[petsc-users] Condition number of a matrix

Tim Kroeger tim.kroeger at cevis.uni-bremen.de
Tue Mar 8 04:09:18 CST 2011

Dear PETSc team,

Is there some possibility in PETSc to compute (an approximation to) 
the condition number of a matrix?  The matrix is a rank-1 modification 
of a sparse matrix, and I am anyway using SuperLU_Dist to compute a 
factorization of the matrix.  The matrix is about 70000 times 70000.

Best Regards,


Dr. Tim Kroeger
CeVis -- Center of Complex Systems and Visualization
University of Bremen              tim.kroeger at cevis.uni-bremen.de
Universitaetsallee 29             tim.kroeger at mevis.fraunhofer.de
D-28359 Bremen                            Phone +49-421-218-59246
Germany                                   Fax   +49-421-218-59277

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