commutil.c:101)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x744E84D: MPIR_Comm_copy (commutil.c:969)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x7447F14: PMPI_Comm_dup (comm_dup.c:177)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xB2292A: PCCreate_HYPRE (hypre.c:1018)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xA64120: PCSetType(_p_PC*, char const*) (pcset.c:83)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x46B3FE: PetscLinearSolver::setupSolver(MatStructure,
>>>>> char const*, char const*) (petscLinearSolver.cpp:331)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x46E7D1: amr2D::fvm::pnpSolver::initialize()
>>>>> (pnpSolver_2d_FVM.cpp:46)
>>>>> ==8404==
>>>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>>>> ==8404==    at 0x74B236A: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3756)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x747D714: MPIU_Handle_obj_alloc_unsafe
>>>>> (handlemem.c:363)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x747D665: MPIU_Handle_obj_alloc (handlemem.c:307)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x744F596: MPIR_Comm_create (commutil.c:101)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x744E84D: MPIR_Comm_copy (commutil.c:969)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x7447F14: PMPI_Comm_dup (comm_dup.c:177)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xB2292A: PCCreate_HYPRE (hypre.c:1018)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xA64120: PCSetType(_p_PC*, char const*) (pcset.c:83)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x46B3FE: PetscLinearSolver::setupSolver(MatStructure,
>>>>> char const*, char const*) (petscLinearSolver.cpp:331)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x46E7D1: amr2D::fvm::pnpSolver::initialize()
>>>>> (pnpSolver_2d_FVM.cpp:46)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x40D464: main (main_2D_cylinders.cpp:299)
>>>>> ==8404==
>>>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>>>> ==8404==    at 0x74B21CD: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3825)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x747D714: MPIU_Handle_obj_alloc_unsafe
>>>>> (handlemem.c:363)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x747D665: MPIU_Handle_obj_alloc (handlemem.c:307)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x744F596: MPIR_Comm_create (commutil.c:101)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x744E84D: MPIR_Comm_copy (commutil.c:969)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x7447F14: PMPI_Comm_dup (comm_dup.c:177)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xB2292A: PCCreate_HYPRE (hypre.c:1018)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xA64120: PCSetType(_p_PC*, char const*) (pcset.c:83)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x46B3FE: PetscLinearSolver::setupSolver(MatStructure,
>>>>> char const*, char const*) (petscLinearSolver.cpp:331)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x46E7D1: amr2D::fvm::pnpSolver::initialize()
>>>>> (pnpSolver_2d_FVM.cpp:46)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x40D464: main (main_2D_cylinders.cpp:299)
>>>>> ==8404==
>>>>> ==8404== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
>>>>> ==8404==    at 0x8283136: __intel_new_memset (in
>>>>> /opt/apps/intel/11.1/lib/intel64/libirc.so)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x8261535: _intel_fast_memset.J (in
>>>>> /opt/apps/intel/11.1/lib/intel64/libirc.so)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74B221A: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3826)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x747D714: MPIU_Handle_obj_alloc_unsafe
>>>>> (handlemem.c:363)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x747D665: MPIU_Handle_obj_alloc (handlemem.c:307)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x744F596: MPIR_Comm_create (commutil.c:101)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x744E84D: MPIR_Comm_copy (commutil.c:969)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x7447F14: PMPI_Comm_dup (comm_dup.c:177)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xB2292A: PCCreate_HYPRE (hypre.c:1018)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xA64120: PCSetType(_p_PC*, char const*) (pcset.c:83)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x46B3FE: PetscLinearSolver::setupSolver(MatStructure,
>>>>> char const*, char const*) (petscLinearSolver.cpp:331)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x46E7D1: amr2D::fvm::pnpSolver::initialize()
>>>>> (pnpSolver_2d_FVM.cpp:46)
>>>>> ==8404==
>>>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>>>> ==8404==    at 0x74B236A: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3756)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x1623FF2: hypre_CAlloc (hypre_memory.c:121)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14E6385: hypre_BoomerAMGCreate (par_amg.c:203)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14E2E10: HYPRE_BoomerAMGCreate (HYPRE_parcsr_amg.c:31)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xB1C33B: PCHYPRESetType_HYPRE (hypre.c:817)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xB2117F: PCSetFromOptions_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:895)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xA65705: PCSetFromOptions(_p_PC*) (pcset.c:196)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x46B487: PetscLinearSolver::setupSolver(MatStructure,
>>>>> char const*, char const*) (petscLinearSolver.cpp:332)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x46E7D1: amr2D::fvm::pnpSolver::initialize()
>>>>> (pnpSolver_2d_FVM.cpp:46)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x40D464: main (main_2D_cylinders.cpp:299)
>>>>> ==8404==
>>>>> Solving a nonlinear PB to get steady state solution ...
>>>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>>>> ==8404==    at 0x74B21CD: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3825)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x1623FF2: hypre_CAlloc (hypre_memory.c:121)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14DB097: hypre_IJMatrixSetDiagOffdSizesParCSR
>>>>> (IJMatrix_parcsr.c:179)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14D97C9: HYPRE_IJMatrixSetDiagOffdSizes
>>>>> (HYPRE_IJMatrix.c:818)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x11A2728: MatHYPRE_IJMatrixPreallocate(_p_Mat*,
>>>>> _p_Mat*, hypre_IJMatrix_struct*) (mhyp.c:48)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x11A3E9C: MatHYPRE_IJMatrixCreate(_p_Mat*,
>>>>> hypre_IJMatrix_struct**) (mhyp.c:80)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFDA92: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:100)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1D524: KSPSetUp(_p_KSP*) (itfunc.c:278)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1EFD9: KSPSolve(_p_KSP*, _p_Vec*, _p_Vec*)
>>>>> (itfunc.c:402)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x46C59F: PetscLinearSolver::solve(ArrayV<double>&,
>>>>> PetscBool) (petscLinearSolver.cpp:402)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x472A92:
>>>>> amr2D::fvm::pbSolver::SolveNonLinearPB(double, int)
>>>>> (pbSolver_2d_FVM.cpp:148)
>>>>> ==8404==
>>>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>>>> ==8404==    at 0x74AECA4: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4332)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AEE8D: malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3409)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AFB0F: memalign (mvapich_malloc.c:3626)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x494BF3: PetscMallocAlign(unsigned long, int, char
>>>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mal.c:30)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x496DFD: PetscTrMallocDefault(unsigned long, int, char
>>>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mtr.c:190)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5FA4BA: VecCreate_Seq (bvec3.c:40)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x614EA3: VecCreate_Standard (pbvec.c:264)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x703809: MatGetVecs(_p_Mat*, _p_Vec**, _p_Vec**)
>>>>> (matrix.c:8149)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFDB5E: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:104)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>>>> ==8404==
>>>>> ==8404== Syscall param mmap(length) contains uninitialised byte(s)
>>>>> ==8404==    at 0x3E3CED10EA: mmap (in /lib64/libc-2.5.so)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AECD1: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4332)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AEE8D: malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3409)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AFB0F: memalign (mvapich_malloc.c:3626)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x494BF3: PetscMallocAlign(unsigned long, int, char
>>>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mal.c:30)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x496DFD: PetscTrMallocDefault(unsigned long, int, char
>>>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mtr.c:190)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5FA4BA: VecCreate_Seq (bvec3.c:40)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x614EA3: VecCreate_Standard (pbvec.c:264)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x703809: MatGetVecs(_p_Mat*, _p_Vec**, _p_Vec**)
>>>>> (matrix.c:8149)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFDB5E: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:104)
>>>>> ==8404==
>>>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>>>> ==8404==    at 0x74AEA3E: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4332)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AEE8D: malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3409)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AFB0F: memalign (mvapich_malloc.c:3626)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x494BF3: PetscMallocAlign(unsigned long, int, char
>>>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mal.c:30)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x496DFD: PetscTrMallocDefault(unsigned long, int, char
>>>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mtr.c:190)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5FA4BA: VecCreate_Seq (bvec3.c:40)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x614EA3: VecCreate_Standard (pbvec.c:264)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x703809: MatGetVecs(_p_Mat*, _p_Vec**, _p_Vec**)
>>>>> (matrix.c:8149)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFDB5E: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:104)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>>>> ==8404==
