[petsc-users] Ghost communication

Barry Smith bsmith at mcs.anl.gov
Wed Jun 22 06:54:20 CDT 2011

  How are b and x obtained? They need to be optained via VecDuplicate() from petsc_vector, if you obtain them via a regular VecCreate() they won't be of ghosted style hence mess up your plan.


Plus you need to do as Jed suggested.

On Jun 22, 2011, at 3:45 AM, Milan Mitrovic wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I'm trying to use petsc with ppm and here is what I have so far:
> First I create parallel vectors with ghost locations using an existing
> array that already holds the data:
>          CALL VecCreateGhostWithArray(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, &
>               Particles%Npart,                          &
>               PETSC_DECIDE,                             &
>               Particles%Mpart-Particles%Npart,         &
>               gi(Particles%Npart:Particles%Mpart),    &
>               wp, petsc_vector, info)
> where gi is the global indexing, wp is the existing data array, Npart
> is the number of real, and Mpart the number of real+ghost particles.
> Then, I create a matrix shell, and provide my own multiplication
> routine (this part works fine I think).
> Inside the multiplication routine I do this:
>          CALL VecGhostUpdateBegin(from,INSERT_VALUES,SCATTER_FORWARD,info)
>          CALL VecGhostUpdateEnd(from,INSERT_VALUES,SCATTER_FORWARD,info)
>          ! get ghosted versions of vectors
>          CALL VecGhostGetLocalForm(from,xl,info)
>          CALL VecSet(to,0.0_MK,info)
>          ! get arrays from petsc vectors
>          CALL VecGetArray(xl,xx,xxi,info)
>          CALL VecGetArray(to,yy,yyi,info)
> Then I modify the data, and do the following:
>          CALL VecRestoreArray(xl,xx,xxi,info)
>          CALL VecRestoreArray(to,yy,yyi,info)
>          ! release local form of vectors
>          CALL VecGhostRestoreLocalForm(from,xl,info)
>          CALL VecGhostUpdateBegin(to,ADD_VALUES,SCATTER_REVERSE,info)
>          CALL VecGhostUpdateEnd(to,ADD_VALUES,SCATTER_REVERSE,info)
> And then I call KSP solve:
>  call KSPCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, ksp, info)
>  call KSPSetOperators(ksp, A, A, DIFFERENT_NONZERO_PATTERN, info)
>  call KSPSolve(ksp, b, x, info)
> I noticed that the values of the ghost particles never change. The
> communication never seems to take place...
> Can you give me some hints on what to try? Or what I do wrong?
> Thanks!
> Milan Mitrovic

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