[petsc-users] question about contexts

Dominik Szczerba dominik at itis.ethz.ch
Fri Sep 30 09:34:13 CDT 2011

I am currently declaring functions outside my C++ solver class to be
used by via MatShellSetOperation like:

#undef __FUNCT__
#define __FUNCT__ "StiffnessMatrixMultiplication"
PetscErrorCode StiffnessMatrixMultiplication(Mat A, Vec x, Vec y)
	// ...
	ierr = MatShellGetContext(A, (void**) &ctx);CHKERRQ(ierr);
	Mat foo;
	foo = ctx->foo;
	// ...

and I set/get contexts to e.g. pass 'foo' around. Is it possible in
Petsc / is it a good idea / to instead declare such functions as
static class member functions and then use the class members directly
without any contexts shuffled around?

Thanks for any hints.


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