>>>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>>>> ==8404==    at 0x74AEA70: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4332)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AEE8D: malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3409)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AFB0F: memalign (mvapich_malloc.c:3626)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x494BF3: PetscMallocAlign(unsigned long, int, char
>>>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mal.c:30)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x496DFD: PetscTrMallocDefault(unsigned long, int, char
>>>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mtr.c:190)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5FA4BA: VecCreate_Seq (bvec3.c:40)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x614EA3: VecCreate_Standard (pbvec.c:264)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x703809: MatGetVecs(_p_Mat*, _p_Vec**, _p_Vec**)
>>>>> (matrix.c:8149)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFDB5E: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:104)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>>>> ==8404==
>>>>> ==8404== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
>>>>> ==8404==    at 0x74AEA8A: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4332)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AEE8D: malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3409)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AFB0F: memalign (mvapich_malloc.c:3626)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x494BF3: PetscMallocAlign(unsigned long, int, char
>>>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mal.c:30)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x496DFD: PetscTrMallocDefault(unsigned long, int, char
>>>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mtr.c:190)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5FA4BA: VecCreate_Seq (bvec3.c:40)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x614EA3: VecCreate_Standard (pbvec.c:264)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x703809: MatGetVecs(_p_Mat*, _p_Vec**, _p_Vec**)
>>>>> (matrix.c:8149)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFDB5E: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:104)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>>>> ==8404==
>>>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>>>> ==8404==    at 0x74AEA98: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4332)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AEE8D: malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3409)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AFB0F: memalign (mvapich_malloc.c:3626)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x494BF3: PetscMallocAlign(unsigned long, int, char
>>>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mal.c:30)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x496DFD: PetscTrMallocDefault(unsigned long, int, char
>>>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mtr.c:190)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5FA4BA: VecCreate_Seq (bvec3.c:40)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x614EA3: VecCreate_Standard (pbvec.c:264)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x703809: MatGetVecs(_p_Mat*, _p_Vec**, _p_Vec**)
>>>>> (matrix.c:8149)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFDB5E: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:104)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>>>> ==8404==
>>>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>>>> ==8404==    at 0x74AD6E6: _int_free (mvapich_malloc.c:4366)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AEAA8: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4332)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AEE8D: malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3409)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AFB0F: memalign (mvapich_malloc.c:3626)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x494BF3: PetscMallocAlign(unsigned long, int, char
>>>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mal.c:30)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x496DFD: PetscTrMallocDefault(unsigned long, int, char
>>>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mtr.c:190)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5FA4BA: VecCreate_Seq (bvec3.c:40)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x614EA3: VecCreate_Standard (pbvec.c:264)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x703809: MatGetVecs(_p_Mat*, _p_Vec**, _p_Vec**)
>>>>> (matrix.c:8149)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFDB5E: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:104)
>>>>> ==8404==
>>>>> ==8404== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
>>>>> ==8404==    at 0x74AD723: _int_free (mvapich_malloc.c:4389)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AEAA8: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4332)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AEE8D: malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3409)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AFB0F: memalign (mvapich_malloc.c:3626)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x494BF3: PetscMallocAlign(unsigned long, int, char
>>>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mal.c:30)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x496DFD: PetscTrMallocDefault(unsigned long, int, char
>>>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mtr.c:190)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5FA4BA: VecCreate_Seq (bvec3.c:40)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x614EA3: VecCreate_Standard (pbvec.c:264)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x703809: MatGetVecs(_p_Mat*, _p_Vec**, _p_Vec**)
>>>>> (matrix.c:8149)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFDB5E: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:104)
>>>>> ==8404==
>>>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>>>> ==8404==    at 0x74AD755: _int_free (mvapich_malloc.c:4400)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AEAA8: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4332)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AEE8D: malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3409)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AFB0F: memalign (mvapich_malloc.c:3626)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x494BF3: PetscMallocAlign(unsigned long, int, char
>>>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mal.c:30)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x496DFD: PetscTrMallocDefault(unsigned long, int, char
>>>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mtr.c:190)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5FA4BA: VecCreate_Seq (bvec3.c:40)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x614EA3: VecCreate_Standard (pbvec.c:264)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x703809: MatGetVecs(_p_Mat*, _p_Vec**, _p_Vec**)
>>>>> (matrix.c:8149)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFDB5E: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:104)
>>>>> ==8404==
>>>>> ==8404== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
>>>>> ==8404==    at 0x74AD75B: _int_free (mvapich_malloc.c:4402)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AEAA8: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4332)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AEE8D: malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3409)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AFB0F: memalign (mvapich_malloc.c:3626)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x494BF3: PetscMallocAlign(unsigned long, int, char
>>>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mal.c:30)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x496DFD: PetscTrMallocDefault(unsigned long, int, char
>>>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mtr.c:190)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5FA4BA: VecCreate_Seq (bvec3.c:40)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x614EA3: VecCreate_Standard (pbvec.c:264)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x703809: MatGetVecs(_p_Mat*, _p_Vec**, _p_Vec**)
>>>>> (matrix.c:8149)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFDB5E: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:104)
>>>>> ==8404==
>>>>> ==8404== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
>>>>> ==8404==    at 0x74AD77E: _int_free (mvapich_malloc.c:4409)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AEAA8: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4332)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AEE8D: malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3409)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AFB0F: memalign (mvapich_malloc.c:3626)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x494BF3: PetscMallocAlign(unsigned long, int, char
>>>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mal.c:30)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x496DFD: PetscTrMallocDefault(unsigned long, int, char
>>>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mtr.c:190)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5FA4BA: VecCreate_Seq (bvec3.c:40)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x614EA3: VecCreate_Standard (pbvec.c:264)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x703809: MatGetVecs(_p_Mat*, _p_Vec**, _p_Vec**)
>>>>> (matrix.c:8149)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFDB5E: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:104)
>>>>> ==8404==
>>>>> ==8404== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
>>>>> ==8404==    at 0x74AD7A9: _int_free (mvapich_malloc.c:4425)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AEAA8: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4332)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AEE8D: malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3409)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AFB0F: memalign (mvapich_malloc.c:3626)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x494BF3: PetscMallocAlign(unsigned long, int, char
>>>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mal.c:30)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x496DFD: PetscTrMallocDefault(unsigned long, int, char
>>>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mtr.c:190)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5FA4BA: VecCreate_Seq (bvec3.c:40)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x614EA3: VecCreate_Standard (pbvec.c:264)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x703809: MatGetVecs(_p_Mat*, _p_Vec**, _p_Vec**)
