[petsc-users] question about DA

Likun Tan likunt at andrew.cmu.edu
Sat Aug 27 16:49:33 CDT 2011

I c, thanks.

So for my problem, if i want to set values to a 3D array and then to a 2D
array, where the 2D array uses the values of 3D array, can i use
DAGetCorners(da3D, &x, &y, &z, &m, &n, &p) to assign values to the 3D
array, and then DAGetCorners(da2D, &x, &y, 0, &m, &n, 0)?

I am sorry i still don't get what my problem is, i though when setting
values to 2D, x, y, m and n will be reset, so the previous usage of the
corner indices and width won't influence the later use.

On Sat, August 27, 2011 5:37 pm, Jed Brown wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 27, 2011 at 16:35, Likun Tan <likunt at andrew.cmu.edu> wrote:
>> What is the difference between DACreate2d() and DMDACreate2d()? I found
>>  the definitions of these two are the same.
> DMDACreate2d is the name in petsc-dev. It is functionally the same except
>  that specification of boundaries is more flexible.

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