[petsc-users] best PETSC solver for long nozzles

Aldo Bonfiglioli aldo.bonfiglioli at unibas.it
Mon Jan 31 03:34:36 CST 2011

Stephen Wornom wrote:
> -Seek steady solution using the time advancing scheme with a low Mach 
> number preconditionner.
When using low speed preconditioning, it may be necessary to
take into account the low-Mach-number preconditioner in the linear 
system  to
be solved at each Newton iteration.
See, e.g.:

Dr. Aldo Bonfiglioli
Dip.to di Ingegneria e Fisica dell'Ambiente (DIFA)
Universita' della Basilicata
V.le dell'Ateneo lucano, 10 85100 Potenza ITALY
tel:+39.0971.205203 fax:+39.0971.205160

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