>>>>> (matrix.c:8149)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFDB5E: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:104)
>>>>> ==8404==
>>>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>>>> ==8404==    at 0x74AD7B4: _int_free (mvapich_malloc.c:4455)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AEAA8: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4332)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AEE8D: malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3409)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AFB0F: memalign (mvapich_malloc.c:3626)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x494BF3: PetscMallocAlign(unsigned long, int, char
>>>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mal.c:30)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x496DFD: PetscTrMallocDefault(unsigned long, int, char
>>>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mtr.c:190)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5FA4BA: VecCreate_Seq (bvec3.c:40)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x614EA3: VecCreate_Standard (pbvec.c:264)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x703809: MatGetVecs(_p_Mat*, _p_Vec**, _p_Vec**)
>>>>> (matrix.c:8149)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFDB5E: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:104)
>>>>> ==8404==
>>>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>>>> ==8404==    at 0x74ADDAE: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4116)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AEE8D: malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3409)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AFB0F: memalign (mvapich_malloc.c:3626)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x494BF3: PetscMallocAlign(unsigned long, int, char
>>>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mal.c:30)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x496DFD: PetscTrMallocDefault(unsigned long, int, char
>>>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mtr.c:190)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5E9616: VecCreate_Seq_Private(_p_Vec*, double const*)
>>>>> (bvec2.c:887)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5FA62A: VecCreate_Seq (bvec3.c:42)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x614EA3: VecCreate_Standard (pbvec.c:264)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x703809: MatGetVecs(_p_Mat*, _p_Vec**, _p_Vec**)
>>>>> (matrix.c:8149)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFDB5E: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:104)
>>>>> ==8404==
>>>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>>>> ==8404==    at 0x74ADDD9: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4122)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AEE8D: malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3409)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AFB0F: memalign (mvapich_malloc.c:3626)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x494BF3: PetscMallocAlign(unsigned long, int, char
>>>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mal.c:30)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x496DFD: PetscTrMallocDefault(unsigned long, int, char
>>>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mtr.c:190)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5E9616: VecCreate_Seq_Private(_p_Vec*, double const*)
>>>>> (bvec2.c:887)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5FA62A: VecCreate_Seq (bvec3.c:42)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x614EA3: VecCreate_Standard (pbvec.c:264)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x703809: MatGetVecs(_p_Mat*, _p_Vec**, _p_Vec**)
>>>>> (matrix.c:8149)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFDB5E: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:104)
>>>>> ==8404==
>>>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>>>> ==8404==    at 0x74ADDEC: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4122)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AEE8D: malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3409)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AFB0F: memalign (mvapich_malloc.c:3626)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x494BF3: PetscMallocAlign(unsigned long, int, char
>>>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mal.c:30)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x496DFD: PetscTrMallocDefault(unsigned long, int, char
>>>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mtr.c:190)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5E9616: VecCreate_Seq_Private(_p_Vec*, double const*)
>>>>> (bvec2.c:887)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5FA62A: VecCreate_Seq (bvec3.c:42)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x614EA3: VecCreate_Standard (pbvec.c:264)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x703809: MatGetVecs(_p_Mat*, _p_Vec**, _p_Vec**)
>>>>> (matrix.c:8149)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFDB5E: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:104)
>>>>> ==8404==
>>>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>>>> ==8404==    at 0x74ADDFF: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4122)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AEE8D: malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3409)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AFB0F: memalign (mvapich_malloc.c:3626)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x494BF3: PetscMallocAlign(unsigned long, int, char
>>>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mal.c:30)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x496DFD: PetscTrMallocDefault(unsigned long, int, char
>>>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mtr.c:190)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5E9616: VecCreate_Seq_Private(_p_Vec*, double const*)
>>>>> (bvec2.c:887)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5FA62A: VecCreate_Seq (bvec3.c:42)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x614EA3: VecCreate_Standard (pbvec.c:264)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x703809: MatGetVecs(_p_Mat*, _p_Vec**, _p_Vec**)
>>>>> (matrix.c:8149)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFDB5E: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:104)
>>>>> ==8404==
>>>>> ==8404== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
>>>>> ==8404==    at 0x74ADE42: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4124)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AEE8D: malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3409)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AFB0F: memalign (mvapich_malloc.c:3626)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x494BF3: PetscMallocAlign(unsigned long, int, char
>>>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mal.c:30)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x496DFD: PetscTrMallocDefault(unsigned long, int, char
>>>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mtr.c:190)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5E9616: VecCreate_Seq_Private(_p_Vec*, double const*)
>>>>> (bvec2.c:887)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5FA62A: VecCreate_Seq (bvec3.c:42)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x614EA3: VecCreate_Standard (pbvec.c:264)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x703809: MatGetVecs(_p_Mat*, _p_Vec**, _p_Vec**)
>>>>> (matrix.c:8149)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFDB5E: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:104)
>>>>> ==8404==
>>>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>>>> ==8404==    at 0x74ADE4C: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4126)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AEE8D: malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3409)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AFB0F: memalign (mvapich_malloc.c:3626)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x494BF3: PetscMallocAlign(unsigned long, int, char
>>>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mal.c:30)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x496DFD: PetscTrMallocDefault(unsigned long, int, char
>>>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mtr.c:190)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5E9616: VecCreate_Seq_Private(_p_Vec*, double const*)
>>>>> (bvec2.c:887)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5FA62A: VecCreate_Seq (bvec3.c:42)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x614EA3: VecCreate_Standard (pbvec.c:264)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x703809: MatGetVecs(_p_Mat*, _p_Vec**, _p_Vec**)
>>>>> (matrix.c:8149)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFDB5E: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:104)
>>>>> ==8404==
>>>>> ==8404== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
>>>>> ==8404==    at 0x74ADE88: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4148)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AEE8D: malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3409)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AFB0F: memalign (mvapich_malloc.c:3626)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x494BF3: PetscMallocAlign(unsigned long, int, char
>>>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mal.c:30)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x496DFD: PetscTrMallocDefault(unsigned long, int, char
>>>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mtr.c:190)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5E9616: VecCreate_Seq_Private(_p_Vec*, double const*)
>>>>> (bvec2.c:887)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5FA62A: VecCreate_Seq (bvec3.c:42)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x614EA3: VecCreate_Standard (pbvec.c:264)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x703809: MatGetVecs(_p_Mat*, _p_Vec**, _p_Vec**)
>>>>> (matrix.c:8149)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFDB5E: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:104)
>>>>> ==8404==
>>>>> ==8404== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
>>>>> ==8404==    at 0x74ADE9C: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4152)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AEE8D: malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3409)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AFB0F: memalign (mvapich_malloc.c:3626)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x494BF3: PetscMallocAlign(unsigned long, int, char
>>>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mal.c:30)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x496DFD: PetscTrMallocDefault(unsigned long, int, char
