[petsc-users] fixing code w.r.t. new block size argument in VecCreateMPIWithArray

Kenneth Hoste kenneth.hoste at ugent.be
Sun Aug 12 10:01:19 CDT 2012

Hello PETSc users,

I am trying to build the latest stable release of Trilinos (v10.12.2), 
with PETSc 3.3-p2 as one of the dependencies.

This fails, because Trilinos v10.12.2 doesn't yet cope with some of the 
changes made in PETSc v3.3, in particular the extra block size argument 
that was added to the VecCreateMPIWithArray function (as reported on 

My question is simple (I think): how should code that is using the 
VecCreateMPIWithArray function before the block size argument was 
introduced be changed such that it compiles and works correctly?

Frankly, I have no idea what the code does (I'm not an end-user), I'm 
just trying to get it to build.

My gut feeling says that I should just add the block size argument as 
'1', which seems a reasonable default is no block size was being used 
So, I would change the current code


to something like

VecCreateMPIWithArray(comm->USR_comm, 1, inlen,PETSC_DECIDE,x2,&petscX);

Is that correct, or is there another way to fix this?


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