[petsc-users] speedup on KSPSetUp() using qmd reordering
Pedro Torres
torres.pedrozpk at gmail.com
Fri May 7 14:32:22 CDT 2010
2010/5/7 Matthew Knepley <knepley at gmail.com>
> On Fri, May 7, 2010 at 2:06 PM, Pedro Torres <torres.pedrozpk at gmail.com>wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have a sparse linear system, block dense, one block for each process,
>> and solve with cg and block jacobi (ICC(0)) as preconditioners, with
>> different reordering. During my tests I found quasi linear speed on
>> kspsetup() and KSPSetUpOnBlocks() using 1wd,nd,rcm reorderings, but using
>> qmd I get superlinear speedup. My CPU is a Xeon 5410.
>> Is that possible or something is going wrong?, and if I want to explain
>> that, what functions on this stage should I monitor??. I really
>> appreciate any advice.
> It is possible (but unlikely) that the ordering on a larger number of
> processes creates a better
> preconditioner, particularly because ICC(0) is so unpredictable. You can
> try and separate
> arithmetic efficiency from algorithmic efficiency by looking at the number
> of iterates between these
Thanks for a swift response. I found that given an ordering, the number of
iterations is almost uniform,with just a little increase, but 1wd have the
minimun numbers of iterations. May be I should look
in the ratio of cache miss of MatCholeskyFactorNumeric to explain this
Thanks a lot!
> Matt
>> Thanks in advance.
>> --
>> Pedro Torres
>> Rua Fonseca Teles 121, São Cristóvão
>> Rio de Janeiro - Brasil
> --
> What most experimenters take for granted before they begin their
> experiments is infinitely more interesting than any results to which their
> experiments lead.
> -- Norbert Wiener
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