>>>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mtr.c:190)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5E9616: VecCreate_Seq_Private(_p_Vec*, double const*)
>>>>> (bvec2.c:887)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5FA62A: VecCreate_Seq (bvec3.c:42)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x614EA3: VecCreate_Standard (pbvec.c:264)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x703809: MatGetVecs(_p_Mat*, _p_Vec**, _p_Vec**)
>>>>> (matrix.c:8149)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFDB5E: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:104)
>>>>> ==8404==
>>>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>>>> ==8404==    at 0x74ADF56: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4220)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AEE8D: malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3409)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AFB0F: memalign (mvapich_malloc.c:3626)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x494BF3: PetscMallocAlign(unsigned long, int, char
>>>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mal.c:30)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x496DFD: PetscTrMallocDefault(unsigned long, int, char
>>>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mtr.c:190)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5E9616: VecCreate_Seq_Private(_p_Vec*, double const*)
>>>>> (bvec2.c:887)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5FA62A: VecCreate_Seq (bvec3.c:42)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x614EA3: VecCreate_Standard (pbvec.c:264)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x703809: MatGetVecs(_p_Mat*, _p_Vec**, _p_Vec**)
>>>>> (matrix.c:8149)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFDB5E: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:104)
>>>>> ==8404==
>>>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>>>> ==8404==    at 0x74ADF72: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4227)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AEE8D: malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3409)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AFB0F: memalign (mvapich_malloc.c:3626)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x494BF3: PetscMallocAlign(unsigned long, int, char
>>>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mal.c:30)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x496DFD: PetscTrMallocDefault(unsigned long, int, char
>>>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mtr.c:190)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5E9616: VecCreate_Seq_Private(_p_Vec*, double const*)
>>>>> (bvec2.c:887)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5FA62A: VecCreate_Seq (bvec3.c:42)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x614EA3: VecCreate_Standard (pbvec.c:264)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x703809: MatGetVecs(_p_Mat*, _p_Vec**, _p_Vec**)
>>>>> (matrix.c:8149)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFDB5E: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:104)
>>>>> ==8404==
>>>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>>>> ==8404==    at 0x74ADF7E: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4227)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AEE8D: malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3409)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AFB0F: memalign (mvapich_malloc.c:3626)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x494BF3: PetscMallocAlign(unsigned long, int, char
>>>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mal.c:30)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x496DFD: PetscTrMallocDefault(unsigned long, int, char
>>>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mtr.c:190)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5E9616: VecCreate_Seq_Private(_p_Vec*, double const*)
>>>>> (bvec2.c:887)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5FA62A: VecCreate_Seq (bvec3.c:42)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x614EA3: VecCreate_Standard (pbvec.c:264)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5B36DC: VecSetType(_p_Vec*, char const*) (vecreg.c:53)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x703809: MatGetVecs(_p_Mat*, _p_Vec**, _p_Vec**)
>>>>> (matrix.c:8149)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFDB5E: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:104)
>>>>> ==8404==
>>>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>>>> ==8404==    at 0x74ADED9: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4168)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74B2189: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3765)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x1623FF2: hypre_CAlloc (hypre_memory.c:121)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x15B62C5: hypre_SeqVectorInitialize (vector.c:94)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x158CF25: hypre_ParVectorInitialize (par_vector.c:150)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14E0E57: hypre_IJVectorInitializePar
>>>>> (IJVector_parcsr.c:124)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14DA2B9: HYPRE_IJVectorInitialize
>>>>> (HYPRE_IJVector.c:229)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xE77A78: VecHYPRE_IJVectorCreate(_p_Vec*,
>>>>> hypre_IJVector_struct**) (vhyp.c:21)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFDC0C: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:105)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1D524: KSPSetUp(_p_KSP*) (itfunc.c:278)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1EFD9: KSPSolve(_p_KSP*, _p_Vec*, _p_Vec*)
>>>>> (itfunc.c:402)
>>>>> ==8404==
>>>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>>>> ==8404==    at 0x74ADEE6: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4165)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74B2189: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3765)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x1623FF2: hypre_CAlloc (hypre_memory.c:121)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x15B62C5: hypre_SeqVectorInitialize (vector.c:94)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x158CF25: hypre_ParVectorInitialize (par_vector.c:150)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14E0E57: hypre_IJVectorInitializePar
>>>>> (IJVector_parcsr.c:124)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14DA2B9: HYPRE_IJVectorInitialize
>>>>> (HYPRE_IJVector.c:229)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xE77A78: VecHYPRE_IJVectorCreate(_p_Vec*,
>>>>> hypre_IJVector_struct**) (vhyp.c:21)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFDC0C: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:105)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1D524: KSPSetUp(_p_KSP*) (itfunc.c:278)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1EFD9: KSPSolve(_p_KSP*, _p_Vec*, _p_Vec*)
>>>>> (itfunc.c:402)
>>>>> ==8404==
>>>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>>>> ==8404==    at 0x74ADF31: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4216)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74B2189: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3765)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x1623FF2: hypre_CAlloc (hypre_memory.c:121)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x15B62C5: hypre_SeqVectorInitialize (vector.c:94)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x158CF25: hypre_ParVectorInitialize (par_vector.c:150)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14E0E57: hypre_IJVectorInitializePar
>>>>> (IJVector_parcsr.c:124)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14DA2B9: HYPRE_IJVectorInitialize
>>>>> (HYPRE_IJVector.c:229)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xE77A78: VecHYPRE_IJVectorCreate(_p_Vec*,
>>>>> hypre_IJVector_struct**) (vhyp.c:21)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFDC0C: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:105)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1D524: KSPSetUp(_p_KSP*) (itfunc.c:278)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1EFD9: KSPSolve(_p_KSP*, _p_Vec*, _p_Vec*)
>>>>> (itfunc.c:402)
>>>>> ==8404==
>>>>> ==8404== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
>>>>> ==8404==    at 0x74AD75B: _int_free (mvapich_malloc.c:4402)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AF651: free (mvapich_malloc.c:3497)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x494CCA: PetscFreeAlign(void*, int, char const*, char
>>>>> const*, char const*) (mal.c:75)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x497F91: PetscTrFreeDefault(void*, int, char const*,
>>>>> char const*, char const*) (mtr.c:322)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5E866E: VecDestroy_Seq(_p_Vec*) (bvec2.c:777)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x59F7CD: VecDestroy(_p_Vec**) (vector.c:580)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFDD5D: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:107)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1D524: KSPSetUp(_p_KSP*) (itfunc.c:278)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1EFD9: KSPSolve(_p_KSP*, _p_Vec*, _p_Vec*)
>>>>> (itfunc.c:402)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x46C59F: PetscLinearSolver::solve(ArrayV<double>&,
>>>>> PetscBool) (petscLinearSolver.cpp:402)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x472A92:
>>>>> amr2D::fvm::pbSolver::SolveNonLinearPB(double, int)
>>>>> (pbSolver_2d_FVM.cpp:148)
>>>>> ==8404==
>>>>> ==8404== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
>>>>> ==8404==    at 0x74AD775: _int_free (mvapich_malloc.c:4406)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AF651: free (mvapich_malloc.c:3497)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x494CCA: PetscFreeAlign(void*, int, char const*, char
>>>>> const*, char const*) (mal.c:75)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x497F91: PetscTrFreeDefault(void*, int, char const*,
>>>>> char const*, char const*) (mtr.c:322)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5E866E: VecDestroy_Seq(_p_Vec*) (bvec2.c:777)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x59F7CD: VecDestroy(_p_Vec**) (vector.c:580)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFDD5D: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:107)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1D524: KSPSetUp(_p_KSP*) (itfunc.c:278)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1EFD9: KSPSolve(_p_KSP*, _p_Vec*, _p_Vec*)
>>>>> (itfunc.c:402)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x46C59F: PetscLinearSolver::solve(ArrayV<double>&,
