[petsc-users] Petsc-Link-error?

Hung Thanh Nguyen hung.thanh.nguyen at petrell.no
Thu Jun 9 08:08:48 CDT 2011

Hei all

I used Microsoft Visual Stud . Run Petsc in this platform and got the following error:

Error      3             error LNK2005: __initp_misc_invarg already defined in LIBCMTD.lib(invarg.obj)                C:\Users\Hung\Documents\Visual Studio 2005\Projects\petsc-testing\petsc-testing\LIBCMT.lib(invarg.obj)
Error      4             error LNK2005: __invoke_watson already defined in LIBCMTD.lib(invarg.obj)                C:\Users\Hung\Documents\Visual Studio 2005\Projects\petsc-testing\petsc-testing\LIBCMT.lib(invarg.obj)
Error      10           error LNK2005: ___pInvalidArgHandler already defined in LIBCMTD.lib(invarg.obj)                C:\Users\Hung\Documents\Visual Studio 2005\Projects\petsc-testing\petsc-testing\LIBCMT.lib(invarg.obj)
Error      12           fatal error LNK1169: one or more multiply defined symbols found         C:\Users\Hung\Documents\Visual Studio 2005\Projects\petsc-testing\Debug\petsc-testing.exe

 I try : Linker -Input-Ignore Specific library: LIBCMT.lib, and then got new error message   :

Error      3             error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __invalid_parameter_noinfo referenced in function "public: char const & __thiscall std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> >::operator[](unsigned int)const " (??A?$basic_string at DU?$char_traits at D@std@@V?$allocator at D@2@@std@@QBEABDI at Z)         C:\Users\Hung\Documents\Visual Studio 2005\Projects\petsc-testing\petsc-testing\libpetsc.lib(err.o)
Error      4             error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __invalid_parameter_noinfo                C:\Users\Hung\Documents\Visual Studio 2005\Projects\petsc-testing\petsc-testing\libpetsc.lib(errtrace.o)
Error      6             fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals      C:\Users\Hung\Documents\Visual Studio 2005\Projects\petsc-testing\Debug\petsc-testing.exe

Could someone tell me  how to resolve it.
Best regards hung Nguyen

From: petsc-users-bounces at mcs.anl.gov [mailto:petsc-users-bounces at mcs.anl.gov] On Behalf Of Xiang Hao
Sent: 8. juni 2011 05:21
To: petsc-users at mcs.anl.gov
Subject: [petsc-users] Examples on solving linear systems using GMRES and/or matrix-free method

Hi all,

I need to solve a PDE ( basically a Poisson's equation with Neumann boundary condition ), and I solved it using a steepest descent method, which is very slow. Now I want to solve the PDE using GMRES. In addition, I do have the matrix A, but I have a function which computes Ax, so I also need to use the matrix free method.

I am very new to PETSc, so I am looking for examples on solving linear systems using GMRES and/or matrix-free method.


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