[petsc-users] Creating a 2d geometry by using vector

Barry Smith bsmith at mcs.anl.gov
Thu Aug 18 21:09:53 CDT 2011


   I'm not sure what you are getting at but we commonly use tricks like (see src/snes/examples/tutorials/ex19.c) 

typedef struct {
  PetscScalar u,v,omega,temp;
} Field;

 Then in this case use a DMDAVecGetArray() to get f and x and then have nice notation like

      f[j][i].u     = x[j][i].u;
      f[j][i].v     = x[j][i].v;
      f[j][i].omega = x[j][i].omega - (x[j][i+1].v - x[j][i].v)*dhx; 
      f[j][i].temp  = x[j][i].temp;

note that this means the values are stored interlaced in the vector.


On Aug 18, 2011, at 9:03 PM, Alan Wei wrote:

> Dear All,
>     I'm trying to 'draw' a 2-D cylinder in PETSc. It simply restore the x and y coordinate values in two arrays. I wonder if I can use Vec in PETSc to implement it (i.e. defining a vec circle) so that I can call its x or y coordinate by circle.x or circle.y. Is this possible? also, is this a better way than just defining it as two arrays, i.e. x[ ] and y[ ].
> thanks in advance,
> Alan

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