>>>>> PetscBool) (petscLinearSolver.cpp:402)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x472A92:
>>>>> amr2D::fvm::pbSolver::SolveNonLinearPB(double, int)
>>>>> (pbSolver_2d_FVM.cpp:148)
>>>>> ==8404==
>>>>> ==8404== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
>>>>> ==8404==    at 0x74AD7A9: _int_free (mvapich_malloc.c:4425)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AF651: free (mvapich_malloc.c:3497)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x494CCA: PetscFreeAlign(void*, int, char const*, char
>>>>> const*, char const*) (mal.c:75)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x497F91: PetscTrFreeDefault(void*, int, char const*,
>>>>> char const*, char const*) (mtr.c:322)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x5E866E: VecDestroy_Seq(_p_Vec*) (bvec2.c:777)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x59F7CD: VecDestroy(_p_Vec**) (vector.c:580)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFDD5D: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:107)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1D524: KSPSetUp(_p_KSP*) (itfunc.c:278)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1EFD9: KSPSolve(_p_KSP*, _p_Vec*, _p_Vec*)
>>>>> (itfunc.c:402)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x46C59F: PetscLinearSolver::solve(ArrayV<double>&,
>>>>> PetscBool) (petscLinearSolver.cpp:402)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x472A92:
>>>>> amr2D::fvm::pbSolver::SolveNonLinearPB(double, int)
>>>>> (pbSolver_2d_FVM.cpp:148)
>>>>> ==8404==
>>>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>>>> ==8404==    at 0x74ADDA1: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4106)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74B2189: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3765)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x1623FF2: hypre_CAlloc (hypre_memory.c:121)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x15B3AA1: hypre_CSRMatrixInitialize (csr_matrix.c:91)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x158732D: hypre_ParCSRMatrixInitialize
>>>>> (par_csr_matrix.c:200)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14DB366: hypre_IJMatrixInitializeParCSR
>>>>> (IJMatrix_parcsr.c:272)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14D8D44: HYPRE_IJMatrixInitialize
>>>>> (HYPRE_IJMatrix.c:303)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x11A7FFF: MatHYPRE_IJMatrixFastCopy_MPIAIJ(_p_Mat*,
>>>>> hypre_IJMatrix_struct*) (mhyp.c:211)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x11A4BFD: MatHYPRE_IJMatrixCopy(_p_Mat*,
>>>>> hypre_IJMatrix_struct*) (mhyp.c:122)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFE3DC: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:118)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1D524: KSPSetUp(_p_KSP*) (itfunc.c:278)
>>>>> ==8404==
>>>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>>>> ==8404==    at 0x74ADDAE: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4116)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74B2189: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3765)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x1623FF2: hypre_CAlloc (hypre_memory.c:121)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x15B3AA1: hypre_CSRMatrixInitialize (csr_matrix.c:91)
>>>>>  ==8404==    by 0x158732D: hypre_ParCSRMatrixInitialize
>>>>> (par_csr_matrix.c:200)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14DB366: hypre_IJMatrixInitializeParCSR
>>>>> (IJMatrix_parcsr.c:272)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14D8D44: HYPRE_IJMatrixInitialize
>>>>> (HYPRE_IJMatrix.c:303)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x11A7FFF: MatHYPRE_IJMatrixFastCopy_MPIAIJ(_p_Mat*,
>>>>> hypre_IJMatrix_struct*) (mhyp.c:211)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x11A4BFD: MatHYPRE_IJMatrixCopy(_p_Mat*,
>>>>> hypre_IJMatrix_struct*) (mhyp.c:122)
>>>>>  ==8404==    by 0xAFE3DC: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:118)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1D524: KSPSetUp(_p_KSP*) (itfunc.c:278)
>>>>> ==8404==
>>>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>>>> ==8404==    at 0x74ADDD9: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4122)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74B2189: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3765)
>>>>>  ==8404==    by 0x1623FF2: hypre_CAlloc (hypre_memory.c:121)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x15B3AA1: hypre_CSRMatrixInitialize (csr_matrix.c:91)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x158732D: hypre_ParCSRMatrixInitialize
>>>>> (par_csr_matrix.c:200)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14DB366: hypre_IJMatrixInitializeParCSR
>>>>> (IJMatrix_parcsr.c:272)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14D8D44: HYPRE_IJMatrixInitialize
>>>>> (HYPRE_IJMatrix.c:303)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x11A7FFF: MatHYPRE_IJMatrixFastCopy_MPIAIJ(_p_Mat*,
>>>>> hypre_IJMatrix_struct*) (mhyp.c:211)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x11A4BFD: MatHYPRE_IJMatrixCopy(_p_Mat*,
>>>>> hypre_IJMatrix_struct*) (mhyp.c:122)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFE3DC: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:118)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1D524: KSPSetUp(_p_KSP*) (itfunc.c:278)
>>>>> ==8404==
>>>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>>>> ==8404==    at 0x74ADDEC: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4122)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74B2189: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3765)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x1623FF2: hypre_CAlloc (hypre_memory.c:121)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x15B3AA1: hypre_CSRMatrixInitialize (csr_matrix.c:91)
>>>>>  ==8404==    by 0x158732D: hypre_ParCSRMatrixInitialize
>>>>> (par_csr_matrix.c:200)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14DB366: hypre_IJMatrixInitializeParCSR
>>>>> (IJMatrix_parcsr.c:272)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14D8D44: HYPRE_IJMatrixInitialize
>>>>> (HYPRE_IJMatrix.c:303)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x11A7FFF: MatHYPRE_IJMatrixFastCopy_MPIAIJ(_p_Mat*,
>>>>> hypre_IJMatrix_struct*) (mhyp.c:211)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x11A4BFD: MatHYPRE_IJMatrixCopy(_p_Mat*,
>>>>> hypre_IJMatrix_struct*) (mhyp.c:122)
>>>>>  ==8404==    by 0xAFE3DC: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:118)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1D524: KSPSetUp(_p_KSP*) (itfunc.c:278)
>>>>> ==8404==
>>>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>>>> ==8404==    at 0x74ADDFF: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4122)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74B2189: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3765)
>>>>>  ==8404==    by 0x1623FF2: hypre_CAlloc (hypre_memory.c:121)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x15B3AA1: hypre_CSRMatrixInitialize (csr_matrix.c:91)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x158732D: hypre_ParCSRMatrixInitialize
>>>>> (par_csr_matrix.c:200)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14DB366: hypre_IJMatrixInitializeParCSR
>>>>> (IJMatrix_parcsr.c:272)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14D8D44: HYPRE_IJMatrixInitialize
>>>>> (HYPRE_IJMatrix.c:303)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x11A7FFF: MatHYPRE_IJMatrixFastCopy_MPIAIJ(_p_Mat*,
>>>>> hypre_IJMatrix_struct*) (mhyp.c:211)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x11A4BFD: MatHYPRE_IJMatrixCopy(_p_Mat*,
>>>>> hypre_IJMatrix_struct*) (mhyp.c:122)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFE3DC: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:118)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1D524: KSPSetUp(_p_KSP*) (itfunc.c:278)
>>>>> ==8404==
>>>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>>>> ==8404==    at 0x74ADE12: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4122)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74B2189: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3765)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x1623FF2: hypre_CAlloc (hypre_memory.c:121)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x15B3AA1: hypre_CSRMatrixInitialize (csr_matrix.c:91)
>>>>>  ==8404==    by 0x158732D: hypre_ParCSRMatrixInitialize
>>>>> (par_csr_matrix.c:200)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14DB366: hypre_IJMatrixInitializeParCSR
>>>>> (IJMatrix_parcsr.c:272)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14D8D44: HYPRE_IJMatrixInitialize
>>>>> (HYPRE_IJMatrix.c:303)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x11A7FFF: MatHYPRE_IJMatrixFastCopy_MPIAIJ(_p_Mat*,
>>>>> hypre_IJMatrix_struct*) (mhyp.c:211)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x11A4BFD: MatHYPRE_IJMatrixCopy(_p_Mat*,
>>>>> hypre_IJMatrix_struct*) (mhyp.c:122)
>>>>>  ==8404==    by 0xAFE3DC: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:118)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1D524: KSPSetUp(_p_KSP*) (itfunc.c:278)
>>>>> ==8404==
>>>>> ==8404== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
>>>>> ==8404==    at 0x74ADE42: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4124)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74B2189: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3765)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x1623FF2: hypre_CAlloc (hypre_memory.c:121)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x15B3AA1: hypre_CSRMatrixInitialize (csr_matrix.c:91)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x158732D: hypre_ParCSRMatrixInitialize
>>>>> (par_csr_matrix.c:200)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14DB366: hypre_IJMatrixInitializeParCSR
>>>>> (IJMatrix_parcsr.c:272)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14D8D44: HYPRE_IJMatrixInitialize
>>>>> (HYPRE_IJMatrix.c:303)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x11A7FFF: MatHYPRE_IJMatrixFastCopy_MPIAIJ(_p_Mat*,
>>>>> hypre_IJMatrix_struct*) (mhyp.c:211)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x11A4BFD: MatHYPRE_IJMatrixCopy(_p_Mat*,
>>>>> hypre_IJMatrix_struct*) (mhyp.c:122)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFE3DC: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:118)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1D524: KSPSetUp(_p_KSP*) (itfunc.c:278)
>>>>> ==8404==
>>>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>>>> ==8404==    at 0x74ADE4C: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4126)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74B2189: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3765)
