[petsc-users] Stokes problem with DA and MUMPS

gouarin loic.gouarin at math.u-psud.fr
Fri Feb 18 06:00:09 CST 2011

On 18/02/2011 12:07, Dave May wrote:
> How much memory is used when you use
> -stokes_fieldsplit_0_ksp_max_it 1
> -stokes_fieldsplit_0_pc_type jacobi
> ?
> It's possible that the copy of the diagonal blocks occurring when you
> invoke Fieldsplit just by itself is using all your available memory. I
> wouldn't be surprised with a stencil width of 2....
This is the memory info given by the log_summary for nv=19

Memory usage is given in bytes:

Object Type          Creations   Destructions     Memory  Descendants' Mem.
Reports information only for process 0.

--- Event Stage 0: Main Stage
     Viewer                     1                  0                0    
     Index Set                30                 24            96544     0
     IS L to G Mapping     4                  0                0         0
     Vec                        46                 17           338344    0
     Vec Scatter            12                  0                0         0
     Matrix                    22                 0                0     
     Distributed array     2                  0                0         0
     Preconditioner         3                  0                0         0
     Krylov Solver         3                    0                0         0

and the malloc_info

[0] Maximum memory PetscMalloc()ed 184348608 maximum size of entire 
process 225873920
[0] Memory usage sorted by function
[0] 2 3216 ClassPerfLogCreate()
[0] 2 1616 ClassRegLogCreate()
[0] 6 9152 DACreate()
[0] 17 114128 DACreate_3D()
[0] 3 48 DAGetCoordinateDA()
[0] 10 265632 DAGetMatrix3d_MPIAIJ()
[0] 3 48 DASetVertexDivision()
[0] 2 6416 EventPerfLogCreate()
[0] 1 12800 EventPerfLogEnsureSize()
[0] 2 1616 EventRegLogCreate()
[0] 1 3200 EventRegLogRegister()
[0] 12 329376 ISAllGather()
[0] 50 89344 ISCreateBlock()
[0] 25 354768 ISCreateGeneral()
[0] 60 7920 ISCreateStride()
[0] 12 161728 ISGetIndices_Stride()
[0] 2 21888 ISLocalToGlobalMappingBlock()
[0] 2 21888 ISLocalToGlobalMappingCreate()
[0] 12 1728 ISLocalToGlobalMappingCreateNC()
[0] 9 2544 KSPCreate()
[0] 1 16 KSPCreate_MINRES()
[0] 1 16 KSPCreate_Richardson()
[0] 3 48 KSPDefaultConvergedCreate()
[0] 66 41888 MatCreate()
[0] 6 960 MatCreate_MPIAIJ()
[0] 16 5632 MatCreate_SeqAIJ()
[0] 4 12000 MatGetRow_MPIAIJ()
[0] 4 64 MatGetSubMatrices_MPIAIJ()
[0] 160 941760 MatGetSubMatrices_MPIAIJ_Local()
[0] 4 121664 MatGetSubMatrix_MPIAIJ_Private()
[0] 16 304000 MatMarkDiagonal_SeqAIJ()
[0] 80 181061344 MatSeqAIJSetPreallocation_SeqAIJ()
[0] 12 113792 MatSetUpMultiply_MPIAIJ()
[0] 12 288 MatStashCreate_Private()
[0] 50 864 MatStashScatterBegin_Private()
[0] 120 108096 MatZeroRows_MPIAIJ()
[0] 10 182560 Mat_CheckInode()
[0] 9 1776 PCCreate()
[0] 1 144 PCCreate_FieldSplit()
[0] 2 64 PCCreate_Jacobi()
[0] 4 192 PCFieldSplitSetFields_FieldSplit()
[0] 1 16 PCSetFromOptions_FieldSplit()
[0] 5 22864 PCSetUp_FieldSplit()
[0] 4 64 PetscCommDuplicate()
[0] 1 4112 PetscDLLibraryOpen()
[0] 6 24576 PetscDLLibraryRetrieve()
[0] 45 1712 PetscDLLibrarySym()
[0] 579 27792 PetscFListAdd()
[0] 48 2112 PetscGatherMessageLengths()
[0] 52 832 PetscGatherNumberOfMessages()
[0] 90 4320 PetscLayoutCreate()
[0] 64 1392 PetscLayoutSetUp()
[0] 4 64 PetscLogPrintSummary()
[0] 12 384 PetscMaxSum()
[0] 24 6528 PetscOListAdd()
[0] 28 1792 PetscObjectSetState()
[0] 8 192 PetscOptionsGetEList()
[0] 16 4842288 PetscPostIrecvInt()
[0] 12 4842224 PetscPostIrecvScalar()
[0] 0 32 PetscPushSignalHandler()
[0] 1 432 PetscStackCreate()
[0] 1798 54816 PetscStrallocpy()
[0] 30 248832 PetscStrreplace()
[0] 2 45888 PetscTableAdd()
[0] 24 446528 PetscTableCreate()
[0] 3 96 PetscTokenCreate()
[0] 1 16 PetscViewerASCIIMonitorCreate()
[0] 1 16 PetscViewerASCIIOpen()
[0] 3 496 PetscViewerCreate()
[0] 1 64 PetscViewerCreate_ASCII()
[0] 2 528 StackCreate()
[0] 2 1008 StageLogCreate()
[0] 6 14400 User provided function()
[0] 138 58880 VecCreate()
[0] 66 1401952 VecCreate_MPI_Private()
[0] 7 221312 VecCreate_Seq()
[0] 9 288 VecCreate_Seq_Private()
[0] 6 160 VecDuplicateVecs_Default()
[0] 3 3008 VecGetArray3d()
[0] 42 49536 VecScatterCreate()
[0] 16 512 VecScatterCreateCommon_PtoS()
[0] 20 213024 VecScatterCreate_PtoP()
[0] 252 881536 VecScatterCreate_PtoS()
[0] 74 1184 VecStashCreate_Private()

Loic Gouarin
Laboratoire de Mathématiques
Université Paris-Sud
Bâtiment 425
91405 Orsay Cedex
Tel: (+33) 1 69 15 60 14
Fax: (+33) 1 69 15 67 18

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