>>>>>  ==8404==    by 0x1623FF2: hypre_CAlloc (hypre_memory.c:121)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x15B3AA1: hypre_CSRMatrixInitialize (csr_matrix.c:91)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x158732D: hypre_ParCSRMatrixInitialize
>>>>> (par_csr_matrix.c:200)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14DB366: hypre_IJMatrixInitializeParCSR
>>>>> (IJMatrix_parcsr.c:272)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14D8D44: HYPRE_IJMatrixInitialize
>>>>> (HYPRE_IJMatrix.c:303)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x11A7FFF: MatHYPRE_IJMatrixFastCopy_MPIAIJ(_p_Mat*,
>>>>> hypre_IJMatrix_struct*) (mhyp.c:211)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x11A4BFD: MatHYPRE_IJMatrixCopy(_p_Mat*,
>>>>> hypre_IJMatrix_struct*) (mhyp.c:122)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFE3DC: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:118)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1D524: KSPSetUp(_p_KSP*) (itfunc.c:278)
>>>>> ==8404==
>>>>> ==8404== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
>>>>> ==8404==    at 0x74ADE88: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4148)
>>>>>  ==8404==    by 0x74B2189: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3765)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x1623FF2: hypre_CAlloc (hypre_memory.c:121)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x15B3AA1: hypre_CSRMatrixInitialize (csr_matrix.c:91)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x158732D: hypre_ParCSRMatrixInitialize
>>>>> (par_csr_matrix.c:200)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14DB366: hypre_IJMatrixInitializeParCSR
>>>>> (IJMatrix_parcsr.c:272)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14D8D44: HYPRE_IJMatrixInitialize
>>>>> (HYPRE_IJMatrix.c:303)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x11A7FFF: MatHYPRE_IJMatrixFastCopy_MPIAIJ(_p_Mat*,
>>>>> hypre_IJMatrix_struct*) (mhyp.c:211)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x11A4BFD: MatHYPRE_IJMatrixCopy(_p_Mat*,
>>>>> hypre_IJMatrix_struct*) (mhyp.c:122)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFE3DC: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:118)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1D524: KSPSetUp(_p_KSP*) (itfunc.c:278)
>>>>> ==8404==
>>>>> ==8404== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
>>>>> ==8404==    at 0x74ADE9C: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4152)
>>>>>  ==8404==    by 0x74B2189: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3765)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x1623FF2: hypre_CAlloc (hypre_memory.c:121)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x15B3AA1: hypre_CSRMatrixInitialize (csr_matrix.c:91)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x158732D: hypre_ParCSRMatrixInitialize
>>>>> (par_csr_matrix.c:200)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14DB366: hypre_IJMatrixInitializeParCSR
>>>>> (IJMatrix_parcsr.c:272)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14D8D44: HYPRE_IJMatrixInitialize
>>>>> (HYPRE_IJMatrix.c:303)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x11A7FFF: MatHYPRE_IJMatrixFastCopy_MPIAIJ(_p_Mat*,
>>>>> hypre_IJMatrix_struct*) (mhyp.c:211)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x11A4BFD: MatHYPRE_IJMatrixCopy(_p_Mat*,
>>>>> hypre_IJMatrix_struct*) (mhyp.c:122)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFE3DC: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:118)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1D524: KSPSetUp(_p_KSP*) (itfunc.c:278)
>>>>> ==8404==
>>>>> ==8404== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
>>>>> ==8404==    at 0x74AE1E7: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4170)
>>>>>  ==8404==    by 0x74B2189: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3765)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x1623FF2: hypre_CAlloc (hypre_memory.c:121)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x15B3B06: hypre_CSRMatrixInitialize (csr_matrix.c:97)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x158732D: hypre_ParCSRMatrixInitialize
>>>>> (par_csr_matrix.c:200)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14DB366: hypre_IJMatrixInitializeParCSR
>>>>> (IJMatrix_parcsr.c:272)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14D8D44: HYPRE_IJMatrixInitialize
>>>>> (HYPRE_IJMatrix.c:303)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x11A7FFF: MatHYPRE_IJMatrixFastCopy_MPIAIJ(_p_Mat*,
>>>>> hypre_IJMatrix_struct*) (mhyp.c:211)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x11A4BFD: MatHYPRE_IJMatrixCopy(_p_Mat*,
>>>>> hypre_IJMatrix_struct*) (mhyp.c:122)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFE3DC: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:118)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1D524: KSPSetUp(_p_KSP*) (itfunc.c:278)
>>>>> ==8404==
>>>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>>>> ==8404==    at 0x74AE1EF: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4173)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74B2189: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3765)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x1623FF2: hypre_CAlloc (hypre_memory.c:121)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x15B3B06: hypre_CSRMatrixInitialize (csr_matrix.c:97)
>>>>>  ==8404==    by 0x158732D: hypre_ParCSRMatrixInitialize
>>>>> (par_csr_matrix.c:200)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14DB366: hypre_IJMatrixInitializeParCSR
>>>>> (IJMatrix_parcsr.c:272)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14D8D44: HYPRE_IJMatrixInitialize
>>>>> (HYPRE_IJMatrix.c:303)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x11A7FFF: MatHYPRE_IJMatrixFastCopy_MPIAIJ(_p_Mat*,
>>>>> hypre_IJMatrix_struct*) (mhyp.c:211)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x11A4BFD: MatHYPRE_IJMatrixCopy(_p_Mat*,
>>>>> hypre_IJMatrix_struct*) (mhyp.c:122)
>>>>>  ==8404==    by 0xAFE3DC: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:118)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1D524: KSPSetUp(_p_KSP*) (itfunc.c:278)
>>>>> ==8404==
>>>>> ==8404== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
>>>>> ==8404==    at 0x74AE266: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4188)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74B2189: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3765)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x1623FF2: hypre_CAlloc (hypre_memory.c:121)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x15B3B06: hypre_CSRMatrixInitialize (csr_matrix.c:97)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x158732D: hypre_ParCSRMatrixInitialize
>>>>> (par_csr_matrix.c:200)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14DB366: hypre_IJMatrixInitializeParCSR
>>>>> (IJMatrix_parcsr.c:272)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14D8D44: HYPRE_IJMatrixInitialize
>>>>> (HYPRE_IJMatrix.c:303)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x11A7FFF: MatHYPRE_IJMatrixFastCopy_MPIAIJ(_p_Mat*,
>>>>> hypre_IJMatrix_struct*) (mhyp.c:211)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x11A4BFD: MatHYPRE_IJMatrixCopy(_p_Mat*,
>>>>> hypre_IJMatrix_struct*) (mhyp.c:122)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFE3DC: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:118)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1D524: KSPSetUp(_p_KSP*) (itfunc.c:278)
>>>>> ==8404==
>>>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>>>> ==8404==    at 0x74ADF87: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4237)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74B2189: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3765)
>>>>>  ==8404==    by 0x1623FF2: hypre_CAlloc (hypre_memory.c:121)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x1626536: hypre_AuxParCSRMatrixInitialize
>>>>> (aux_parcsr_matrix.c:177)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14DB372: hypre_IJMatrixInitializeParCSR
>>>>> (IJMatrix_parcsr.c:273)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14D8D44: HYPRE_IJMatrixInitialize
>>>>> (HYPRE_IJMatrix.c:303)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x11A7FFF: MatHYPRE_IJMatrixFastCopy_MPIAIJ(_p_Mat*,
>>>>> hypre_IJMatrix_struct*) (mhyp.c:211)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x11A4BFD: MatHYPRE_IJMatrixCopy(_p_Mat*,
>>>>> hypre_IJMatrix_struct*) (mhyp.c:122)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFE3DC: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:118)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1D524: KSPSetUp(_p_KSP*) (itfunc.c:278)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1EFD9: KSPSolve(_p_KSP*, _p_Vec*, _p_Vec*)
>>>>> (itfunc.c:402)
>>>>> ==8404==
>>>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>>>> ==8404==    at 0x74ADECC: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4165)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74B2189: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3765)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x1623FF2: hypre_CAlloc (hypre_memory.c:121)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x15B62C5: hypre_SeqVectorInitialize (vector.c:94)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x158CF25: hypre_ParVectorInitialize (par_vector.c:150)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14ECF47: hypre_BoomerAMGSetup (par_amg_setup.c:464)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14E2EA6: HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetup (HYPRE_parcsr_amg.c:58)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFF31D: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:122)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1D524: KSPSetUp(_p_KSP*) (itfunc.c:278)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1EFD9: KSPSolve(_p_KSP*, _p_Vec*, _p_Vec*)
>>>>> (itfunc.c:402)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x46C59F: PetscLinearSolver::solve(ArrayV<double>&,
>>>>> PetscBool) (petscLinearSolver.cpp:402)
>>>>> ==8404==
>>>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>>>> ==8404==    at 0x74ADF72: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4227)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74B2189: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3765)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x1623FF2: hypre_CAlloc (hypre_memory.c:121)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14FC3F9: hypre_BoomerAMGCoarsenRuge
>>>>> (par_coarsen.c:940)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14FF1EE: hypre_BoomerAMGCoarsenFalgout
>>>>> (par_coarsen.c:1918)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14EDE45: hypre_BoomerAMGSetup (par_amg_setup.c:758)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14E2EA6: HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetup (HYPRE_parcsr_amg.c:58)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFF31D: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:122)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1D524: KSPSetUp(_p_KSP*) (itfunc.c:278)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1EFD9: KSPSolve(_p_KSP*, _p_Vec*, _p_Vec*)
>>>>> (itfunc.c:402)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x46C59F: PetscLinearSolver::solve(ArrayV<double>&,
>>>>> PetscBool) (petscLinearSolver.cpp:402)
>>>>> ==8404==
>>>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>>>> ==8404==    at 0x74ADF7E: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4227)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74B2189: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3765)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x1623FF2: hypre_CAlloc (hypre_memory.c:121)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14FC3F9: hypre_BoomerAMGCoarsenRuge
>>>>> (par_coarsen.c:940)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14FF1EE: hypre_BoomerAMGCoarsenFalgout
>>>>> (par_coarsen.c:1918)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14EDE45: hypre_BoomerAMGSetup (par_amg_setup.c:758)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14E2EA6: HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetup (HYPRE_parcsr_amg.c:58)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFF31D: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:122)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1D524: KSPSetUp(_p_KSP*) (itfunc.c:278)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1EFD9: KSPSolve(_p_KSP*, _p_Vec*, _p_Vec*)
>>>>> (itfunc.c:402)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x46C59F: PetscLinearSolver::solve(ArrayV<double>&,
>>>>> PetscBool) (petscLinearSolver.cpp:402)
>>>>> ==8404==
>>>>> ==8404== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
>>>>> ==8404==    at 0x74AE293: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4254)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74B2189: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3765)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x1623FF2: hypre_CAlloc (hypre_memory.c:121)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x153D557: hypre_BoomerAMGBuildCoarseOperator
>>>>> (par_rap.c:1012)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14F1CCB: hypre_BoomerAMGSetup (par_amg_setup.c:1650)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14E2EA6: HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetup (HYPRE_parcsr_amg.c:58)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFF31D: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:122)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1D524: KSPSetUp(_p_KSP*) (itfunc.c:278)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1EFD9: KSPSolve(_p_KSP*, _p_Vec*, _p_Vec*)
>>>>> (itfunc.c:402)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x46C59F: PetscLinearSolver::solve(ArrayV<double>&,
>>>>> PetscBool) (petscLinearSolver.cpp:402)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x472A92:
>>>>> amr2D::fvm::pbSolver::SolveNonLinearPB(double, int)
>>>>> (pbSolver_2d_FVM.cpp:148)
>>>>> ==8404==
>>>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>>>> ==8404==    at 0x74AE29B: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4257)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74B2189: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3765)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x1623FF2: hypre_CAlloc (hypre_memory.c:121)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x153D557: hypre_BoomerAMGBuildCoarseOperator
>>>>> (par_rap.c:1012)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14F1CCB: hypre_BoomerAMGSetup (par_amg_setup.c:1650)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14E2EA6: HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetup (HYPRE_parcsr_amg.c:58)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFF31D: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:122)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>>>>  ==8404==    by 0xC1D524: KSPSetUp(_p_KSP*) (itfunc.c:278)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1EFD9: KSPSolve(_p_KSP*, _p_Vec*, _p_Vec*)
>>>>> (itfunc.c:402)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x46C59F: PetscLinearSolver::solve(ArrayV<double>&,
>>>>> PetscBool) (petscLinearSolver.cpp:402)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x472A92:
>>>>> amr2D::fvm::pbSolver::SolveNonLinearPB(double, int)
>>>>> (pbSolver_2d_FVM.cpp:148)
>>>>> ==8404==
>>>>> ==8404== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
>>>>> ==8404==    at 0x74AE327: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4278)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74B2189: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3765)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x1623FF2: hypre_CAlloc (hypre_memory.c:121)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x153D557: hypre_BoomerAMGBuildCoarseOperator
>>>>> (par_rap.c:1012)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14F1CCB: hypre_BoomerAMGSetup (par_amg_setup.c:1650)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14E2EA6: HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetup (HYPRE_parcsr_amg.c:58)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFF31D: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:122)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1D524: KSPSetUp(_p_KSP*) (itfunc.c:278)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1EFD9: KSPSolve(_p_KSP*, _p_Vec*, _p_Vec*)
>>>>> (itfunc.c:402)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x46C59F: PetscLinearSolver::solve(ArrayV<double>&,
>>>>> PetscBool) (petscLinearSolver.cpp:402)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x472A92:
>>>>> amr2D::fvm::pbSolver::SolveNonLinearPB(double, int)
>>>>> (pbSolver_2d_FVM.cpp:148)
>>>>> ==8404==
>>>>> ==8404== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
>>>>> ==8404==    at 0x74ADE4E: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4129)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74B2189: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3765)
>>>>>  ==8404==    by 0x1623FF2: hypre_CAlloc (hypre_memory.c:121)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x153DAD9: hypre_BoomerAMGBuildCoarseOperator
>>>>> (par_rap.c:1122)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14F1CCB: hypre_BoomerAMGSetup (par_amg_setup.c:1650)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14E2EA6: HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetup (HYPRE_parcsr_amg.c:58)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFF31D: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:122)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1D524: KSPSetUp(_p_KSP*) (itfunc.c:278)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1EFD9: KSPSolve(_p_KSP*, _p_Vec*, _p_Vec*)
>>>>> (itfunc.c:402)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x46C59F: PetscLinearSolver::solve(ArrayV<double>&,
>>>>> PetscBool) (petscLinearSolver.cpp:402)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x472A92:
>>>>> amr2D::fvm::pbSolver::SolveNonLinearPB(double, int)
>>>>> (pbSolver_2d_FVM.cpp:148)
>>>>> ==8404==
>>>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>>>> ==8404==    at 0x74ADE56: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4129)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74B2189: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3765)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x1623FF2: hypre_CAlloc (hypre_memory.c:121)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x153DAD9: hypre_BoomerAMGBuildCoarseOperator
>>>>> (par_rap.c:1122)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14F1CCB: hypre_BoomerAMGSetup (par_amg_setup.c:1650)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14E2EA6: HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetup (HYPRE_parcsr_amg.c:58)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFF31D: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:122)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>>>>  ==8404==    by 0xC1D524: KSPSetUp(_p_KSP*) (itfunc.c:278)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1EFD9: KSPSolve(_p_KSP*, _p_Vec*, _p_Vec*)
>>>>> (itfunc.c:402)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x46C59F: PetscLinearSolver::solve(ArrayV<double>&,
>>>>> PetscBool) (petscLinearSolver.cpp:402)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x472A92:
>>>>> amr2D::fvm::pbSolver::SolveNonLinearPB(double, int)
>>>>> (pbSolver_2d_FVM.cpp:148)
>>>>> ==8404==
>>>>> ==8404== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
>>>>> ==8404==    at 0x74ADE98: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4151)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74B2189: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3765)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x1623FF2: hypre_CAlloc (hypre_memory.c:121)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x153DAD9: hypre_BoomerAMGBuildCoarseOperator
>>>>> (par_rap.c:1122)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14F1CCB: hypre_BoomerAMGSetup (par_amg_setup.c:1650)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14E2EA6: HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetup (HYPRE_parcsr_amg.c:58)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFF31D: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:122)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1D524: KSPSetUp(_p_KSP*) (itfunc.c:278)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1EFD9: KSPSolve(_p_KSP*, _p_Vec*, _p_Vec*)
>>>>> (itfunc.c:402)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x46C59F: PetscLinearSolver::solve(ArrayV<double>&,
>>>>> PetscBool) (petscLinearSolver.cpp:402)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x472A92:
>>>>> amr2D::fvm::pbSolver::SolveNonLinearPB(double, int)
>>>>> (pbSolver_2d_FVM.cpp:148)
>>>>> ==8404==
>>>>> ==8404== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
>>>>> ==8404==    at 0x74AD771: _int_free (mvapich_malloc.c:4406)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AF651: free (mvapich_malloc.c:3497)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x16240BA: hypre_Free (hypre_memory.c:196)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x153F2EA: hypre_BoomerAMGBuildCoarseOperator
>>>>> (par_rap.c:1685)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14F1CCB: hypre_BoomerAMGSetup (par_amg_setup.c:1650)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14E2EA6: HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetup (HYPRE_parcsr_amg.c:58)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFF31D: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:122)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1D524: KSPSetUp(_p_KSP*) (itfunc.c:278)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1EFD9: KSPSolve(_p_KSP*, _p_Vec*, _p_Vec*)
>>>>> (itfunc.c:402)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x46C59F: PetscLinearSolver::solve(ArrayV<double>&,
>>>>> PetscBool) (petscLinearSolver.cpp:402)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x472A92:
>>>>> amr2D::fvm::pbSolver::SolveNonLinearPB(double, int)
>>>>> (pbSolver_2d_FVM.cpp:148)
>>>>> ==8404==
>>>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>>>> ==8404==    at 0x74ADF56: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4220)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74B2189: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3765)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x1623FF2: hypre_CAlloc (hypre_memory.c:121)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x1586F83: hypre_ParCSRMatrixCreate
>>>>> (par_csr_matrix.c:60)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x1554BE0: hypre_BoomerAMGCreateS (par_strength.c:156)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14EDD1B: hypre_BoomerAMGSetup (par_amg_setup.c:736)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14E2EA6: HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetup (HYPRE_parcsr_amg.c:58)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFF31D: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:122)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1D524: KSPSetUp(_p_KSP*) (itfunc.c:278)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1EFD9: KSPSolve(_p_KSP*, _p_Vec*, _p_Vec*)
>>>>> (itfunc.c:402)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x46C59F: PetscLinearSolver::solve(ArrayV<double>&,
>>>>> PetscBool) (petscLinearSolver.cpp:402)
>>>>> ==8404==
>>>>> ==8404== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
>>>>> ==8404==    at 0x828313B: __intel_new_memset (in
>>>>> /opt/apps/intel/11.1/lib/intel64/libirc.so)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x8261535: _intel_fast_memset.J (in
>>>>> /opt/apps/intel/11.1/lib/intel64/libirc.so)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74B221A: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3826)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x1623FF2: hypre_CAlloc (hypre_memory.c:121)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14FC57D: hypre_BoomerAMGCoarsenRuge
>>>>> (par_coarsen.c:988)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14FF1EE: hypre_BoomerAMGCoarsenFalgout
>>>>> (par_coarsen.c:1918)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14EDE45: hypre_BoomerAMGSetup (par_amg_setup.c:758)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14E2EA6: HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetup (HYPRE_parcsr_amg.c:58)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFF31D: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:122)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>>>>  ==8404==    by 0xC1D524: KSPSetUp(_p_KSP*) (itfunc.c:278)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1EFD9: KSPSolve(_p_KSP*, _p_Vec*, _p_Vec*)
>>>>> (itfunc.c:402)
>>>>> ==8404==
>>>>> ==8404== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
>>>>> ==8404==    at 0x8283145: __intel_new_memset (in
>>>>> /opt/apps/intel/11.1/lib/intel64/libirc.so)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x8261535: _intel_fast_memset.J (in
>>>>> /opt/apps/intel/11.1/lib/intel64/libirc.so)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74B221A: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3826)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x1623FF2: hypre_CAlloc (hypre_memory.c:121)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x153E2B7: hypre_BoomerAMGBuildCoarseOperator
>>>>> (par_rap.c:1354)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14F1CCB: hypre_BoomerAMGSetup (par_amg_setup.c:1650)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14E2EA6: HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetup (HYPRE_parcsr_amg.c:58)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFF31D: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:122)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>>>>  ==8404==    by 0xC1D524: KSPSetUp(_p_KSP*) (itfunc.c:278)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1EFD9: KSPSolve(_p_KSP*, _p_Vec*, _p_Vec*)
>>>>> (itfunc.c:402)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x46C59F: PetscLinearSolver::solve(ArrayV<double>&,
>>>>> PetscBool) (petscLinearSolver.cpp:402)
>>>>> ==8404==
>>>>> ==8404== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
>>>>> ==8404==    at 0x74AE1F1: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4174)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74B2189: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3765)
>>>>>  ==8404==    by 0x1623FF2: hypre_CAlloc (hypre_memory.c:121)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x15B3457: hypre_CSRMatrixTranspose (csr_matop.c:354)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x153B7B8: hypre_BoomerAMGBuildCoarseOperator
>>>>> (par_rap.c:372)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14F1CCB: hypre_BoomerAMGSetup (par_amg_setup.c:1650)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14E2EA6: HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetup (HYPRE_parcsr_amg.c:58)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFF31D: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:122)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>>>>  ==8404==    by 0xC1D524: KSPSetUp(_p_KSP*) (itfunc.c:278)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1EFD9: KSPSolve(_p_KSP*, _p_Vec*, _p_Vec*)
>>>>> (itfunc.c:402)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x46C59F: PetscLinearSolver::solve(ArrayV<double>&,
>>>>> PetscBool) (petscLinearSolver.cpp:402)
>>>>> ==8404==
>>>>> ==8404== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
>>>>> ==8404==    at 0x74AD77E: _int_free (mvapich_malloc.c:4409)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AF651: free (mvapich_malloc.c:3497)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x16240BA: hypre_Free (hypre_memory.c:196)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x15B3A2F: hypre_CSRMatrixDestroy (csr_matrix.c:69)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x153F6C2: hypre_BoomerAMGBuildCoarseOperator
>>>>> (par_rap.c:1767)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14F1CCB: hypre_BoomerAMGSetup (par_amg_setup.c:1650)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14E2EA6: HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetup (HYPRE_parcsr_amg.c:58)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFF31D: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:122)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>>>>  ==8404==    by 0xC1D524: KSPSetUp(_p_KSP*) (itfunc.c:278)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1EFD9: KSPSolve(_p_KSP*, _p_Vec*, _p_Vec*)
>>>>> (itfunc.c:402)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x46C59F: PetscLinearSolver::solve(ArrayV<double>&,
>>>>> PetscBool) (petscLinearSolver.cpp:402)
>>>>> ==8404==
>>>>> ==8404== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
>>>>> ==8404==    at 0x8283131: __intel_new_memset (in
>>>>> /opt/apps/intel/11.1/lib/intel64/libirc.so)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x8261535: _intel_fast_memset.J (in
>>>>> /opt/apps/intel/11.1/lib/intel64/libirc.so)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74B221A: calloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3826)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x1623FF2: hypre_CAlloc (hypre_memory.c:121)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x153E2DD: hypre_BoomerAMGBuildCoarseOperator
>>>>> (par_rap.c:1355)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14F1CCB: hypre_BoomerAMGSetup (par_amg_setup.c:1650)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x14E2EA6: HYPRE_BoomerAMGSetup (HYPRE_parcsr_amg.c:58)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xAFF31D: PCSetUp_HYPRE(_p_PC*) (hypre.c:122)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x12293CE: PCSetUp(_p_PC*) (precon.c:832)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1D524: KSPSetUp(_p_KSP*) (itfunc.c:278)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1EFD9: KSPSolve(_p_KSP*, _p_Vec*, _p_Vec*)
>>>>> (itfunc.c:402)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x46C59F: PetscLinearSolver::solve(ArrayV<double>&,
>>>>> PetscBool) (petscLinearSolver.cpp:402)
>>>>> ==8404==
>>>>> ==8404== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
>>>>> ==8404==    at 0x74ADED9: _int_malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:4168)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AEE8D: malloc (mvapich_malloc.c:3409)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x74AFB0F: memalign (mvapich_malloc.c:3626)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x494BF3: PetscMallocAlign(unsigned long, int, char
>>>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mal.c:30)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x496DFD: PetscTrMallocDefault(unsigned long, int, char
>>>>> const*, char const*, char const*, void**) (mtr.c:190)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xE71ECC: VecStashCreate_Private(int, int, VecStash*)
>>>>> (vecstash.c:37)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x6145A1: VecCreate_MPI_Private(_p_Vec*, PetscBool,
>>>>> int, double const*) (pbvec.c:207)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x613475: VecDuplicate_MPI(_p_Vec*, _p_Vec**)
>>>>> (pbvec.c:70)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0x59EF10: VecDuplicate(_p_Vec*, _p_Vec**) (vector.c:551)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xC4F687: KSPDefaultConverged(_p_KSP*, int, double,
>>>>> KSPConvergedReason*, void*) (iterativ.c:585)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xC6CB92: KSPSolve_BCGS(_p_KSP*) (bcgs.c:86)
>>>>> ==8404==    by 0xC1FC32: KSPSolve(_p_KSP*, _p_Vec*, _p_Vec*)
>>>>> (itfunc.c:446)
>>>>> ==8404==
>>>  --
>>> What most experimenters take for granted before they begin their
>>> experiments is infinitely more interesting than any results to which their
>>> experiments lead.
>>> -- Norbert Wiener

What most experimenters take for granted before they begin their
experiments is infinitely more interesting than any results to which their
experiments lead.
-- Norbert Wiener
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